Days of Rage and Hate
With the ongoing viral episodes of popular dissent and protest against the reigns of rulers and tyrants in North Africa and the Middle East infecting ever greater numbers of autocratic and human-rights-abusive regimes what better way to attempt to defuse the population's fury than to offer them up a sacrificial lamb? And which lamb presents itself historically on the world stage to serve that purpose, deflecting attention from corrupt regimes than the one that represents Jews?That the United States has brought upon itself the umbrage of the Arab world for its ongoing support of the State of Israel merely proves what many know to be truth, that Israel controls American politics. The United States of America, therefore, presents itself and its policies as an arm of Israeli politics and its ideology of conquest over Arab land. As such, Americans and their symbols are fair game for attack in the struggle of the Palestinian people to wrest to themselves that which is rightfully theirs, by their reckoning.
PA Calls for ‘Day of Rage;’ US Suspends Travel to Jericho
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The Palestinian Authority has joined the Arab world's spreading ’Day of Rage” phenomenon following the American veto Friday of an anti-Israel resolution in the United Nations Security Council.
After the vote, the United States imposed sharp limits in travel by American personnel Judea and Samaria, which now joins Bahrain, Libya and Tunisia on the U.S. State Department’s travel warning list.
"As a precautionary measure, the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem has suspended all personal travel of official American personnel to Jericho and has restricted personal travel of official American personnel on routes 1 and 90 to pre-authorized travel only,” the State Department advised. Route 90 is the north-south highway running though the Jordan Valley. Route 1 refers to the section connecting the lower Jordan Valley with Jerusalem.
The restrictions, in effect through Monday, include an order to American staff to avoid Jericho, located in the southern Jordan Valley, and were issued following the U.S. veto of the Lebanon-sponsored United Nations resolution condemning Israel for a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria.
Egypt denounced the United States, charging that “the veto, which contradicts the American public stance rejecting settlement policy, will lead to more damage to the United States' credibility on the Arab side as a mediator in peace efforts.”
The Palestinian Authority, which has incited violence on its website while preaching non-violence and "resistance" on English-language sites, is organizing the ”Day of Rage” to protest the American veto. Fourteen members of the U.N. Security Council, including Germany, Britain and France, voted for the resolution.
The Obama administration explained that although it objects to a Jewish presence in areas claimed by the Palestinian Authority, direct talks between the PA and Israel are the best way to address the issue. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas conditioned direct talks on a halt to all building for Jews in Judea and Samaria, and the ”diplomatic process” is widely considered to be a hopeless failure.
Tawfik Al-Tirawi, a member of the Central Committee of Fatah, the faction headed by Abbas, called on Arabs to demonstrate, with the largest protest slated for Friday, the Muslim day of rest.
Both Fatah and its rival Hamas condemned the veto, charging that it proves that the United States is not a fair mediator because it does not accept the PA position.
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum expressed hope that the American veto will help re-unite the two factions because “the veto reveals the reality of the clear U.S. support to what the Zionist enemy does against our people.”
He added, "Let's start a new phase to empower the internal Palestinian unity."
As published online at Arutz Sheva, 20 February 2011
Thus does Iran call for a "day of hatred" to usefully deploy the simmering resentment and anger of its population against the fanatical theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran's Grand Ayatollah and its irresistibly-charming Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. While the basiji and the Republican Guard teach Libya a thing or two about putting down dissent. And warships are sent through a newly-acquiescent Egypt's Suez Canal to challenge Israel at closer range.
And the Palestinian Authority, concerned over murmurs of dissatisfaction with its heritage of graft and corruption from among Palestinians see huge merit in pointing out to its population once again that it is the accursed Jews, not their esteemed leaders, who are responsible for the lack of an independent sovereign state for the long-suffering Palestinians. It is toward the State of Israel that the ire of frustration must be directed. And by logical extension, the United States of America.
Consider it done.
Labels: Middle East, Peace, Political Realities, Traditions
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