Tuesday, September 01, 2020

China, Birthplace of SARS-CoV-2, Boasting Vaccine Success

"Giving untested vaccines means that there is no guarantee that they are going to work, so people could wrongly assume that they are inoculated when they are not."                     "In doing so, they could engage in behaviour that has a higher risk ... [and] unwittingly put other people at risk."                           "The reason why vaccines go through phase 3 trials is to reduce the short- and long-term risk to the individual. Giving vaccine shots without this knowledge places individuals at significant personal risk."                                                                Nicholas Thomas, health security expert, professor, City University of Hong Kong

"It's better for a community if there's more people vaccinated, so there's less risk of an outbreak of COVID."                                                                                           "At the same time, just having some vaccinated people wouldn't be enough to mean that social distancing could be relaxed."                                                                 Ben Cowling division head, epidemiology and biostatistics, Hong Kong University School of Public Health

Sinovac; vaccine
Sinovac inactivated vaccine  Photo: Mirkov Sajkov/Pixabay

China claims to have reached the final spurt in the coronavirus vaccine race ahead of its global competition, with four of seven potential candidates all in last stage human trials. No other country can match that purported record, although Moscow has announced that Russia has begun vaccinating with its leading candidate, ahead of the completion of its final trials. All countries worldwide are anxious to take possession of a 'cure' for the coronavirus that has devastated economies and put societies on edge in the last six months.

The world has been turned upside down and inside-out, demoralizating populations everywhere causing great social unrest and protests against lockdown conditions and the mandate to social isolate to prevent contagion. Conspiracy theories have run amok with normally half-intelligent people claiming that governments have purposely built an atmosphere of fear and panic for the purpose of enslaving their populations in a iron grip of control, dictating the manner in which they are henceforth expected to conduct their lives.

The senseless defiance of medical recommendations and government mandates to continue social isolation and seek relief in small bubbles, to wear masks in public places, and to continue to take all due steps to safeguard individuals and communities are chafing some peoples' sense of individualism and leading to loud protest marches. The unreasonableness of assertions that the global upset looking for a reset in the face of the coronavirus's massive displacement of normalcy is a government construct for power, fails to take into account that governments everywhere are facing ruinous financial collapses.

In China, a leader in gifting the world with a record number of viruses, the Communist leadership revels in a celebration of success n its confidence that the inoculations they have proceeded with will result in a final stifling of the disease and that admiring acclaim will resound in the echo chamber of world opinion whitewashing Beijing's human rights blemishes in Tibet and Xinjiang, its bullying aggression of its neighbours over the South China Sea, its grim relations with India in its territorial advances, its Belt and Road enslavement of under developed nations, and its campaign to have Huawei infiltrate global communications. 

Chinese authorities have administered vaccines for over a month irrespective of the fact that clinical studies have not been concluded. Segments of the population deemed at higher infection risk; border officials and state-owned enterprise employees working overseas have been inoculated on an emergency-use basis, transport and service workers next to be vaccinated. 

No details have been released specifying the numbers inoculated amidst speculation that participation may have been forced not voluntary in nature. Papua, New Guinea was moved to cancel a flight from China of arriving passengers thought to have been inoculated, over concerns of a possible health impact to the local population.

Over 840,000 people worldwide have now died from the effects of the coronavirus. Placing governments under increasing pressure to obtain a solution to the threat of the virus. China's January coverup of the coronavirus and its lack of responsible action in maintaining open borders whereby the infection spread globally has not been forgotten.

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