Monday, December 17, 2007

The Enemy Within

Do y'ken John Peel in his coat so grey
Do y'ken John Peel at the break of day
Do y'ken John Peel
Do y'ken John Peel
Do y'ken John Peel in the mornin'

No island, clearly, is a nation, a tradition, a culture, a social and political system unto itself. As the world becomes more globally population-integrated through migration and immigration there is a concomitant dilution of host-country values and traditions. All the more so as when that country - say Great Britain for example - goes out of her way to accommodate the perceived needs of those who celebrate traditions other than those prevailing, of proud and ancient heritage.

There's a certain generosity of spirit, in accepting differences, in respecting them, in giving them ample room to reside alongside one's own traditions. This is based on trust, on the not unreasonable hope that everyone will learn to be accepting and respectful, and in time the differences will be smoothed over, as trust is reciprocated and valued traditions and the prevailing social mores will seem acceptable to newcomers, eventually.

It is a tolerant society that is not alarmed at the promise inherent in diversity and the richness of communality. On the other hand, there might seem to be a potentially troubling portent when wholesale importation of alien values accompanied by alien grievances imperil the norm, the stability and serenity of the host society. Much as has happened - again, the example of Great Britain - when British mosques featured imams whose incendiary messages of hate and jihad poisoned minds against their host.

The very existence of indigenous values, culture and security scorned, deprecated, fulminated against, as examples of social corruption, ready to succumb to a jihadist-intentioned onslaught of more fundamentally-based values through strict religious observance. Or interpretation thereof. The importation and ascendancy of a new religious, political and social order overwhelming the original.

Progressive social thinkers and philosophers held to the premise that the greater the mingling between peoples of different backgrounds through interaction, the greater the opportunities for understanding, acceptance, communality, integration. Nowhere was there room for the inconvenient apprehension that too many people desired to remain separate, apart, different. Denying communality of interests.

This common wisdom was that we would accept, adapt, realize our common humanity and work in concert to create a better world. The idealistic harmonic concert has been transformed to reflect a discordant choir of discontent and accusations. While a great number of hosts and newcomers have found common ground, an alarmingly large number remain violently disaffected, poisoning the atmosphere with their narrative of entitlement to create havoc and visit atrocities where they may.

And that small, but ferociously-determined group of anarchic jihadists may do exactly that, where vigilance lapses. Examples abound, and the most recent is that of Rashid Rauf, a British citizen of Pakistani origin considered a suspect behind last year's plot to blow up aircraft en route from Heathrow, across the Atlantic.

In Britain 17 suspects are now awaiting trial in this case. Mr. Rauf's extradition from Pakistan to face trial on another outstanding warrant - for the murder of his uncle - was unexpectedly derailed when he somehow managed to escape tight police custody in Pakistan. This man, considered by Scotland Yard's Counter Terrorism command to represent a link between Pakistani militant groups and Britain-based jihadists is now at large.

After being interrogated by Pakistani police on suspicion of terrorist activities, with the discovery of false identity papers, and materials for the production of explosives, the two Pakistani police officers tasked with the secure custody of Mr. Rauf inexplicably managed to fail in their duty. It's well enough known that the Pakistan army and police are infiltrated by jihadists. Complicity is certainly within the realm of possibility. A report is pending.

In the meanwhile, he is free to resume the past time that most consumes his interests. He, and countless others.

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