Sunday, January 18, 2015

Retaining Western Culture

"Since the beginning of last year, I have been treated as public enemy No. 1 when all I try to do is make people laugh, and laugh about death, because death laughs at us all, as Charlie knows now,  unfortunately."
"Whenever I express myself, some people will not even try to understand me, they will not listen. They try to find some kind of pretext to suppress me. I am looked upon as if I were Amedy Coulibaly, when I am no different from Charlie."
French comedian Dieudonne

Quenelle' comedian appeared to express sympathy for Amedy Coulibaly

Tauntingly ingenuous, he prods and he pokes and he unerringly exposes the soft spots in freedom of speech, for it cannot escape anyone's notice that some freedoms are more tolerable than others. This man who despicably winks and nods, knowing that he is communicating unspoken but very well understood pathologies of ethnic and religious hatred feels free to do so because he lives where any and all expressions of thought, however socially deplorable, are meant to be celebrated.

That his expressions, crude slanders and sly digs at the ancient presence within France of French Jews as representative of what he and his champions consider to be fodder for anti-Semitism anywhere Jews live, lead to and support the enthusiasm among violent Islamists and other anti-Semites to commit crimes targeting Jews; the embers that light the fire. The satirical magazine, whose mode of expression was often as crude, targeted anything and anyone the journalists and cartoonists felt obligated to bring scorn upon.

Jews do not rampage, committing atrocities against those who seek to defame them. In sheer numbers and influence, Muslim populations anywhere they exist -- and they exist increasingly, everywhere -- have the upper hand as opposed to the more meagre numbers of Jews however long they have existed in any society. Jewish-inspired attacks against their anti-Semitic tormentors simply do not take place, while Arab-Muslim or simply anti-Semitic-sourced attacks against vulnerable Jews are universal and innumerable.

But the French comedian does present a vexing problem facing French authorities. If all of society can be assured of the right under French social norms, French cultural and legal auspices to enjoy freedom of speech, then too must those who disturbingly assault the morals and well-being of a select group of people. Except that when they do so, they increase exponentially incidents of active anti-Semitic acts of destruction of property, threats against the security of persons, and physical attacks, too often resulting in murder.

Does balance and freedom in ensuring equal rights in such matters trump the dangers inherent in giving voice to the destructive elements within society singling out a religious/ethnic group for episodes of violence justify permitting anyone to say anything at any time, however dangerously provocative? It all depends on whose ox is being gored, does it not? And in this particular instance, the ox being gored has through antiquity to the presence, been so often assaulted and decimated, the wonder is it still lives.

The warning that the bigots and racists come first for the Jews, then turn their malevolence on others who defy their right to degrade the human condition, all too often expresses reality. In this case, the crowds of Muslims who blame Israel for its existence rather than abandoning the land it sits upon to the Palestinians, taking out their rage on French Jews by killing Jewish schoolchildren, by defacing synagogues and by torturing and killing and raping French citizens who happen also to be Jews proved their umbrage against non-believers who dare make light of Islam and Mohammad by exampling Charlie Hebdo.

Who and what is next on the agenda is a matter for all of Europe -- which has charitably taken to its bosom hordes of Muslim migrants desperate to escape the oppression and raging violence that their own impose upon them -- to consider, as the growing numbers of Islamists in their welcoming countries now increasingly insist on their new countries reflecting the image and the essence of Islam, blanketing the indigenous culture and its heritage with that of Islam.

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