Thursday, May 16, 2024

Canada's Flirtation With Terrorism

"'Palestine' is, as it stands, a porous-bordered, non-contiguous hodgepodge, split governance-wise between two mutually suspicious parties united only by their antipathy toward Israel. It is less a sovereign state than a half-baked idea drawn on a cocktail napkin."
While Melanie Joly is joining the faddish call for Palestinian statehood, she must know deep down that the Palestinian territories look nothing like a state and likely won't any time soon. Her performative virtue signalling only further harms her credibility as Canada's top diplomat."
Rahim Mohamed, journalist, National Post
Nothing very 'diplomatic' in tone or expression, much less adherence to recognition of reality and loyalty to a fellow democracy in strained relations between the Trudeau Liberal government in Canada and its behaviour toward Israel under this 'post-national' administration that has embraced DEI-woke-Critical Race Theory full bore as an enlightened 'progressive' government dragging Canada kicking and screaming into a national culture of anything goes, which includes promoting LGBTQ-2 rights beyond reason in its support of transitioning children toward pharmaceuticals and surgeries that deny their biological genders.
As for giving credence and support to a fellow democracy located in the Middle East amongst Islamist theocracies, kingdoms, sheikhdoms and terrorism-guided countries loyal to the darkest issues of pure Islamism, that too has been abandoned in favour of leaning toward equating fantasies and slanders issued by terrorist groups on an equal footing with that of a legitimate sovereign government. Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly's recent declaration of Canada's willingness to support statehood for 'Palestine' a case in point.
Palestine, as a combination of the West Bank and Gaza, two territories that comprise 'Palestine' in the minds of outsiders, but not reflected in the aspirations of Fatah and Hamas each of which controls one-half of the Palestinian 'Territories', since they envision Israel off the map and 'Palestine' comprised of the entire region, 'from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea'. And they have worked assiduously over the years, since Israel's rebirth to persuade the international community of Israel's illegitimacy as a state on land purloined from the 'Palestinians'.
Yet from the authoritative and well-considered wellspring of a mind versed in international law we hear: "Canada is prepared to recognize the State of Palestine at the time most favourable to a lasting peace, not at the last step along the path". Alongside voting against Israel in the United Nations, Canada has now committed itself to full betrayal of international law with one eye cocked on the considerable Muslim voting base in Canada and the other at catering to the elements within the United Nations for which Israel's existence is an abomination.
Both the West Bank, administered by Fatah/Mahmoud Abbas and the Gaza Strip, ruled by Hamas -- both illegitimate entities with a pretense at democracy well versed in the values of the West, and appealing to those values by discrediting Israel at every turn as an oppressor intent on perpetrating genocide against Arab Palestinians, while themselves in full practise of virulent Islamism, actually do make an effort at genocide against Jews, mocking the Holocaust they deny occurred, but promising another one -- are ill-prepared to govern.
While Mahmoud Abbas spews racial and religious epithets against Jews and Israel, mounting a never-ending campaign of abuse against Palestinians taught from cradle to grave that Jews are mendacious, untrustworthy, violently greedy, intent on looting more territory inscribed by the heavens above for Palestinian statehood, worthy of death brought to fruition by blessed martyrdom, inspiring and spurring children to aspire to become terrorists as a noble future for the faithful, Hamas goes straight to the core of dedicated mass murder to achieve its goal.
And this is prime material for statehood? Statehood with no potential responsible, lawful candidates available for administering a state to live in peace with its neighbours? Even other Arab regional states shudder envisioning what a nightmare that would be. Yet the international community is eager to consign Israel to a fate of everlasting, unending feral deadly attacks against its citizens by a neighbour 'state' that cannot govern sufficiently well to create security and prosperity for its citizens, yet conspires to make life hell for its neighbour.
On the other hand, if Justin Trudeau and his cabinet of Liberal progressives would agree to go to the new state permanently as its future executive administrators, most Canadians would be in full and total agreement.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada's longstanding position that a Palestinian state could only be recognized at the end of a process leading to a two-state solution has changed. "We now recognize that it may happen sooner than at the end of the process".   CBC
"Unlike resolutions in the Security Council, there are no vetoes in the 193-member General Assembly. Friday’s resolution required a two-thirds majority of members voting and got significantly more than the 118 vote minimum."
"U.S. allies supported the resolution, including France, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Australia, Estonia and Norway. But European countries were very divided."
"The resolution “determines” that a state of Palestine is qualified for membership — dropping the original language that in the General Assembly’s judgment it is “a peace-loving state.” It therefore recommends that the Security Council reconsider its request “favorably”."
Associated Pre


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