Rewarding Gross Incompetence, Immorality, Egotism
"Now I have just spoken with Prime Minister Trudeau to congratulate him on winning the most seats —and my message tonight is that the strength of our democracy is not only measured by the ballots we cast, but also by how we move forward after their counting."Andrew Sheer, Leader, Official Opposition, Conservative Party of Canada, Parliament of Canada
So, it's over. And Canada's 43rd Parliament is slated to begin, returning Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to his second term, reduced from his 2015 election's majority to the current 2019's minority government. To people who voted in a majority Liberal government in 2015, viewing Justin Trudeau as a breath of fresh air, who just incidentally was telegenic, charismatic, youthful, inherited a famous name in Canadian politics and promised electoral reform, along with a more open government prepared to do the business of administering Canada fairly and honourably, and to bring civility to Parliament, he was their man.
During the 2015-6 honeymoon period they lavished love on their champion of women's rights, of LGBTQ2 rights, workers' rights, whose flashy style they just adored. Many may have been disappointed when Trudeau decided to ditch the electoral reform promise, and they shrugged when the enquiry into Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women went nowhere, and they lauded him when he made public apologies for episodes in Canadian history that occurred a century ago. They did a double take when theatrical-adoring Trudeau out-dressed Indians on the sub-continent when he visited and welcomed a convicted Sikh separatist who had attempted to murder a visiting Indian minister in Canada.
Revelations of his having groped a female news reporter in Vancouver before he entered politics was dismissed by him as people experiencing things 'differently', depending on gender, and ain't that just so? Who knew that this man had a streak of mean vengeance in him, other than former Admiral Mark Norman who was put through hell on Earth though he was second-in-command of the Canadian Armed Forces, when Trudeau decided he would ruin the man, charging him with having betrayed 'national secrets' by embarrassing Trudeau, with respect to commissioning a Naval supply ship Trudeau wanted to contract out to a rival shipyard.
But the revelations that the PMO under Trudeau's direction harassing and continually interfering with the decision of Jody Wilson-Raybould with respect to the Prosecutor General refusing to give SNC Lavalin, an influential, Liberal-friendly Montreal engineering company, a free pass on charges relating to corrupt activities, removing her as Canada's Minister of Justice and Solicitor General for insubordination when he and his acolytes unethically interfered in the administration of justice, which was found by Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion to be illegal should have been grounds to voluntarily step down from office.
During the election campaign there were revelations, complete with incriminating photographs that Justin Trudeau relished the challenge of posing himself as other than what he is; a privileged-by-birth white elite, by dressing up in blackface at festive, celebratory events on at least three occasions. He excused his penchant for mockery and racism by blaming his privileged upbringing, and ceding that he had no idea at the time -- when he was 29 years old -- that what he was doing was racist, pure and simple.
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Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is shown in a 2001 photo published in the yearbook of West Point Grey Academy, a private school where Trudeau was teaching at the time. ( |
Anyone else would have paid the consequences for these and too many other acts of malfeasance that would have sunk anyone else. In fact, anyone else, would have been genuinely embarrassed by their own demonstrated stupidity and arrogance, apologized without reservation, and stepped aside from public office. Mr. Trudeau believes he can do no wrong, that anything he does that might be of questionable taste bordering on immoral or unethical or even worse, is to be overlooked in favour of acknowledging his exceptionality.
So exceptional that he saw fit to exclude church groups from submitting applications for summer employment for interns through a federal government summer grant-hiring program, if the groups in question would not, or could not attest that they would support a woman's right to abortion. This is the same man who took disallowed/illegal under parliamentary rules, gifts from wealthy patrons known to lobby government for special considerations and project funding. And was duly censored for so doing by the Parliamentary Ethics Commissioner.
This man has single-handedly alienated Western Canada, thanks to his commitment to his version of responsible environmentalism, where it is perfectly sane to import Saudi Arabian oil to Canada, a country that has its own vast oil resources, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland. A vital oil industry resource is being forcibly neglected due to the disinterest of the Liberal government in opening up the oil fields to full extraction and refining, and shipping fossil fuels by pipeline to eastern Canada and to tidewater to be shipped abroad as a valuable and saleable resource.

Labels: Alienation, Egotism, Government of Canada, Illegality, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
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