Thursday, April 08, 2021

The Art of Military Forgiveness of Genocide

Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz in June 1944
So many Hungarian Jewish people were killed in such a short time that victims' bodies were dropped in pits near the camp and burned    Getty Images
"Although we are by no means unmindful of the dangers involved in playing around with a Gestapo general, we also believe, on the heels of the information now in our possession, that Huber might be profitably used by this organization."
1953 CIA memorandum

"[Beginning in 1938 SS General Franz Josef Huber gave orders] to arrest immediately undesirable, particularly criminally motivated Jews and transfer them to the concentration camp Dachau."
Heinrich Himmler and his colleagues at a meeting. From left: Franz Josef Huber (secret state police), Arthur Nebe (criminal investigation department), Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich (security service) and Heinrich Muller (secret state police, also known as Gestapo-Muller)
Huber (far left) with Heinrich Himmler (centre)  Credit: ullstein bild via Getty Images
He was personally responsible for promulgating orders that would send tens of thousands of Jews to death camps. A war criminal of the first order. In 1945 he was arrested by American forces and held for over two years. His extradition to Austria, where his status was that of a wanted war criminal, was prevented by U.S. military intelligence. Who made arrangements for the Nazi war criminal to be given lenient treatment when he was handed over to the West German authorities. 
He was fined in 1948 and released from prison with a suspended sentence in the wake of being placed through a "denazification" procedure. He joined the Gehlen Organization in 1955, which was an intelligence service with West Germany, approved and supported by the U.S. as a countermeasure to the Soviets. The organization was operated by former Nazis, its founder and leader was Reinhard Gehlen, former head of Nazi military intelligence on the Eastern Front. 
At the Nuremberg trials in 1948 Huber claimed innocence when investigators interrogated him as a potential witness. He had no idea the Holocaust even existed. It wasn't until 1944 that he heard hints of such a monstrous process of Jewish extermination. The orders he meted out for Jewish 'criminals' to be rounded up and sent to the Dachau death camp gave him no hint whatever of the camp inmates' future.
Franz Josef Huber, front row center, holding gloves, and his Vienna Gestapo team in an undated photograph.
  Credit...National Archives of Slovenia
SS General Franz Josef Huber was Gestapo head in Vienna and much of Austria after the Nazi occupation. He was a colleague of the notorious Adolf Eichmann, the architect of Hitler's 'Final Solution', with whom he worked closely to ensure that the Holocaust was the success it was meant to be == as Austrian Jews were deported en masse to concentration and death camps.

How differently their futures unfolded, post-war. Adolf Eichmann was spirited to Israel in a famous abduction, to stand trial for genocidal execution in service to Nazi Germany and its Fuhrer. Contrastingly, General Huber was released following the war to spend the rest of his life as a free man in his home town of Munich, as an employee with a local business.

A conspiracy that was hatched between the U.S. military and West German intelligence to hide SS General Huber's active participation in the execution of tens of thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds, innocent of anything but being Jewish, considered on its own to represent a crime against humanity which the Third Reich intended to rectify.

Child survivors of Auschwitz
A group of child survivors behind a barbed wire fence at the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz   Getty Images

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