Monday, October 31, 2011

What Else Is There?

It's really hard to understand how Americans can take themselves seriously. But yet not seriously enough. They are so hugely admired as a nation because they have managed to excel collectively, at so many human endeavours. Theirs truly does represent a land of opportunities. And the large middle class has managed, up to the present, to be as homogeneously benefited as any society might hope to be.

It's hard to believe that they are, as a nation, so engrossed in religion, and so divided by their religious beliefs. And it's difficult to reconcile realistically the political-ideological gulf that divides the Republicans from the Democrats. A nation that is understandably so proud of itself, of its achievements in so many spheres, from the social, to the political, the scientific to the educational, the medical to the sciences and the arts, can behave so collectively - well - childishly.

After finally having concluded a horribly rancid chapter in their abysmal human rights history, where relations between the races are finally normalized, although the legacy of slavery, ignorance and bigotry still has vestigial influence, the election of a black President of the United States represented a reach for the stars. Blemished by that beguilingly decent man's incapacity to give full confidence to those who elected him with high hopes for the future of their country.

Tarnished by the ill-will extended toward his horribly flawed presidency. That his political opponents can still find solace in the claims of his birthright is appallingly imbecilic. Yet it is more than a trifle disappointing that the presidency of Barack Obama has fallen so short of its premise and its promise. President Obama was imbued in the imagination of the hopeful with qualities he did not possess, although he does possess fine qualities, falling short of the genius of a good president.

The worst that can be said of the man is that he is a very nice man, an impressively nice human being, but the United States of America and the world at large desperately require someone who is capable of far more imagination, determination, creative intelligence and moral certitude to lead the country out of its desert travails and into the Promised Land of its waiting inheritance. The awarding of the Nobel Prize for Peace was immensely hopeful and desperately premature.

The Republicans are hysterically busy seeking a candidate that might represent himself as the saviour that Barack Obama turned out not to be. They've no shortage of proposed candidates. Americans are boldly self-confident as politicians, but they are also abysmally lacking in a complete range of character traits in any single individual that would reveal him to be impressively prepared to take the reins of office.

Egotists present themselves. Ignoramuses strut their credentials. Those who stand forward know little of the world around them, less about foreign relations. They have a feeble grasp of economics. And when candidates for high office open their mouths and begin to speak of evolution, immigration, foreign policy, finances, unemployment and abortion rights/capital punishment, they appear breathtakingly innocent of credible intelligence.

In the final analysis, what is required to steer the United States back into social and political and fiscal health is a compromiser with a will of steel. Someone who will permit the great financial houses their strengths but not at the nation's expense. Someone prepared to inflict the same kind of pain on the public as is being demanded of Greece and Italy. But not before tackling corporate interests. Someone ready to jettison his future to bring his country to a state of fairness for all.

That person will argue with destiny, and battle human nature. He will be derided and despised while in the process of attaining the near-possible. And because humanity is so fallible, so too will he prove to be. Back to square one. But perhaps bypassing the current crop of Republican candidates in the process.

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