Sunday, April 06, 2008

Only In America

The world sits on tenterhooks of anticipation. Where will the next human-driven catastrophe fall? There are targets aplenty. The balance of intelligence and reason has tipped dreadfully into chaos and malfunctions.

States teetering on the edge of breakdown, violent civil unrest, leaving their dependents in the clutches of fundamentalist madmen whom they themselves have, in their shortsightedness cultivated in the name of Islam, are incapable of controlling the monster.

They wreak havoc, these resolved jihadists, on those of their own religion, insufficiently engaged to receive their approval. Furious fundamentalist clerics declare the moderately affiliated Muslims to be little better than Infidels, no loss to the world of Islam.

Urging their irregulars on to fulfil their religious jihadist obligations elsewhere, moving on to the world of the accursed West. How dramatic, how startlingly Hollywood.

The United States of America will not sit idly by on the sidelines, finding amusement in the spectacle of their citizens being attacked, either abroad, stationed in countries of the world where they are not particularly welcome, nor at home, where they feel a right to be safe.

Well, correct that; they did sit idly by at some signal initial attacks, but getting hit right at home was just too much to bear. And that's when the bear became ferocious and atrociously attacked abroad.

And that's too when apprehended atrocities like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay came to the fore. Ultimately embarrassing a country feeling itself more than adequately under pressure from forces threatening to embroil its armies into the next millennium.

Enter the American Civil Liberties Union, with the involvement of such luminaries as Janet Reno and top American lawyers funding a reserve to co-ordinate the defence of terrorists. The main thrust of this initiative, this entirely noble, very American, justice-oriented move, is to mount a defence of Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

Who has confessed to being the master-mind of the September 11 attacks, along with sundry other terror acts of no little moment - including that brilliantly inhumane travesty, the televised beheading of Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl.

This is the West going out of its way to illustrate its delusional and potentially devastating state of self-revulsion.

Pity they took no lesson from Daniel Pearl's courage.

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