Sunday, January 25, 2015

Media Farce on Violent Islamist Fascism

"I do not recommend this [venturing into no-go suburbs of Paris]. Not even we French dare go there any more."
"But nobody talks about this in public, of course. Nor do those who claim, 'long live multiculturalism', and 'Paris is wonderful!' dare enter the suburbs."
Laurent Obertone, French crime reporter, author

"The image of Paris has been prejudiced, and the honour of Paris has been prejudiced."
"We'll have to go to court in order to have these words removed."
Paris Mayor Anne Hildago
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has threatened to sue Fox News. “The image of Paris has been prejudiced, and the honour of Paris has been prejudiced," she says.
MARTIN BUREAU / AFP/GETTY IMAGES FILE PHOTO    Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has threatened to sue Fox News. "The image of Paris has been prejudiced, and the honour of Paris has been prejudiced," she says.
"In the wake of the Paris attacks, several guests on this program mentioned 'no-go zones' in France; I didn't challenge them, and twice referred to them as well."
"I should have been more skeptical. I won't make the same mistake again."
CNN host Anderson Cooper
Taking umbrage that one's pride of place and in place has been pricked by reference to the reality of the presence of hostile banlieues on the outskirt of Paris and elsewhere in Europe where immigrants whose faith leads them to isolate themselves in a protective cocoon of suspicion and contempt for the values, religion, laws of the prevailing culture which plays host to them, evades the truth that countries of Europe are being turned inside out, and wrung of their cultural inheritance.

Europe has absorbed millions of Muslims, escaping oppression and repression, from their own governments and from the conflicts within and without. A humanitarian gesture on the part of the Western democracies who cling to the notion that their even-handedness in offering such migrants safety and freedoms unknown to them in their places of origin will win them over to the Western, liberal-democratic version of life, to be integrated into society as a whole has proven a failure.

And while Europe celebrates its generous diversity, its pluralistic multicultural appreciation of all those who come knocking at their shores, the guests eventually become cranky with disappointment in the freedoms they don't want, and belligerent with expectation and entitlement over the freedoms they do want. They have no wish to assimilate into the larger culture. But they do feel that the prevailing culture should be agreeable to surrendering their heritage, freedoms and laws to Islamic ones, in the interests of making the immigrants completely comfortable in their new surroundings.

Failing that, the result is an underclass that is simmering with resentment, high unemployment, poor educational opportunities, and restive youth eager to return to the adventurous opportunities to explore Islam's basic precepts of Islam's higher callings to its faithful, from helping Islam to prosper and grow by leading in the conversion of non-Muslims to the faith, and alternately and much more attractively, by responding to the call incumbent on all Muslims to jihad.

From Sweden to Holland, Norway to France, Britain to Spain, the ummah is expanding through a birth rate that compensates for the Europeans' singularly unenthusiastic attitude toward family and parenthood, and by ongoing emigration from the world's hot-spots of brutal conflict to safety where compatriots do not seek to slaughter one another in the name of a version of the same religion that one sect or the other holds to be heretical.

When Fox news offended the mayor of Paris by describing the city as dangerous, she was incoherent with rage over the untenable slight on the City of Lights. Claiming that police fear to enter the banlieues was intolerable as far as the mayor was concerned. Perhaps she hadn't read Valeurs Actuelles, a French weekly warning against venturing into the Paris suburb of Trappes: "You will be spotted ... and be stripped and smashed", warned a local police official, Mohammed Duhan.
Muslim youth gangs repeatedly riot through towns in the 'no-go' zones. Muslim youth gangs repeatedly riot through towns in the "no-go" zones.

She must also have slept comfortably through France's TV3 documentary on no-go zones, or TF1 TV channel the most popular in France, with its 90-minute documentary featuring Muslim gangs in the no-go zones of Paris. She obviously never bothered glancing at the Suburbs of the Republic, a 2,200-page report published by the think-tank L'Institute Montaigne, which wrote of the Paris suburbs becoming "separate Islamic societies", commanded increasingly by Sharia law, and given to radical Islam.

No matter, the good mayor was offended, the Fox and CNN news teams were swift to apologize. Heavens, they got it all wrong; no Islamists in France, no terrorizing of its citizens, Charlie Hebdo was an anomaly as was the slaughter at the Kosher grocer, and the other incidents that 'disturbed' individuals undertook to express their frustration with the social order in France which Islamism had absolutely nothing to do with, dear no.

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