Thursday, September 05, 2024

A Slumbering World -- Oblivious to Threatening Conquest

"Following my urgent request, the UN Security Council will finally convene on Wednesday for the first time since the October 7 massacre, to hold an official discussion on the hostages."
"It is a disgrace that it has taken the Council 11 months and the brutal execution of six hostages by Hamas terrorists to finally convene this discussion."
Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon

"How we prayed to hug you, to see your smile."
"We hoped to see  you happy, surrounded by family and friends but  you were abandoned, day by day."
Nira Sarusi, mother of 27-year-old Almog, executed by Hamas
"We prayed. We wanted to believe this was not true."
"This is not how I imagined your end. I wanted you back alive."
"I apologize that we were not able to save you."
Mother of murdered 24-year-old Eden Yerushalmi,fl_lossy/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/619491
Hamas released a video of slain hostage Eden Yerushalmi before her death, giving a message directed at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (credit: Screenshot/Hamas Telegram)

The great moral test of our times and the failure of national leaders of the Western democracies to fully wish to understand just who and what is threatening democracy is leading to a decay in civilizational norms. Not only are great numbers of Muslim faithful leaving their countries of origin to settle in North America and throughout Europe; with them is a growing corps of Islamists who inculcate in the Islamic diaspora their necessity to uproot democracy and replace it with Islamic Sharia, replete with Islamic laws and justice.
Since Islam is a religion of militant violent usurpation, one that is justified by the Koran and the hadiths to scorn all other religions that the Muslim faithful are duty- and faith-bound destined to overtake and in the process replace with Islam, jihad proceeds with the stealth of physical occupation in great numbers of the faithful infiltrating non-Muslim nations and with their strength of numbers influencing governments to give undue respect to the very ideology and politics of the religion whose paramount function is conquest, as it has been from its very inception.
The proxy militias of the Muslim world's greatest exponent of Islamist conquest are well schooled in the other type of jihad; violence in a death creed of domination and terror. The Islamic Republic of Iran has patterned its proxies to reflect Iran's aspiration of world conquest for their brand of Islam. Hamas, Hezbollah and Yemen's Houthis have dominated their own populations and reach out to expunge other religions in favour of their own. Their first target is the nation of Jews.
Indigenous to the Middle East and far exceeding the Arab populations surrounding them in authentic origins while vastly pre-dating Islam, Judaic ancestral heritage is indisputably original to the territory in which Israel has re-established itself as a Jewish state. In Islam, it is forbidden that any geographic area once consecrated to Islam through conflict and settlement be permitted to revert to its origins. 
Arab nations of the Middle East discovered through a series of wars imposed upon Israel, that it would not be dislodged from the patrimony of its heritage.

While they now are resigned to Israel's permanency and prepared to adjust their hostility accordingly replacing it with a cool cordiality, Islamist terrorist groups never will be prepared to lay away their hatred and their arms along with their barbaric death-cult fixation on the presence of Jews secure in their place of origin. There is simply no method by which reason and reality can replace the psychopathic fixation on destroying Israel and murdering Jews in the minds of those groups of Muslims whose hatred of Jews has been so well entrenched as to rule their lives.
A terrorist group that celebrates its death-cult psychosis as one through which pride and honour is achieved is committed to death and destruction; those of their own people, alongside those of the Jewish state, as a worthwhile sacrifice to achieve their ultimate goal. Their belief in the sacred concept of martyrdom for their cause of obliteration of the presence of Jews to be replaced by Muslims for whom Islam is the dominating force in their lives and throughout the world cannot be breached by appeals to the concept of human rights.
"On 7 October 2023, Hamas launched a devastating terrorist attack on Israel, killing almost 1,200 Israelis and seizing around 243 hostages. The scale of the attack was off the charts for a small state – the greatest one-day loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust – and the nature of the killings, which included the deliberate killing of children and old people, as well as mass sexual violence, seared itself into Israel’s consciousness.?
"In the months that followed, Israel waged a destructive campaign in Gaza, killing more than 34,000 people, including many children, in an attempt to destroy the terrorist group, putting all Palestinians in Gaza at grave risk of disease and starvation. The campaign continues, albeit at a slower pace than in its initial months."
Daniel Byman,  Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic & International Studies
And so, Hamas, that singular exponent of terror-central, following the sadistic savagery of its operatives committing mass murder of Israeli civilians, mutilation of girls and women in a frenzy of rape and desecration of humanity, abducted Jewish children, the elderly and infirm, girls and women, IDF soldiers, foreign farm workers from farming villages on the border between Israel and Gaza, to inflict on their helpless pawns the horrors of brutality no sane mind could conceive.
Embarking on a mission of psychological terror, the Hamas leadership led their operatives on a crazed campaign of inflicting anguish, pain and fear on the hostages, and conveying their plight through videos to their grieving families. Using those families' desperate fears for the recovery of their loved ones to manipulate them into defying their government which committed itself to the total annihilation of the terrorist threat against the state and its people.
Haunting video posted on Telegram on Monday shows the six doomed Israeli hostages speaking before their murders. X
The excruciating infliction of suspense, the withholding of hope, the final contemptible punishment-by-death as a warning that other hostages would be just as expendable, has succeeded in its mission to turn the population of Israel against its government authorities through the split imperative of saving the hostages as opposed to the full commitment of destroying Palestinian terrorist enclaves, their leadership, their followers, their terrorist infrastructure, their weaponry.

And the backdrop of this deadly turmoil is a theocratic nation fully indulged in loyalty to a religion of conquest with the leadership of Iran determined to succeed in its mission of destruction and Islamic conquest, well on its way to producing nuclear arms not only to threaten Israel's existence, but to ensure that its Sunni-Muslim-Arab neighbours accede to Shiite-Muslim Persian dominance.
The United Nations has long since been toothless, irrespective of its proud boast of being a global purveyor of peace. Its obvious bias against Israel and alliance with negative powers within its membership have negated its original purpose. Of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, two -- China and Russia -- both engaged in their own visions of world conquest, emasculate the powers of reason and justice.,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/569867
Members of the UN Security Council vote on a proposal to demand that Israel and Hamas allow aid access to the Gaza Strip, December 22, 2023.
(photo credit: REUTERS/David Dee Delgado)


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