Israel, Lift That Blockade, Stop Construction!
Israel must heed, as that admonition comes from none other than the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Standing in Gaza, witnessing first-hand the still-unrepaired buildings that fell afoul of IDF bombs attempting to hit back at rocket launchers cleverly placed within civilian enclaves, it behooved Ban Ki-moon to gently flagellate the world's number one dissident-nation.It is so unreasonable, so tedious and tiresome when a country like Israel - with the opinion of the world turned against it, and the Middle East Quartet and the Secretary-General call it to order - remains so stubbornly defiant. If a reasonable, democratic country like Israel will not heed the advice of the international community, how then can a moronic country like Sudan be expected to restrain itself?
Of course the fact that rocket attacks continue to blast out of Gaza into Israel is an unfortunate nuisance. And it was regrettable that a Thai farm worker was killed in one of those attacks. And while Hamas has abstained from responsibility for the recent spate of attacks, it is the de facto government there. Ah, it is Fatah factions who have pridefully claimed responsibility. Fatah? Israel's partner-for-peace in the Palestinian Authority? Can this be so? Ban Ki-moon, are you listening?
Israel cannot even guarantee safety for its Jewish citizens who wish to pray at their single most sacred religious site, the Temple Mount. For fear of offending Muslim worshippers who pray at the al-Aqsa Mosque, built over the ruins of the Temples of Solomon. "We will call for freedom of worship throughout the Temple Mount - even for Jews" said one activist, speaking for those wishing to access their sacred venue for Passover.
Israel fears confrontations between rioting Muslims and Jews insistent on their right to pray at their place of worship, denied them by Palestinians who claim sole right of passage, denying Jews their rights under the law of the state. State representatives do not deny freedom of worship to Jews, but remain concerned about 'security ramifications'; effectively closing down the Temple Mount to Jewish worshippers. So much for equality in a Jewish state.
Now too, for the first time in 62 years, religious Jews can gather for prayers at the rebuilt Hurva synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem. This is the same synagogue which was destroyed when Jordan captured the Old City's Jewish Quarter. And where, after the Six Day War in 1967, Jews were able to return to live after being banished from the area under Jordanian rule. With the re-dedication of the rebuilt synagogue, Muslim and Palestinian Authority leaders incited violence.
Persuading their followers that the rebuilt synagogue comprised part of a plan to seize control of the Temple Mount. Can one deal reasonably with these ignorantly incendiary mind-sets? Those who respond with riots, violence and hysterical accusations if there is an iota of a suspicion that some Western entities have held their Islamic beliefs in contempt, yet express no respect themselves for the beliefs of non-Muslims?
These are the people whom Israel is being bullied to hand over the Old City of Jerusalem to, for their honourable stewardship of the world's holy sites, encompassed by their determination to keep East Jerusalem as the capital for a Palestinian state.
Labels: European Union, Israel, Justice, Peace, Political Realities, Russia, United Nations, United States
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