Monday, April 23, 2012

Afghanistan's Insurgents

They are insurgents, they're not terrorists or anything truly awful like that.  They are Afghans who find fault with the current government and who feel that the 'democratic' values that NATO has tainted the government of President Hamid Karzai with, a disgusting notion that must be eradicated at all costs.  And the costs are never too high.

The costs include destroying schools that will educate Afghan girls so that Afghan women will no longer know and accept their rightful place in society, and that is quite simply intolerable.  But these are Afghans whose concern is to maintain the integrity of their traditions, and such traditions have delineated heritage customs enshrined in Islamic precepts, that women must be protected from their baser instincts.

To protect themselves they must be heavily attired, leaving nothing to the inspecting eyes of men whom they do not know, who are not part of their family, and who must not view them.  Men cannot be blamed for responding to women's wiles, which results in a need for women to be sequestered, to remain in their homes, obedient to society's needs for total conformity.

To that end, and to restore original values, ten thousand kilograms of explosives were smuggled into Kabul.  That amount of explosives would create quite an impression.  In fact, there would have been, as planned, large-scale bloodshed with their detonation in crowded areas of the capital.  But the Afghan security forces have done their job and apprehended the five insurgents involved.

Who had hidden 400 bags stuffed with explosives under piles of potatoes, on the outskirts of the city, at the back of a truck.  The men, evidently, claim to have been trained by the Pakistan Taliban, anxious to support their brethren, the Afghan Taliban.  No such thing, claims the government of Pakistan, they have not supported and would not be involved in such an explosive plan.

"Three Pakistani terrorists and two of their Afghan collaborators who placed the explosives under bags of potatoes in the truck were caught", insisted Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security spokesman Shafiqullah Tahiri.  "If this amount of explosives had been used, it could have caused large-scale bloodshed."

But then, that's the business of insurgents, isn't it?  Large-scale bloodshed.  It's the way they get their point across.  That point being, of course, that irrespective of how vigilant the security forces may be, there comes a time when all it takes is for one truckfull to get through and then the fireworks begin. 

And the Afghan 'insurgents' have the opportunity to demonstrate just how dedicated they are to deadly assaults against their own.

Despite which, the President of Afghanistan will continue to call them his 'brothers', and to decry the 'inhumane', and 'unforgivable atrocities' committed by NATO troops against the people of Afghanistan.

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