Friday, September 12, 2008

An Antidote to Social-Cultural Rigidity

It's amazing what opportunity can avail the individual with the foresight to recognize and make the most of it. The determination to rise to the level of her ambition. A woman, for example, born to slight opportunities.

As one of a dozen siblings, father a Moroccan labourer, mother an illiterate Algerian. In a Muslim household of limited means, moderate ambition, and with social concerns that would not reach beyond an arranged marriage for their second child.

Who, herself, had much other aspirations. Which disdain for time-honoured social custom and religious tradition has left many another young Islamic woman a victim of family honour.

Yet that young woman who had the strength of character to leave her enforced marriage, the impetus of conviction that she would acquire an education and make something beyond the ordinary expectations conveyed through faith and familial tradition, became the French Justice Minister.

An inordinate accomplishment. Now that's validation of her character, strength of purpose and conviction; belief in self. And if that is not quite enough, this proud daughter of Islam has the confidence to advise the world further of the singularity of her presence.

She continues to defy tradition. As a Muslim, as a woman, as an independent, capable, intelligent and forthright exemplar of confident womanhood. Rachida Dati, in revealing that at the age of 42, her unmarried status has not prevented her from aspiring also to motherhood.

To experience additionally that ultimate female rite of passage. It is her will and studied determination to love and nourish and nurture and raise a child to adulthood. Which will most certainly require sacrifice of time, attention and careful apportioning of self to accomplish the success of that notable undertaking.

She will not divulge any further details of her personal life, much less who it was who shared the intimacy with her of creating a child. This is her absolute right. She voluntarily divulged as much as she felt comfortable with.

As much as she felt compelled to, as a public figure, answerable in some part to the electorate whom she represents. They will most certainly have the opportunity in the future to express their displeasure at the ballot box.

But it's hardly likely. For she has also placed herself firmly within France's 50% unwed birth-giving demographic.

She is a credit to her gender. Highlighting possibilities available to women who choose independence, political life, success in the management of a complex and satisfying career.

Reaching out at the same time to access the ultimate personal satisfaction, the experience of raising another generation.

The ultimate survivor. More honour to her.

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