Friday, April 18, 2008

He's At It Again, Elder Statesman Par Excellence

The U.S. State Department cautioned against former president Jimmy Carter embarking on yet another fact-finding, emergency-ameliorating trip that would see this redoubtable campaigner for justice and human rights meeting with a very obvious candidate for outstanding human-rights abuses of the decade - though truth to tell Hamas has plenty of competition, if not consanguineous company.

To Jimmy Carter, a terrorist group is simply a group of hard-done by, socially disaffected individuals whose causes haven't been taken seriously enough, and who are in need of some soothing, emollient words of support. They've hearts of gold, but the world has tarnished them, on a dubious record of achievement, as Islamist jihadists. Mind, they are proud to term themselves the holy warriors of God, which is just another way of repeating the former.

Hamas, like Hezbollah, has one purpose, and one purpose only. They exist to violently unseat the State of Israel, the "Zionist entity" from the Middle East. Their mandate is to annihilate the country, to remove its people by any means open to them - and all means are open to them, Allah be praised - and return the land to the Palestinians to claim for their very own. That seems to be quite all right with Jimmy Carter. It's a simple misunderstanding.

It's the State of Israel that is really to fault, here, for its inability, its unwillingness, to nicely discuss the situation. Israel is guilty, according to this elder statesman, of criminal activity in relation to the dire needs unmet of the Palestinians living in Gaza. Not Hamas, the terror organization that has placed them in that situation, through its continual bombardment of Israelis, for that too is a misunderstanding due to a lack of co-operation being adversaries.

Speaking to students and faculty at the American University in Cairo, post-talks with Hamas, Mr. Carter stated that PA Arabs within Gaza are being "starved to death" by Israel. "It's an atrocity, what is being perpetrated as punishment on the people in Gaza", he said. "It is a crime ... I think it is an abomination that this continues to go on." One student stood up to suggest that Mr. Carter was giving the comfort of legitimacy to terrorists by meeting with Hamas.

No doubt when Mr. Carter met earlier with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek, something of the same sentiment might have been suggested. Egypt has its hands busy trying to control the Muslim Brotherhood, close kin to Hamas; their progenitors, in fact. Giving succour to Hamas, lending them an understanding ear, commiserating with their purpose and function, by extension does likewise for the Muslim Brotherhood. This elder statesman is fomenting troubles wherever he treads.

But this man is larger than any mere government, including his own. He has no need to adhere to government strictures, for he has become a law unto himself. As he has said, "I consider myself immune" from restrictions imposed upon other, lesser mortals. He has a mission to perform and no one, no sensitivities or sensibilities, no government will keep him from his self-appointed task. Perhaps not entirely self-appointed, but rather one he has been commissioned with, by God.

In the process of which it might appear that he has outsourced his moral compass. While condemning Israel for dire human rights abuses, he makes no acknowledgement of the fact that Israel reacts as it must to ensure the safe-guarding of its population against the violent predations of a vicious terror group intent on her removal. Nor does he soften his condemnation of Israel by acknowledging that crossings into Gaza from Israel are opened on a daily basis for the delivery of humanitarian aid inclusive of food, medical and other supplies.

A hopeful Shalit family met with Mr. Carter while he was in Israel for he claimed he would plead the cause for Cpl. Gilad Shalit's release. Gladly, responded Khaled Mashaal; he will be released promptly, on the concomitant release of a thousand or more Palestinians held in Israeli prisons because of their violent acts against the State of Israel and her people. Many of whom have previously been released as good-will gestures. And then promptly re-assumed their original offences which had them incarcerated to begin with.

Mr. Carter generously gave of the wisdom of his experience and his years of governing in discussions with Hamas officials. He informed them that their rocket firing into Israel is the "worst thing", because for every Israeli killed, 30 to 40 Palestinians die because of Israel's superior military and "pinpoint accuracy". Should not a moral authority explain to slow learners that killing is in and of itself counter-productive, that committed discussions leading to a firm and long-lasting peace agreement is the way to go?

"I'm not blaming one (side) or the other ... Any side that kills innocent people is guilty of terrorism." Simple, isn't it?

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