Putin on the prowl in Siberia
Isn't that man a sight? The world's numero uno pin-up, no less.

Fearless, imposing, resolute, masculine. Paunchy, bald, gone-to-seed. Who does he think he is? Oh, damn, I forgot! This is Russia's esteemed strong man, the country's prime minister.

Who remains under the impression he is still president of Russia. And who has been demonstrating to his adoring public that his esteemed personage is to be admired, yearningly so. You too, puny ones, can aspire.

Adventurer-extraordinaire, he can steer a submarine to unprecedented depths - and then surface. He can tame a beast of the oceans-deep. He strides, god-like through the tundra of southern Siberia.

See him roar. He is Putin! The unchallenged champion of poor taste.