Wholesale Transition: North Africa, Middle East Invasion
"Plaintiffs argue that this President's words strike at fundamental
standards of respect and tolerance, in violation of our constitutional
tradition." "But the issue before us is not whether to
denounce the statements. It is instead the significance of those
statements in reviewing a Presidential directive, neutral on its face,
addressing a matter within the core of executive responsibility." "In
doing so, we must consider not only the statements of a particular
President, but also the authority of the Presidency itself." "The Proclamation is squarely within the scope of Presidential authority." Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court "Migration pits southern Europe against the north." "Italy and
Greece smoulder with resentment at having been left alone to deal with
migrant arrivals. Meanwhile, northern countries blame the south for not
patrolling their Mediterranean borders better and for having, at least
in the past, enabled migrants to "slip away" northwards towards richer
Germany, Austria and Sweden." "Migration slashes the EU from east to west too." "Newer member
states from Central and Eastern Europe never signed up to the post World
War Two "all for one and one for all" vision." "When it comes to
EU solidarity and burden-sharing, they are fervent non-believers. They
determinedly turn their backs when Italy and Germany plead for migrant
quotas." "The number of migrants arriving illegally in Europe may be down, but so is voter tolerance of the problem." "The
rise and rise across the EU of tough-on-migration politicians has
emboldened hardliners such as Hungary's Victor Orban and Austria's
Sebastian Kurz, who takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the
EU this Sunday and will push migration as a top priority." "'Keep
Them Out' is Austria's main aim and while Europe's [still] most
influential leader, Angela Merkel, arrives in Brussels on Thursday
pushing - and praying - for compromise on burden-sharing and prevention,
the number of EU leaders pushing single-mindedly on the migrant
deterrence button is growing." Katya Adler,Europe editor, BBC News
"We have exhausted our available sites, our resources and our personnel [with the introduction of 3,300 asylum seekers in the Toronto shelter system]. We need the other levels of government to step up and assist Toronto." "Relocating just this [overflow] population of 800 would require the emergency closures of multiple community centres across the city and the cancellation of public programming in these centres. And this is a step the city is not prepared to take." Toronto Mayor John Tory, Toronto, Ontario
A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer,
left, standing in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Quebec, advises migrants
that they are about to illegally cross from Champlain, N.Y., and will be
arrested, Monday, Aug. 7, 2017. AP Photo/Charles Krupa
The United States hosts approximately twelve million illegal residents. That's a staggering number of people who have breached a nation's borders to install themselves illegally to take advantage of any steps up in their migrant, economic, social conditions they can manage in hoping to integrate into the U.S. system despite their lack of legality. That country has been struggling for decades to find a solution to the millions of undocumented and, under U.S. law, illegal entrants who have committed a criminal act simply by their irregular entry.
Canada, with one-tenth the population of the United States and lacking its huge financial resources is struggling to cope with a new influx of people, mostly from Nigeria, exiting the U.S. with the new Trump-era restrictions hampering their aspirations, to enter Canada. Nigerians have been receiving temporary visas to enter the United States, their intention being to enter Canada at illegal entry points, bypassing the legal immigration installations deliberately, to declare themselves refugees.
Canada's current prime minister has declared himself and his government -- on behalf of the Canadian people, whom he failed to consult on the matter -- open and welcoming to migrants wishing to relocate to Canada. Bearing in mind that through legal means, Canada absorbs on average a quarter-million immigrants yearly from all points of the geographic compass with all the welcome, expenses and accommodation that represents, the additional burden of undocumented 'refugees' is straining Canada's capacity.
Europe, on the other hand, has been experiencing an unstoppable bulge of refugee declarants and economic migrants flooding in overland and oversea measuring in the millions for the past several years, straining not only the EU's capacity to absorb them all and provide for their upkeep as well as apportioning 'fair' numbers to various member-countries, but it now faces the reality of rejection and objection on the part of its members unwilling to continue to allow their heritage, culture, laws and religion to fall prey to smothering numbers of aliens who fail to share European values and culture.
The world is gripped in an unstoppable turmoil of illegal entrants to countries that once took pride in their histories and social stability, invaded now and struggling to assert themselves, their borders open in a Europe-wide agreement of sharing and equality, assailed by hordes of entrants whose own culture, governments and social systems have failed them, but bringing with them all the hallmarks of those failures that will contaminate the integrity of the invaded nations.
The splits within the EU have been
highlighted by Italy's refusal to accept migrants carried by NGO rescue
boats in the Mediterranean AFP
This represents a general opinion site for its author. It also offers a space for the author to record her experiences and perceptions,both personal and public. This is rendered obvious by the content contained in the blog, but the space is here inviting me to write. And so I do.
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