Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reality Or Illusion?

Is this not the height of absurdity that the mightiest military coalition in history is demonstrably incapable of fully and finally undercutting and destroying the armed forces of a second-rate country whose violations of its peoples' rights have earned it international condemnation. The most advanced military technology and the dedicated professionalism of military men from NATO countries have been incapable of dislodging a dictator determined to hang on to his regal entitlements.

The coalition of the Western military powers which have pledged to dedicate themselves to the support of Libyan rebels have offered those rebels air support and cover to ensure that they aren't blown to Kingdom Come by the helicopter gun ships and the tank missiles manned by those loyal to Moammar Gadhafi. The initial hubris that led both the rebels and the NATO mission in turn to muse that it was merely a matter of short work to rout the regime has turned into a stalemate.

The NATO mission has overstepped the United Nations resolution giving it its mandate for intervention by proactively bombing government infrastructure, communications, and Col. Gadhafi's palace compounds in their irritated resolution to destroy or remove him from power. He yet endures, goading his persecutors whom he describes as invading imperialist crusaders intent on acquiring the oil riches of his country.

A NATO operation launched to assist Libyan insurgents against the brutal regime of their long-time tyrant, meant to last a month, perhaps two, even three, has had to be reconsidered and the operation extended another three months. Canada's Parliament has accepted that necessity, both government and opposition have agreed to an extension with all the increased costs implied.
"How long can we go on as we are in Libya? Certainly in terms of NATO's current time limit that has been extended to 90 days, we are comfortable with that. Beyond that, we might have to request the government to make some challenging decisions about priorities." Britain's First Sea Lord, Admiral Mark Stanhope
Norway has announced a cutback in participation, Denmark is running out of bombs, requesting the Netherlands to assist in replenishment. And still the regime endures. Col. Gadhafi has stated clearly he has no intention whatever of losing honour, disgracing himself, leaving his country for he IS his country. The African Union stands foursquare in solidarity with their great benefactor.

France spends $1.7-million daily in Libya. "Should resources be used to reduce public deficits or for the operation in Libya? This is a real political choice", one that all participants must face, at a time when they are struggling to advance themselves out of an economic depression and where some NATO member countries haven't the wherewithal to assist as they are expected to.

And there's the rub: In one way or another the West is focused on the threats it faces from the East. Ideologically militant Islamofascism has launched itself into a war with the West, and to protect itself the West, during times of fiscal constraint, must expend great sums for self-defence. While yet responding to humanitarian appeals from those same regions hosting terrorism's legions, costing them inordinately to support the locus of terror.

In all the geographic spaces where the West is involved: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, as well as countries undergoing social-political change like Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan there is the organized presence of Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood awaiting their opportunity to finally take executive office and institute more rigidly authoritarian rule, despite the peoples' quest for democracy.

And should that religious-political-social combination of Islamism take the ascendancy the West will come to see itself as having been an unwitting tool in its success. Battling the terrorists on the one hand, twisting itself into knots to prove how unbiased it is, helpfully assisting the Arab/Muslim street to achieve their dreams of freedom. Only time will tell how illusory.

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