Saturday, September 23, 2017

Self-Flagellating Avoids Offence-Giving

"There are, today, children living on reserves in Canada who cannot safely drink, or bathe in, or even play in the water that comes out of their taps."
"And for far too many Indigenous women, life in Canada includes threats of violence so frequent and severe that Amnesty International has called it 'a human rights crisis'."
"We need women and girls to succeed, because that's how we grow stronger economies and build stronger communities. That is why our government will be moving forward shortly with legislation to ensure equal pay for work of equal value."
"For Indigenous peoples, it means taking a hard look at how they define and govern themselves as nations and governments, and how they seek to relate to other orders of government. Indigenous people will decide how they wish to represent and organize themselves."
Grovelling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, United Nations

This hair-shirt sacrificing, egocentric who basks in international praise as a sensitive and emotional liberator of women from the strictures of male domination, always ready and eager to indulge in preening selfies, brought to the United Nations today Canada's lamentable relationship with its Indigenous population. The speech could have come almost verbatim from Australia, New Zealand, or the United States, anguished breast-beating about human rights violations of the past and efforts in the present to make amends.

But, as of all matters of extreme importance, the devil is in the details, and the details are far too numerous, convoluted and dense to be discussed in such a forum. Making the issue under discussion by Mr. Trudeau perversely inadequate and from a canted perspective, leaving unwarranted impressions. For one thing, the violence that Indigenous women face emanates for the most part from their intimate others, and certainly from among members of their reserves and tribes. Details, details.... Nor was there either an inclination or time to detail the unwillingness of First Nations to fairly represent their peoples' needs other than a determination to keep them in thrall to 'tradition'.

The forum of the annual UN speeches is generally an event where heads of nations vent their opinions about the world order, about how their nations position themselves on issues of great international moment, of decrying the conditions prevailing in countries where destabilizing events take place, from natural disasters to civil wars and predatory acts of terrorism. When leaders of nations speak at the United Nations they mention their own countries more in passing than in totality of measure.

But Canada's prime minister has an agenda to restore Canada to the regular roster of revolving membership in the UN governing council, where the general assembly every two years nominates member-nations to sit on the security council alongside the permanent Security Council members, Britain, France, United States, China and Russia. Under the previous Conservative-led government it was made known that respect for the United Nations had been much diminished in reflection of its corruption, its surrender to dominating cliques' agendas, its focus on condemning one single state, ignoring the human rights violations of nations that commit atrocities against their own.

When Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister, he triumphantly declared on the world stage "Canada is back!", when he might have said, the ruling Liberals have returned to power with all their backroom tricks and self-entitlements, but Justin Trudeau promoted himself as a child of the sun whose smile would light up any chamber he entered and thus became adored of the socialist masses for cleaving to their view of world affairs. So, not for him to upset anyone by mentioning situations that would give offence to anyone. Every vote counts.

Trudeau's nimble and sometimes troublesome tongue could have spoken like a statesman, but he avoided any such thing deliberately. His sunny ways even extend happily to courteous meetings with the world's most human-rights defying regimes' representatives for there are votes to be had everywhere. So, from the lips of the clumsy, inarticulate buffoon who is the current American president came the statements and observations of great moment that needed to be stated before the world body.

Addressing the issues that bedevil the world, and as the world's super-power, the United States as traditional custodian of world security. The world had no need to hear of American domestic divisions in its political parties, but it did require that issues relating to global stability and security be addressed, and President Trump did not shirk, managing to present an address that made one wonder who among his advisers moved him to speak in an acceptable and needful tone of the miseries of the world and the atrocious leaders responsible.

The topic of North Korea was addressed, and attached to that was the assertion that the U.S. is prepared to take the lead to prevent a volatile conflagration lit by a juvenile delinquent in his guise as a mendacious tyrant. China did not escape criticism, but in the context of its sponsorship of the North. Cuba's lack of freedom, Iran's provocations similar to those of North Korea with which it pairs in its ICBM and nuclear files quest, alongside its support and incitement of terrorism was deplored, and Syria's "criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad" put on notice.

It remains to be seen in the long run whether America will have been well served by a man whose background and character register as totally unsuited to the presidency. For Canada, the future will also tell whether the political dynasty that brought Justin Trudeau to a position he too had no previous study for, given his work background of drama coach and snowboarding instructor, which in contrast to Donald Trump's business ventures suggests McDonald's server suitability.

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