Friday, February 08, 2013

Technicolour Dreaming

North Korea video depicts US city under missile attack
"Somewhere in the United States, black clouds of smoke are billowing," runs the caption across the screen."It seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze with the fire started by itself,"

So, the issue is whether Pyongyang is trying to convince itself and its starving population that it really is powerful, presenting a potent threat to the great superpower that it represents as its mortal enemy, the United States.  That yes, the United States is an immensely powerful state, technologically advanced, and wealthy and influential, but North Korea is capable of breaching its defences - of menacing its stability, of destroying its great cities.

After all, North Korea has demonstrated amply to the disbelieving world at large its technological prowess, its scientific and technological ability to design and manufacture powerful rockets, to send a satellite into space, to conduct nuclear tests. And to covertly offer encouragement and practical assistance to another country considered to be a pariah just like them.

North Korean nuclear scientists are busy aiding Iranian specialists in perfecting their nuclear technology and uranium enrichment methods as well.

The enemy of one is the enemy of the other. And Iran, as well endowed as it is with natural resources of which North Korea has none, desperately needs and appreciates the help that North Korea offers to a friend. On the cusp of conducting a third nuclear test which its neighbours await with fearful, bated breath, there is still the allure of producing a video mocking the United States for its inability to stop that test.

So powerful it is reduced to an observer mouthing feeble threats of sanctions. As though further sanctions on either North Korea or Iran are capable of making each any less capable of furthering their ambitions. These provocations, these impositions on the sovereign rights of two countries, equally capable of assuming super-power roles as the United States, are useless.

Their populations suffer, but that is of no importance. Their pride in the accomplishments of their leaders overrides the pangs of hunger, the pain of privation, for these are loyal citizens.

North Korea's message to the United States through the popular medium of a video illustrating the deep desire of an ordinary North Korean to travel on a space shuttle rocketed into space by his country's advanced scientific knowledge and capability demonstrates the sacrifices ordinary North Koreans are willing to make on behalf of their country.

They travel where none have gone before, while American cities, "dens of evil" responsible for tyrannical plans to embark on invasions of other countries' inviolable geography, to oppress and humiliate, suffer a holocaust of fire and brimstone, rained down upon them by North Korean missiles. The ultimate dream of conquest.

Revenge - at least in dream scenarios - is sweetly cherished.                                                                                                      

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