Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blasting Off

Another United Nations-based trip-up. UN-seized shipment of confiscated munitions emanating from Iran in an illegal shipment to Syria, meant for Hezbollah. No doubt one of many, but this one just happened to be apprehended. And despite that the Greek Cypriot government requested time and again that the munitions be taken elsewhere, the appeals were ignored.

The United Nations is a busy, distracted enterprise with many fingers poking in a multitude of pies. And the munitions were left to the reluctant keeping of the government in Nicosia. Evidently not safe-keeping, however. It cannot have been the United Nations that decided appropriate storage would be represented through close proximity to the Vassiliko power plant.

And it was noticed that the cache of confiscated munitions appeared to be emanating some danger signals in the confined heat of scorching temperatures where they were being held at the Evangelos Florakis naval base on the south coast of the island. But of course this is a military base and the military know all about munitions and safe-keeping.

They hired two men, 20-year-old twin brothers, to execute a fail-safe technological manoeuvre to solve the problem of cooking ammunition. They were ordered to hose down the metal containers. That would prevent them from overheating; simple logic. But there was something about a fire that ignited the munitions and caused a tremendous explosion.

A devastating blast ensued that killed a dozen people, including the navy chief, as well as the two brothers, and injured another 62 personnel. As for the power plant which produces over half of the island's power, well, it is expected that power cuts could occur for months, even years, and could lead to water rationing as well.

The end result is anger, confusion, demands for resignation. The defence minister and the head of the national guard have obliged. Costs to repair the catastrophic mess will likely amount to $1.3-billion. Greek Cypriots are furious and they are demanding accountability. The president must step down.

Simple common-sense precautions when storing munitions, is that too much to ask of the cream of society who represent the elite among its politicians and its military?

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