No Thanks, Shamima, Request Denied
"My first priority is my son, obviously. Because I don't know whether he'd be taken away from me or they'll let me keep him or give him to my family while the U.K. decides what to do with me. To put me in prison, to put me in a deradicalization course, I don't know."
"I do feel that it's wrong that innocent people did get killed. It's one thing to kill a soldier that is fighting you, it's self defence, but to kill people like women and children ..."
"Just people like the women and children in Baghuz that are being killed right now unjustly, the bombings. It's a two-way thing really. Because women and children are being killed back in the Islamic State right now and it's kind of retaliation. Like, their justification was that it was retaliation so I thought 'OK, that is a fair justification'."
"I just want forgiveness really, from the U.K. Everything I've been through, I didn't expect I would go through that. Losing my children the way I lost them, I don't want to lose this baby as well and this is really not a place to raise children, this camp."
"I didn't want to be on the news at first. I know a lot of people, after they saw that me and my friends came, it actually encouraged them ... but I wasn't the one that put myself on the news. The poster girl thing was not my choice."
Shamima Begum, 19, British Islamic State bride
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Shamima Begum will be effectively banned from entering the UK. |
Infamously, at age 15, an airport video showed her and several other young British teen-age girls spiriting themselves out of the U.K. and flying to Turkey to cross into Syria where they had plotted they would join Islamic State as brides. The propaganda out of Islamic State was that volunteers were badly needed to help the caliphate thrive and its fighters marry good Muslim women prepared to dedicate themselves to a brave new world, where they would raise children to be patterned into Islamic State lion cubs, fighters of the future.
And Shamima Begum, along with the other girls and any number of others who went before and who followed, were only too pleased to excitedly make that trip into that brave new world fashioned by Islamists eager to begin the process of overturning a flawed world order to more accurately reflect that deemed by Islam to become a reality when the entire world's population would see the blazing light of immortal divinity that would be theirs on ascending to Paradise after a life dedicated to Islam.
Begged by her family to reconsider, to return home she repeatedly refused, informing them in no uncertain term that where she had landed herself was where her future was meant to be. She married an Islamic State 'fighter' and bore three pregnancies. The Paradise-on-Earth that she anticipated would be her lot somehow turned out to not be quite that. Her two oldest-born failed to survive, dying of illness and malnutrition. The good news, however, is that the baby just delivered in the refugee camp she was installed in along with other ISIL wives, may live to reach maturity.
Just not there, she would prefer to be rescued from the crowded, squalid camp, cold and unfriendly where the accommodations are not quite up to her standards. She doesn't belong there, as though she is a war criminal for all she was during her years with ISIL, was a "housewife" to her Dutch-born fighter husband. Yes, she knew of the atrocities committed by Islamic State, but Sharia law doesn't view these as crimes, it speaks approvingly of women taken as sex slaves and men slaughtered. If religious texts say this is permissible and needed, who is she to deny her agreement?
She does feel compassion for women and children who have become victims of violent conflict, but her compassion is restricted for women and children of the Islamic State, inconveniently hit as collateral damage when those fighting the Islamists target the fighters. The Yazidi women and girls still kept as captive sex slaves represent permitted actions by Islamic law, get over it, you ignoramuses in the West.
And while she has no compassion to spare for the victims of Islamic State, she appeals to the United Kingdom to demonstrate compassion for her plight, not yet 20 years of age, already a mother of two dead infants, a new baby in tow, living in dreadful conditions in a cold, ill-equipped camp with a shortage of medication and food; a place which is clearly inadequate, a place where it is obviously not an ideal environment to raise a child.
Not her fault that her arrival in Syria represented yet another public relations coup for Islamic State, spurring other young woman to admire her audacity, and to do likewise, inspired by the prospect of being like her, committed to Islam and Islamist principles of good, clean living, supporting the men who slaughter other men, rape women and girls, enslave and sell them, commit horrible atrocities for their shock value that thrills some and repels all too many others.
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This Feb. 23, 2015 file handout image of a three image
combo of stills taken from CCTV shows Kadiza Sultana, left, Shamima
Begum, center, and Amira Abase going through security at Gatwick
airport, south England, before catching their flight to Turkey.
Metropolitan Police via AP |
Labels: Britain, Citizenship, Detention Camps, ISIL Wives, Islamic State, Return Denied, Syria
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