Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No Kidding

Mexico is being convulsed with unceasing violence. Anarchy and chaos unsettling the country. People are being killed and their corpses defiled, left horribly contorted in public view as though to deliver a message no one is aware of, otherwise. Drug dealers contesting one another's territories. And people just inconveniently getting in the way.

Peoples' inhumanity to one another knows no limits. Under these circumstances it's a wonder that the population can still go about the business of everyday living. It's a frightening phenomenon, violence erupting throughout the dim edges of society and creeping into the confines of normal society. Is there no end in sight?

And why is the government so powerless to infuse a good level of determination in their intrepid police forces, their dedicated armed services, to put an end to the criminality and lawlessness and violence? Ah, kind of forgot the reality of deep-seated corruption in those noble institutions.

Well, in that very Catholic of countries, the Vatican to the rescue! The Vatican recommends excommunication as punishment. Drug traffickers warring with the government and the poor people of Mexico will bring down the wrath of the Shepherd of God. Exercising the Roman Catholic church's severe rebuke.

People without conscience who revel in inflicting atrocities upon a fearful and intimidated population to be turned around by the threat of excommunication. Doubtless they're utterly tongue-tied with fear. Pleading for understanding. Promising to mend their evil ways.

Go to it, Vatican.

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