Friday, April 05, 2013

Nuclear Proliferation

While the Peoples Republic of North Korea has captured world attention through its gigantic paroxysm of a national temper tantrum, threatening wholesale mayhem through its medium-range missile system fired with a miniature nuclear warhead at the presence of American troops in the Pacific, there is no notice paid to its partner in nuclear deterrence, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Somehow, the world seems to overlook what has become glaringly obvious, but which is nonetheless handily overlooked continually. Seldom noticed of late, and even more seldom reported upon recently. Except in passing, as though their collaboration and scientific and research exchanges and close friendship are incidental and hardly worth noting, let alone explaining.

Well, after all, what is there to explain? It all began with India surprising the world with its use of a nuclear installation trustingly sold to it by Canada, not meant to enrich uranium and provide the world with yet another nuclear-arms-presenting nation. India's ascension to the nuclear club transfixed and enraged Pakistan, and one of its nuclear scientists took what he gleaned in Europe and transposed it to success in Pakistan.

Whereupon pride led him to generously proliferate the secret of instant Armageddon. Libya became a recipient, and Iraq aspired to it. In the end Libya was inspired by fear to relent, and North Korea took the opportunity to advance its aspirations, making common cause with Iran. Both nations concluding that their sovereignty would be assured only with the power of fear by threatening their enemies with nuclear obliteration.

North Korean scientists and technicians are on site in Iran, and Iranian nuclear scientists and technicians take their opportunities for advancement from North Korea's successes. This exchange of vital data, enhanced by the willingness of Russia to aid Iran in its aspirations has given the world one giant headache. The protective auspices of the United Nations and the IAEA notwithstanding, the world teeters on the very cusp of nuclear proliferation.

Unstable Pakistan's ownership of a nuclear arsenal is concern enough. That North Korea and Iran, nations whose backward humanity and blatant will to coerce and strike fear into the hearts of all those who they believe their enemies -- and as essential paranoid states, that would be virtually the entire world -- have created a globe of uncertain future. 

The International Atomic Energy Agency has recently confirmed that Iran's intention is to build a nuclear arsenal. They would know. They should know. They have simply confirmed what Israel, the neighbour most obviously threatened by the Iranian Islamist regime for destruction has always asserted. The United States has committed itself to stopping Iran in its intentions, but this is a verbal determination.

Its own urgency now in directing its undivided attention at the North Korean regime which is whittling away at American confidence in its ability to protect itself from exterior blunt force that would dwarf the atrocities committed on 9-11, has it focused intently on the Pacific, not the Persian gulf, and this is where their protective anti-missile sites are now located, not the long-promised European sites.

In this era of frightful nuclear proliferation, it is becoming increasingly evident that it will be every nation for itself. But we can always hope for ameliorating miracles.

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