Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pakistan In Need

Huge numbers of people have perished in Pakistan, millions have been displaced, people are desperate for rescue from the disaster that has invaded their homes. Farmers and displaced people, refugees from inundated landscapes are begging for help, their children are starving. The Pakistan military is dropping grains and potable water from helicopters, desperate hands reach high to retrieve what they can. Water-borne diseases now threaten people awaiting rescue.

Pakistan, which has year over year received massive amounts of international aid, and which the World Bank is now keeping afloat, along with the United States' Treasury, has siphoned off whatever it could by corrupt government officials and nothing has been left for it to help itself. The government is incapable of responding to the plight of the people, the army has peeled away its resources from the border between it and Afghanistan to deploy troops for rescue missions.

The Gulf States and Saudi Arabia remain aloof. Saudi Arabia has invested massively in funding mosques and above all madrassas in Pakistan (and elsewhere, globally) over the decades to ensure that Wahhabist Islamism becomes well entrenched. Pakistan's youth who cannot speak or read or understand Arabic are capable of quoting Koranic verses by memory, and have absorbed the necessary lessons of dedication to Islamism and jihad.

Saudi Arabia is funding huge new projects in Mecca, seeking to overturn the world's reliance on timing itself by Greenwich Mean Time. Henceforth the world of Islam will be timed by Mecca's impeccable meridian-less timing, sowing further confusion into the chaotic world of the West's democratic nations valiantly attempting to accommodate the religious needs of observant Muslims. Sharia is stealthily finding its place within the international community.

But sending charitable funds to Pakistan, now on its knees in the tragic and immense suffering of the people? It is of little moment to the world of Islam since people are meant to suffer in this world while they remain steadfastly committed to the next which they may only achieve by sufficient abnegation to the will of Allah. Mosques and madrassas are compelling adjuncts to this world, ensuring that Muslims sacrifice all toward the future in Paradise.

There is nothing to be gained by the philosophy that people should live safe and secure lives. That is a concept that belongs to an enlightened world view that managed to bypass Islamic thought. Passionate and complete subjection to Islam remains the only criteria to allow Muslims into the next world; the lives of abject poverty and fear they live here and now are merely incidental to their destined existence.

There is, therefore, no need whatever to proffer financial assistance to brethren in Islam who suffer the dire fate of cataclysmic natural disasters. There are always others to take their place. Muslims are prolific in their breeding habits and there will always be replacements for those who have been lost to misfortune. If the Western world with their dirty consciences and their extravagant neglect of spirituality wish to prolong the existence of the poor in Islam, they are free to do so.

It remains fundamental to Saudi Arabia to remain aloof from worldly affairs, to instruct the faithful to prostrate themselves five times daily toward Mecca, to assure Allah that they exist for His pleasure only, and at His pleasure. And if it is His pleasure that they perish, then so be it. Inshallah.

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