Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fanatical Islamist Goals

Goals? It's more than abundantly clear what those goals are. They've been stated outright often enough, from the lips of spokesmen of the global jihad movement. Men whose names are synonymous with terror and atrocities, with an utter lack of regard for the welfare of populations whom they target. Why should they indulge themselves needlessly in concern for the lives of innocent people, after all? When they are so ready, willing and eager to surrender their own for the greater good of Islam?

That greater good, needless to say, being the tantalizingly eventual goal of a global Islamic emirate. Where the world as we know it will no longer exist. Overtaken by one where fundamentalist Sharia Law under an Islamic caliphate will have triumphed. Islam has always been a religion of determined proselytization. The mission of Islam is to spread its message everywhere Muslims settle. Throughout its fifteen-hundred-year existence, Islam has sought to widen its geography.

Islam was born in an atmosphere of regional Bedouin conflict, and inexorably spread through violent and bloody confrontation; countless massacres, assassinations, conquests, rule by the avenging sword and the divine Koran. Jihad was the instrument of conquest, victory was the result of surging hordes of jihad-driven, triumphant warriors of Allah over-running the less stridently-dedicated armies of other religious adherents.

Modern jihad - and its terror proponents in Islamofascism - has re-dedicated itself to the cult of death. For to the warriors of Allah, death is not to be avoided, not personal death. Death through martyrdom to the universal cause of an ascendant and triumphant Islam is the reward received in Paradise where hordes of nubile young women await the warriors' pleasure. Death is noble. Death dealt to others is simply a just and useful tool to achieve those ends.

Al-Qaeda and its spin-off jihadist cabals have become the modern face of a rejuvenated Islamist spirit of jihad. The mujaheddin of old have become the current warriors-of-God who celebrate themselves as jihadists, plotting and taking pleasure in delivering terror and death where they may, in the broadness of their just war against the West. The Taliban spokesmen are not shy in in stating their broader agenda, in interviews on Al-Jazeera.

"Our primary aim is to finish Britain [and] the U.S., and to crush the pride of the non-Muslims". Just as the leader of Hezbollah declared on Al-Manar television: "Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, 'Death to America' will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan." Much as a Hamas parliamentarian spoke pridefully of "Islamic conquests" of Europe and America.

Yet, even though this information is fairly widely known and acknowledged, there are great swaths of people in Europe and North America, from NGOs to trade unions, and universities who claim that the goal of Islamists is misunderstood, that Islam itself has merely been defending itself against the libellous assaults of the West. If Islamists claim that the West is trying to enslave the Muslim world, their apologists in the West own that to be true and make proper obeisance.

When claims are made that the atrocities of 9-11 represent a conspiracy by the CIA and Israel for the purpose of casting blame on Islam, a ready and willing contingent of conspiracy theorists in the West are happy to take up that particular cudgel. In defence of jihadists whom their supporters label 'freedom fighters', who are battling "national liberation struggles" to free themselves from their Western oppressors, the foreign occupiers of Muslim land.

Sadly, there is never a shortage of credulous Westerners for whom these fallacies are enough to justify their support of violent fanatics who would suffer no pangs of conscience in dispatching them once they have served their purpose.

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