Sunday, September 12, 2010

Provoking Islam

Not Islam then: Islamist jihadists who use Islam. An Islam whose sacred writings give impetus and direction to those Islamists. And, in turn, many of the Islamic elite, the scholars, the clerics, the imams, the mullahs in their turn give encouragement to the Islamists. In whose cause they bitterly complain that the world has victimized them, and by extension their religion, the way of life, the culture that emanates from Islam, and the heritage of Muslims by heaping blame on it through the nastiness of Islamophobia.

Muslims are not responsible for the fear-mongering, the terror acts, the murder and mayhem that consumes the world today from the Philippines to China, Pakistan to Iraq, Egypt to Europe, India to North America. It is, obviously the Islamist-jihadist component of Islam that is responsible. They whose many and varied champions pose as being mortified, horrified that such unnecessary bloodshed stains the reputation of Islam, the religion of peace, not conflict.

And while it is true that the greater majority of the ummah is likewise condemnatory, they have good reason to be, since they comprise the majority of the victims of violent Islam. It is strange, however, that Muslims will speak no ill of their brethren in the faith - unless they are Sunni and they speak of Shia, unless they are Shia and they speak of the Sufis or other unspeakable sects. Truth is, Muslims refuse to believe the reality that Muslims could be so utterly vile in behaviour.

And the incendiary clerics whose belligerent claims against the West and whose bellicose insistence that it is the Western ideal of democratic liberalism that dominates the Globe and represses and oppresses, calling out to the defenders of Islam to smite their enemies, to please Allah, influencing many among their ardent followers. President Barack Obama is quite correct in his statement attempting to placate Islam; the West does not war against Islam.

But Islam in its varied countenances, does war with the West. It wars with the ideals and ideas of liberalism. But also against the perceived apostates among themselves. It wars with adversarial theological sects in its ravenous insistence on conformity to one mode of Islam. Demanding that the most fanatical authentic manifestation of the divine instruction to surrender to the will of the one true God. And the demand to dedicate lives completely to the stultifying cultural Islam of mind-deadening conformity.

But why blame Muslims for finding it less than credible that among them lurks bestial intent to prey on others, to destroy civilizations and replace them with iron-age totalitarian theocracies? The West is in fact little different; its elites, educators, news media and governing bodies turn their faces away from the reality that the inundation of Muslim emigres to live in those democracies we are so inordinately fond of, seek, once the foothold has been gained, to overturn laws, social mores and culture.

When the demographic of this particular population base has begun to reach a critical mass of influence, it flexes its social/political/religious muscle and begins to demand considerations far overstepping the boundaries of reasonable accommodation. And it can be done very civilly in fact, by calling upon the host country to be fair and just. To do otherwise, to deny the advances that are sought is to be racist, bigoted, Xenophobic; oh, and decidedly Islamophobic.

Publish denigrating, questioning, amusing, cartoons and we will riot and burn and slash and kill. Burn our sacred text and we will threaten, and run amok, and there will be deaths and they will be your responsibility. Deny us the right to build our cultural centres and mosques where we will, as it has been ordained by fate and the rights of American citizenship, and we cannot be responsible for the rage of the Muslim world.

Why must the West provoke Islam?

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