Iran, Forgive Us
"Iran is blessed. At a time when bombs go off in public places throughout
the Middle East and war is at our doorstep, we have a stable, safe and
healthy environment for our citizens and for those visiting and doing
business with us. This is due to both the vigilance of our government
and the character of our people. We take pride in using our resources
for universal health care and education and advanced science and
technology rather than wasteful military spending."
"Our people want
nothing more than peace and cooperation with our neighbors and the world
at large. We have not launched a war in more than two centuries and
continue to make an unequivocal commitment of never commencing such
foolishness. We challenge all our detractors — large and small — to
commit likewise."
Mohammad Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister, Islamic Republic of Iran

celebrate on a street in northern Tehran, on April 2, 2015, after
Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers in Lausanne, Switzerland.
(Ebrahim Noroozi/Associated Press)
Imagine, such a blessed, peaceful nation. Obviously, the world should be looking at Iran to emulate its pacifist, human-rights-observing agenda. And to think we had it all wrong, convincing ourselves that the glowering Ayatollahs whose theocracy invokes stringent rules about apostates and political deviants, gays and religious minorities, regime opponents, and Sunni Arab command of the Middle East when it is Shiite Aryan Iran that should be in charge, threatened by nuclear designs.
Iran, which has gone through a rather difficult patch due to the sanctions imposed by the international community which had been labouring under the misconception that the Iranian Republican Guard program of militarized nuclear installations were meant to spin enriched uranium for the production of nuclear warheads to tip their technologically advanced ballistic missiles, chose to use its scarce treasury to advance its ballistic missiles program even while its economy was under duress.
So much for advancing the health of Iranians and concern for science and education. Iran's financial support of terrorist Hezbollah which the al-Quds division of the Republican Guard midwifed in the mid 1980s, training them in suicide missions that succeeded in blowing up the U.S. marines' base in Lebanon as well as the French and American embassies in Beirut, also funded Hamas in Gaza, and is doing the same for the Houthis in Yemen.
Under its moderate new president, smiling Hassan Rouhani, Iran has beheaded, hanged and crucified more political dissidents and other criminals than ever before. And it was under the aegis of President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif that Iran embarked upon their charm offensive, displaying the innocence of dissemblers and stealth artists to convince the bargaining committee of the G5+1 that Iran has no interest whatever in exploiting its atomic scientific know-how to produce nuclear bombs.
The international community of business leaders and supra-national corporations are all champing at the financial bit to make lucrative trade and investment deals with this new, harmless and peace-loving Iran whose support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been instrumental in enabling that mass murderer to hang on, further violating the human rights of Syria's Sunni majority and creating the largest exodus of refugees in generations to flood Europe.
This transformed Iran which only violates the human rights of the Baha'i by imprisonment and torture, and its other citizens for collusion with the West against Iranian interests by capital punishment to cure them of their deviant ways, is now open for business, coyly reminding the world that the fabled Silk Road of ancient commerce ran through Iran, and inviting the world to return and see for themselves.
"I urge my counterparts around the world to reflect on what has been
achieved through diplomacy rather than threats, sanctions and
demonization. Today, Iran, for millennia a vital bridge between East and
West, remains the most stable, safe and inviting stop along our stretch
of the Silk Road. My government remains committed to constructive
engagement and my initiative for a regional dialogue forum.
A window has opened, and we hope our counterparts will seize on the
opportunity it brings so that we may all return our focus to shared
objectives and challenges."
Wonderful, peace-loving, misunderstood, but patient and forgiving Iran!
Labels: Conflict, Iran, Nuclear Technology, Terrorism
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