Saturday, February 14, 2015

If Curses Could Be Translated to Reality

From her mouth to the perhaps reluctant ear of Allah; a prescriptive resolution of the pestilence of Islamist jihad slaughtering its way toward its vaunted universal caliphate.

"Do not slaughter anyone and nobody will slaughter you. It’s all forbidden. … Not one of you will win anything, not you or Bashar (Al-Assad, president of the Syrian regime and enemy of ISIS)."
"[Your Islamic State] is cursed.  God will not stop the regime nor will he make you successful. You only keep killing each other like donkeys."

As jihadists forging on with resolute pride in their atrocity-driven aspiration to order pride of place in the firmament of Islam's sects, the Islamic State has gone out of its way to solidify the civilized world's disgust with those whose "Allahu Akbar!" triumph of hatred, conquest and death by the most excruciating means conceivable echoes Hell on Earth.

The crone's curse floating on the atmosphere to reach the ear of Allah....


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