Thursday, February 10, 2011

Loftily Above the Muck And Mire

"They are accusations without any basis. the only aim of the inquiry is to defame me in the media." Silvio Berlusconi
What a teddy bear of a man is that ageing Lothario. The inquiry's purpose is defamation in the media. What about among Italians in general? What about the electorate? Are Italians so worldly, so cosmopolitan, so entrenched in their muscular testosterone-loaded machismo in general that their prime minister's bedroom antics are viewed as trivial and over-rated?

Seems so; either the electorate is bored, busy or just plain disinterested, since his approval rating hasn't fallen all that dramatically from where it stood at a remote 40%. The man is 74 years of age, fully dedicated to Eros, convinced that women - the comely, young and lissome ones with ample proportions - find him irresistible.

Money, lots of it, and influence, waning though it is, are more or less irresistible. The man is offended at the campaign to dislodge him from office. Those unproven claims are "disgusting and disgraceful" - he took the words right out of the mouths of those who find his behaviour and sexual adventures unseemly and unbecoming a president of a country.

""But I am not worried about myself. I am a rich man who could spend his time building hospitals for children around the world, as I have always wanted". One wonders why this media tycoon who has had ample opportunity to do whatever he has always wanted, has not done just that; heaven knows children need hospitals in undeveloped countries.

Instead, he has focused his energies on other children, those past the age of puberty who have proven to be precociously provocative and prepared to entertain him in the most intimate ways. In exchange for which he is prepared to be inordinately generous with his riches, as befits a tycoon and a lecherous scoundrel.

Is it to be believed, that the prime minister of a country like Italy has had 2,458 court hearings during his improbable career as a businessman and lawmaker? The court ruling that removed his blanket immunity from prosecution won't make his life any easier, but certainly far more interesting.

Fraud, corruption, despoiling minors, burbling happily through to his 79th scandal; who needs soap operas?

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