The Sentence Fitting The Crime
"That's a lie. It's not a betrayal of Islam. You don't know what Islam is."Their trial having found both Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, guilty of the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, they were sentenced on Wednesday for life in prison, as Justice Nigel Sweeney stated that their merciless butchery of a young man in uniform represented a "betrayal of Islam".
"I swear by Allah that America and Britain will never have any safety. Allahu akbar (God is great)!"
Michael Adebolajo, London Islamist
"I'm sure this was a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or racial cause. Your sickening and pitiless conduct was in stark contrast to the compassion and bravery shown by the various women at the scene who tended to Lee Rigby's body and challenged what you had done and said."
Justice Nigel Sweeney

Fight: After sentencing began the two killers
shouted at Mr Justice Sweeney in protest at his remarks and were pinned
to the ground by several security guards and taken back to the cells
Which triggered a volcanic response from Adebowale and a violent struggle with guards as he screamed "I swear by Allah that America and Britain will never have any safety. Allahu akbar!"What, he was so agitated, poor misunderstand man, that he forgot to include Israel?
Not to be outdone, Adebolajo also screeched at the judge while being forced down the dock stairs in the Old Bailey historic Court No. 2. It took eight court officers to handle the two men. Adebowale was brought to the floor and handcuffed, then carried down the stairs head first.
Once the disturbed and court-disturbing convicted had been taken away the judge continued his sentencing pronouncements handing Adebolajo a "whole-life" tariff (incarceration for life), for his part in the hacking death of the 25-year-old Lee Rigby in broad daylight in the middle of a busy London intersection, close to the army installation from which Lee Rigby had exited.
Adebowale was given life as well, a minimum term of 45 years. The judge condemned the two as extremists intending to "murder a soldier in public daylight" for their cause, describing the scene as a "bloodbath", commenting that they had "butchered" Rigby. They had demonstrated no regret for the slaughter of an innocent young man.
Adebolajo had insisted he must be addressed as Mujaahid Abu Hamza, and presented himself dressed in a black Islamic robe. Adebowale was dressed in a black skull cap and black hooded top, and he was to be referred to as Ishmael Abdullah. Adebolajo's lawyer, David Gottliev argued against a whole-life punishment on the grounds that it was not appropriate:
"(Adebolajo) is not so depraved and wicked that he is incapable of redemption in the future", he informed the court. His client was a "sincere but misguided person who has committed a wicked act."As for Adebowale, his lawyer Abas Lakha had this to say: a whole-life sentence is "inhuman", since it would "extinguish all hope of release."
Would it then? Under the grim circumstances, then, entirely appropriate.
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