Monday, October 04, 2021

The U.S. Justice System to the Rescue!

Mohammed Khalifa, a Canadian citizen who was a leading figure in the Islamic State of Iraq, was recently transferred into FBI custody. In an interview with CBC's Fifth Estate, Khalifa admitted to playing an important role in producing and disseminating Islamic State propaganda to Western audiences    CBC
"As alleged, Mohammed Khalifa not only fought for ISIS on the battlefield in Syria, but he was also the voice behind the violence."
"Through his alleged leading role in translating, narrating, and advancing ISIS's online propaganda, Khalifa promoted the terrorist group, furthered its worldwide recruitment efforts, and expanded the reach of videos that glorified the horrific murders and indiscriminate cruelty of ISIS."
Raj Parekh, Acting U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia
Security Agencies Verifying Reports Of Indians Killed By ISIS

"[Khalifa was] a deeply ideologically committed member of the Islamic State [until his capture]."
"The ISIS higher ups also saw value in him as a media personnel, and he travelled with much of the leadership to the final holdouts."
"One of the key things he mentioned during our interview was that ISIS, as it was losing territory, started to see consistent media releases as strategically important."
"Because of all the Canadian prisoners being held in Syria, Ridwan [Mohammed Khalifa, aka Abu Ridwan Ai-Kanadi] is probably the easiest to make a case against."
"There are literally hundreds of hours of ISIS audio that he put out there, and has also admitted to multiple reporters that this was his primary role with the Islamic State."
Amarnath Amarasingam, professor, terrorism, radicalization and extremism research, Queen's University
As an adherent of the ideology of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a Saudi-born Canadian citizen who travelled illegally from the country of his citizenship to Syria to pledge allegiance to then-ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, he was assigned to the ISIL media bureau, where he excelled in the position, becoming one of the Islamist fundamentalist group's most prominent public relations stalwarts, actively producing and distributing videos for public consumption extolling the virtues of the group and demonstrating its virtuous loyalty to Islamist principles through heinous atrocities.
From 2013 to 2019 his outstanding work assisted hugely in the recruiting of dedicated new ISIL members. His role as a publicity director helped amplify the Islamic State's formidably fearful reputation and was without doubt useful in convincing opposing militaries in Syria and Iraq that they hadn't a chance in hell to defend the populations their professional position demanded of them, ensuring they would melt away at the first signs that Islamic State fighters approached, leaving defenceless civilians to fend for themselves. 
In the invasion of Sinjar when Islamic State viciously targeted the ancient Yazidi population, the merciless killing of men and boys, the enslavement of women and girls exemplified the blood-curdling mission the Islamic State gave themselves in their jihad against minorities helpless before their onslaught. With Iraqi and Syrian military defence a pipe dream, it was left to the Kurdish militias to oppose and defend Christians and Yazidis and other groups fleeing the violent persecution and threats to annihilate them.
The US-led international coalition gave air cover to the Kurdish Peshmerga who alone demonstrated the capacity to give shelter to fleeing civilian populations, ethnic and religious minorities, in effectively countering the burgeoning presence of the Islamic State caliphate, but it was without doubt Kurdish valour and values and military acumen that destroyed the expansionary plans of the Islamic State. When the geographic gains of ISIL were destroyed, it was the Kurdish-majority Syrian Democratic Forces that took upon itself the imprisonment of Islamic State fighters and their women and children, freeing the occupied towns and villages from their venomous presence.
ISIS flag
A Syrian Democratic Forces fighter burns an ISIS flag on the front line on the western side of Raqqa, northeast Syria, Monday, July 17, 2017. (Hussein Malla/AP Photo)

Among those imprisoned by the SDF in the prison camp established for that purpose was Canadian ISIL member Mohammed Khalifa. The SDF has repeatedly requested that foreign governments repatriate their citizens who had joined ISIL to relieve their burden. Some have complied, others have not. Some have taken back only female ISIL members and their children. Some will stand trial for their offences against humanity. It is the fate of the children for the most part that exercises the compassionate mind.
There can be no compassion wasted on psychopaths like Khalifa, both male and female who were complicit in the atrocities committed by the Islamic State, from their staged and videoed beheadings, crucifixions, drownings, death-by-explosives and other malicious horrors they visited on their many victims. All of which they gloried in, celebrated, proudly exhibited. Which alternately gained them new recruits willing and eager to join the death-dealing, or further burnished the dread in peoples' minds of the terrorists.
It can be seen as the responsibility of the government of Canada to have taken the initiative to return this man and his ilk to Canada. Less famous, as in infamous members of ISIL with Canadian citizenship are known to have returned to Canada of their own volition, are not and have never been imprisoned, nor faced trials with the reason being given that evidence against them is too difficult to obtain, to mount a criminal investigation to bring them to justice, and so supposedly they are 'under observation' by intelligence services.
There is more than ample evidence available for any jury to reach a decision about Khalifa; his signature is on some of the most vile, vicious, violent of Islamic State's videos and other publicity instruments meant to enhance their reputation and create a lasting impression of sadistic barbarity in the name of Islamism. Yet Canada's government has chosen to do nothing. It has chosen to exhale a sigh of relief that the United States has taken it upon itself to exact justice on behalf of the victims of Islamic State's notorious inhumanity. 
Islamic State propaganda video
Thousands of videos, graphics and other images have been collected together to form a growing propaganda archive   ISD
"It’s very interesting that the U.S. is going forward with this case and not Canada."
"Ridwan is probably our easiest case. There are literally hundreds of hours of his voice recorded in ISIS media. Cases against other prisoners are slightly more difficult."
"I suppose the U.S. sees him as important for reasons we probably don’t know yet."
 Queen’s University professor Amarnath Amarasingam
"Those who left Canada to support the terror organization need to be held accountable for their crimes before a court of law."
"I'm glad the U.S. had the political courage to do what the Canadian government did not. He is a Canadian, he left from Canada. It should be the responsibility of the Canadian government to hold him accountable for his crimes."
"[Khalifa is] calm, cold, and indifferent."
"He had no remorse for what he had done and felt his actions were justified."
Leah West, professor, national security law, Carleton University 
The Twitter account where the pictures were posted was suspended hours later


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