Thursday, March 17, 2011

Standing Up to Islamism

The messages keep coming. Is anyone listening? Seems not. The free democratic countries of the world have so deeply delved their consciousness in their obligation as privileged world leaders to be understanding and patient and non-judgemental of those whose religious practices have festered into ideological totalitarianism that they've dug a deep hole for themselves and still have difficulty peering down into that hole to distinguish their future.

This is not a very palatable future. But it is one that the open-hearted, fuzzy-headed left-liberals have fashioned by welcoming wholeheartedly into their midst an immigrant population whose need to live better lives their hosts could not conceivably ignore. That these immigrants brought with them wholesale, an entire baggage of religion, culture, heritage and tribal politics whose grip on them could never be loosed is the reason that Europe today looks far different than it did before the migration onslaught.

Now, with the host countries' venerable institutions, their courts, their parliaments, their universities having generously opened their doors to the imperatives of the immigrant bloc that practices radical Islam - a new, vigorous, arrogant and vituperative, belligerent and entitled Islam reflecting the tenor of their times - the values and priorities, the social mores and cultural and historical civilizing progress made by the welcoming countries have suffered a mortal set-back.

Islamists who cleave to violence to obtain the upper hand may not represent the majority of Muslims who consider themselves to be law-abiding and equable individuals, but a large proportion of those moderate Muslims also feel that the superiority of Islam is undeniable and any means by which Islam can successfully rise to full majority status globally makes it acceptable to support the Islamist view that attacking Western values will produce an Islamic victory, routing all opponents of Sharia and the eventuality of a global Caliphate.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron have brought attention to the issue by rejecting multiculturalism as a failed experiment. Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and other European countries which have long generously opened their doors to Muslim immigrants now realize that they have bred a potential sixth column of violent terror recruits. Spain and Britain, India and Indonesia have, along with the United States, experienced just how resourceful jihadists are.

Mosques have sprung up everywhere throughout Europe where none had existed before, as the Muslim population grows and thrives and infiltrates every segment of society. Imams are sent out from fanatical Islamic countries to preach their hate propaganda against the West and against Israel and the Jews, along with other targets of their vituperative disdain. Those imams convince their followers that the West has insulted Islam and it is for this reason that Islamists target the West, to restore honour to Islam and to Allah.

Young Muslims having been raised in the West are just as susceptible to recruitment in violent jihad as their brethren raised in Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, Yemen Sudan and elsewhere in the Muslim world who have earned their hateful stripes attending Wahhabist madrassas, from whence they fan out into the world to make their martyrdom mark. Among 15-year-old German Muslims, 40% feel Islam is of more importance to them than democracy; 37% feel European Muslims should live under sharia law.

In Britain a very similar segment of the Muslim youth population between the ages of 16 and 24 believe they should live under sharia law. In Britain, 40% of Muslim university students also support universal sharia law. And a significant proportion of that percentage also considers it fully legitimate in the name of Islam to kill those who offend Islamic sensibilities or defy Islam. Shamefully, trade unions and academic institutions have found in supporting Islamists a new role for themselves as champions of the 'underdog'.

This is a universal problem, and a growing one, for non-Muslim countries that have opened themselves to emigration from Muslim-majority countries and now harbour their own significantly proportional Muslim populations. The tendency to live separate lives, to avoid integrating into the larger society, to reject deficient values that have no place in Islam, to spurn overtures by the majority population helps immeasurably to ensure that Muslims will continue to regard non-Muslims as inferior and unworthy.

As European countries become more and more reflective of their growing Muslim populations and their indigenous culture, heritage and values become subsumed by Islamic ones, while Muslims among them continue to degrade their fellow non-Muslims as despicable and ripe for dhimmitude the situation will only accelerate. For Canada and the United States whose growing Muslim population is producing a similar, albeit still muted effect, there is still time for sterner immigration rules to stem the tide.

Europe, on the other hand, now firmly infiltrated and facing an upheaval of monstrous proportions in loosing their firm hold on their own traditions and values and systems of justice that recognizes equality between the genders, and a voluntary acceptance of a pluralistic society, will be hard pressed to restore itself and protect itself from further blighted invasion.

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