Monday, October 19, 2009

Who Goes There, Friend Or Enemy?

Here we have the world's current institutional bad actor, a country that exemplifies all the worst traits of a nation, despotic in nature and intent, afflicting its people with the draconian rule of religious tyranny, and posing as a direct threat of violent action toward its neighbours. And, given its aspirations as a paranoidally-raging fanatical theocracy to own nuclear armaments, a threat to world stability as well.

Factor in there the friendly relations it maintains with other national thugs and there's a recipe for universal unease in a world that is never entirely at peace with itself. This is a country, not to forget, that foments unrest between its neighbours, that trains, supplies and encourages a proxy militia within another country. That proxy has unsettled Lebanon, creating a level of political and social divisiveness that has corrupted normalcy.

Hezbollah also, like its mentor-state, defies the United Nations' peace-keepers, and stocks up-to-date armaments threatening to reinstate a state of war between itself and the State of Israel. That too is largely in keeping with the Islamic Republic of Iran's immediate interests. But Iran and its Syrian ally do not stop there, for there is also Hamas which benefits from funding and arms supplies and training, another threat to Israel.

Pakistan began the illicit trade in nuclear secrets, and now that viciously-embattled country may lose control of its own nuclear armaments. While North Korea has attained its fledgling arsenal, and Iran is moving steadily toward its own. China and Russia, doing their part to help things along with matters practical and political. So has this fearsome threat to world peace, this country that defies world opinion anything to fear?

Threats, offers to mitigate misunderstandings, placatory measures, all leaving Iran sanguine in its trajectory toward success in attaining nuclear militarization and eventually ascension to the status of controlling power in the Middle East. A terrorist state, one that recruits and funds other terrorist non-state actors. Whose perceived enemies are the United States and Great Britain, both of which are controlled by the spawn of the Zionists.

Who have contrived to slander the great Republic of Iran and its Supreme Leader and its sensationally effective President Ahmadinejad. And who conspire to threaten the longevity of the Ayatollahs in administering the Islamic Republic, and who will ultimately fail, because Allah is protective of its premier people and country. Who might imagine that this land of terror which stimulates terror elsewhere in the region, might be attacked by ... terrorists?

Jihadists who do not make common cause with Shiite Iran. Sunnis (surprise!) whose mission it is to free themselves from Iranian control. Suicidal martyrs who have been greeted by their allotment of virginal maidens, and who have succeeded in their mission by killing a senior official of the Republic guards' elite Qods force, the deputy head of the Guard' ground forces, along with a Republic Guard General.

So sad.

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