Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oh, Good!

Things are on the move, definitely looking up. The political future, and along with that, the social and economic future of Russia is being determined and it's beginning to look pretty good. President Vladimir Putin has come out in favour of endorsing a very special candidate as his successor. An acting First Deputy Prime Minister, a lawyer, a colleague of Mr. Putin's, as well as a staunch supporter: Dmitry Medvedev.

Actually, the leaders of four Putin-supporting political parties will also support Mr. Medvedev's candidacy for President. He is guaranteed a landslide electoral victory. Shades of Vladimir Putin. Sour-minded pessimists would have it that Mr. Putin's endorsement of this worthy supports the view that he will have no opposition from Mr. Medvedev, that in the final analysis, Mr. Putin's will will rule.

"Mr. Putin views Mr. Medvedev as a subordinate on whose loyalty he can count", according to Yevgeny Volk of the Washington-based Heritage Foundation. News accounts inform that Mr. Medvedev has never run for elected office. But for heaven's sake, this is no negative: he has no links with Russia's security services. Can that be bad? Um, hardly...?

This is a 42-year-old with a whole lot of experience otherwise; mayor of St.Petersburg, deputy chief of staff of the Kremlin, head of Mr. Putin's election campaign, chairman of Gazprom, Putin's chief of staff, and finally, First Deputy Prime Minister in charge of social programs. During which latter tenure he has made good use of Russia's newfound oil and gas resource proceeds to improve the lives of ordinary Russians.

The country's social programs were in his capable hands and it appears he did his work well, responding to the need to improve living conditions for countless Russians still adjusting to the transition from communism, through improvements in agriculture, medicine, housing and education. Prior to which he had succeeded in rebuilding Russia's economy through the proceeds of its energy industry.

Nice curriculum vitae. This is hands-on success. No quibbles, no quarrels there. So what if he respects and admires his mentor? He has other qualities as well. Considered a liberal, and not given to confrontation; no reflection on Mr. Putin there, heh, heh. He is reported to have informed foreign reporters that it was his personal opinion that in the best interests of the country and its political system Mr. Putin must step down from power.

"If there is no succession, the economic and social development of Russia will slow down significantly", said Mr. Medvedev. We're permitted a sigh of assent, a silent agreement, a blessing on his man. But he's obviously no pushover. While in Davos, Switzerland last January Mr. Medvedev spoke of his vision of Russian foreign policy: "We aren't trying to push anyone to love Russia, but we won't allow anyone to hurt Russia."

Shades of Vladimir Putin! And who can blame him, Mr. Putin, or any nationalists for feeling the way they do, given the last several decades of the country's history with its neighbours and the West. It's received more than its share of snubs. "We'll strive to win respect both for the citizens of Russia and for the country as a whole. Moreover, this shall be achieved not by using force but rather by our own behaviour and by our achievements."

Well said! (Are you listening, Vladimir?) Well, all right. Later, other things were said. Announced publicly for the world at large to hear and to know and to equivocate upon. Mr. Medvedev's unctuous gratitude toward his mentor has led him to state his desire to have Mr. Putin come alongside him at the helm of state as Prime Minister; to guide him, and to inform the future. Predictable?

So will he or won't he? Oh, ha!

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