Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Legend Grows Apace

Count ferocious beasts of the forest among those creatures felled by the power of Vladimir Putin. He is not merely the champion of Russia, facing off against the world order as seen by the West, but his steadily emerging reputation as a man for all seasons, all reasons, grows. Fearful tigers whose primeval instinct is to hunt and devour, fall helpless, succumbing to the supranatural physical prowess of the Russian hero.

Even as he confronts and confounds the state agencies that would defy the right and might of Mother Russia. The hero of the Russian renaissance fervidly on his mission to assert, affirm, define and restore his nation's pride and its honourable traditions exerts himself prodigiously. Whether taming-and-tagging vicious predators or stilling inconvenient voices of internal protest.

Bravely, single-handedly, Vladimir Putin moved with swift determination to shoot a Siberian tiger. The master marksman sedated the rampaging beast - rather more than slightly irritated at the insult to its sovereign and free nature by wildlife biologists - aiming unerringly with a tranquilizer gun. He "saved our television crew" cooed a presenter on Rossiya TV delightedly, on the main evening news.

But he didn't stop there. In his camouflage attire and tough desert boots, the former Russian president, migrated to prime minister - no change in authority there - also assisted in measuring the Amur tiger's incisors before placing a satellite transmitter around the monster's neck. One not to be trifled with, measuring three metres from tailtip to nosetip, weighing infinitely more than its captor, at roughly 450 kilograms.

An unequal battle, you might say. But this man is capably endowed with the strength and determination to surmount any obstacles that stand in his way. That he does not tolerate dissent lightly, is a known; one has only to enquire of the psychological health of the Georgian population, let alone its beleaguered president. And mysterious things happen under Mr. Putin's watch: people die, and the people who seem most at risk are fearless news reporters.

Along with turncoats who find no haven anywhere; even in Great Britain where traces of radioactive materials can be dispensed to destroy such ingrates' interior physical resources. The Caucasus is in turmoil, but then what could they expect after all, challenging the supremacy of Russia? Incautiously so, given its current legend-in-the-making's offering short shrift to trouble-makers.

And there's yet another vocal critic of Kremlin politics down and out. Not everyone appreciates Moscow's dedication to peace and security. The founder of the website ingushetiya.ru, Magomed Yevloyev, has reported on his very last news item coming out of Ingushetia. He most certainly must have been a man of intemperate rashness, to court certain closure of his website, let alone his life.

Every country needs its legends, requires its national saviours, and Russia has re-discovered hers. Impetuous, courageous, indomitably aggressive, Vlad. He meets evil directly with self-assurance. Vanquishing national anguish with the grandiloquence of his heroic, occupying gestures in pursuit of peace and freedom.

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