Saturday, March 14, 2015

Grand Wizard of Deceit

"Of course I am worried, because the other side is known for opacity, deceit and backstabbing."
"Every time we reach a stage where the end of the negotiations is in sight, the tone of the other side, specifically the Americans, becomes harsher, coarser and tougher."
"This is the nature of their tricks and deceptions."
Iran's Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei pictured in June 2009
"I still think we have the possibility of something emerging, partly because in Iran they'll be calculating that they are never going to get a more favourable hearing in the White House."
Ali Ansari, professor of Iranian studies, St. Andrews University! The world's number one support and inciter of Islamist terrorism whose proxy militias have conducted international missions on order of the Islamic Republic of Iran to pursue vengeance attacks on the United States and Israel, slaughtering innocent people in their campaign of intimidation and violence, is calling out the United States for deceit and backstabbing. Well, they should know all about those two feints and actions of which they are past masters.

Iran has repeatedly and continues to deceive the International Atomic Energy Association and the United Nations over its end-stage nuclear research. It has covertly constructed a number of nuclear plants whose only purpose is to enrich uranium through spinning centrifuges to a grade where they are weapons-worthy. The country whose economy has been straitened as a result of UN sanctions enforced by the West, carries out war games targeting all those it considers its enemies.

The Shia regime with its purist apocalyptic vision of Islam conquering all, threatens the peace and stability of the Middle East in its inexorable quest for power. It has promised to exterminate the State of Israel, and its campaign to acquire nuclear weapons has caused fear and unrest in all the Sunni states of the Middle East. Iran has aided Bashar al-Assad in his campaign to slaughter Syria's Sunni majority whose sin was to demand treatment equal to that given to the minority ruling Shia.

And this is the regime that now bargains with the permanent members of the Security Council and Germany to, in effect, legitimize its nuclear program which it insists ingenuously is for peaceful civilian use only; to power energy in a country that is swimming with oil, and to produce medical isotopes. Humanitarian purposes only, in a country that threatens religious minorities, exercises the death penalty for political dissent and homosexual activity and conversions from Islam to Christianity.

The United States has been rent asunder politically by the White House incumbent's determination to reach a nuclear deal with Iran through negotiations that must be geared delicately to the heightened sensitivities of a country whose links to terrorism, human rights abuses, regional conflicts and hegemonic ambitions identify it as a threat to world peace.

The warning from 47 Republican senators to Tehran that any deal signed with the current American administration with Iran over its nuclear program may be short-lived has been characterized by the Wizard of Deceit as the "collapse of political ethics" in Washington.Cause for cynical amusement at best, despair that such chicanery and evil shudders beneath the surface of civil attempts to steer the world away from the looming danger that Iran represents.

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