Monday, March 04, 2013

Islamic Exceptionalism

"If Israel wants to hear positive statements from Turkey, it needs to review its attitude. It needs to review its attitude toward us, and it needs to review its attitude toward the people in the region and especially the West Bank settlements issue."
Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish foreign minister
Israel, in other words, should be more relaxed about the presence of Islamists seeking to find passage through waterways controlled by the State of Israel for the express purpose of shattering the blockade meant to shelter Israel from the prospect of Hamas importing arms and ammunition into Gaza, under the pretext of bringing in needed supplies for the people of Gaza.

And when armed groups attack Israelis, forbearance should be the order of the day, not self-protective reaction resulting in the untimely deaths of those who have been demonstrated to be the attackers. Turkey worries the bone of contention over where the responsibility lies, like a pitbull enraged by having been shown to be a danger to society, requiring to be sequestered for the safety of civil society.

Turkey takes issue with Israel seeking to protect its citizens from the incursions of those seeking to terrorize them. Ankara and Prime Minister Erdogan remain concerned over the welfare of Palestinians, and decry Israel's actions toward the Palestinians as oppressive. Somehow Turkey makes no connection to its own refusal to permit Kurds living in Turkey to be autonomous and self-sustaining.

What is fine for the turkey is not all that well for the gander.  In addressing the UN Alliance of Civilizations conference in Vienna this past week, Mr. Erdogan expressed his complaints over perceived prejudice against Muslims. Any thoughtful intelligence might think first about why it is that the world's most desperate situations of conflict and atrocities are committed by Muslims. And most often one Muslim sect committing bloodshed against another.

At the conference he claimed Islamophobia should be considered a crime against humanity "just like Zionism, like anti-Semitism and like fascism." The discrimination faced by Christians in Islamic nations is fierce and growing more fraught with each passing day as churches are torched and destroyed and Christians beaten and killed, just as occurred with Jews in those countries.

Islamic countries view the presence of religious minorities an affront to Islam. They offer no conciliatory protection toward even their own citizens of their own ethnic groups who prefer to worship a religion other than Islam. Yet they view the ages-old longing of Jews to return to their place of historical origin as fascistic? 

Tolerance for other religions is not high on the Islamic agenda, yet Muslims insist that they are owing respect by others.

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