De-Fanging The Islamic Republic of Iran
De-Fanging The Islamic Republic of Iran
"Today, more than ever, there is fertile ground - with the grace of God - for the annihilation, the wiping out, and the collapse of the Zionist regime. In Lebanon alone, over 100,000 missiles are ready to be launched.""If there is a will, if it serves [our] interests, and if the Zionist regime repeats its past mistakes due to its miscalculations, these missiles will pierce through space, and will strike at the heart of the Zionist regime.""They will prepare the ground for its great collapse in the new era."Hossein Salami, Commander-in-Chief, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Islamic Republic
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Not a word of condemnation has been issued by either the UN or the EU on the Iranian regime's acceleration of its threatening ballistic missile program. Pictured: Iranian soldiers launch a Ghader missile on September 11, 2020, during a military exercise near the Strait of Hormuz in southern Iran. (Photo by Iranian Army Office/AFP via Getty Images) |
"The Iranian regime is in clear violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231. The resolution calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran "not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.""In addition, as Iran and the P4+1 (Germany, the UK, Russia, China and France) still contend that the nuclear deal [which Iran never signed] remains effective, Tehran is even violating the nuclear deal due to the fact that it indicates that Iran should not undertake any ballistic missile activity'"until the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day [Oct. 18, 2015] or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the broader conclusion, whichever is earlier.""The Iranian regime is also reportedly setting up weapons factories abroad and manufacturing advanced ballistic missiles and weapons in foreign nations, including Syria. Some of the arms that Tehran is producing there include precision-guided missiles, using advanced technology to strike specific targets. Iran's foreign-based weapons factories give it an advantageous military capability for waging wars or striking other nations through third countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or Iraq."Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, political scientist, board member, Harvard International Review, president of the International American Council on the Middle East
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The IRGC has its own navy and air force, and oversees Iran's strategic weapons Getty Images |
Donald Trump has stated time and again his lack of confidence in the
usefulness of the United Nations. He has taken the United States out of
the UN Human Rights Council, the World Health Organization, the UN
cultural agency UNESCO, and a global accord meant to bring nations in
line to tackle climate change. He has opposed a UN migration pact. His
administration cut funding for the UN Population Fund, and the UN agency
that supports Palestinian refugees [UNRWA]. On the other hand, the
United States has always paid the lion's share of financial support of
the United Nations, and its headquarters is based in New York.
the United Nations is corrupt, that it is heavily infested with group
influence brought to bear by human-rights abusing states, that its
general membership has assented to one country and one country only
being held in contempt as a perpetual scapegoat, is undeniable. The UN
Human Rights Council is farcical, and the fact that UNESCO has denied
Judaic heritage status of undeniably Judaic historical sites is yet
another symptom of the body's bias against Israel and its lack of
capacity to function as it should. The worst human-rights-abusing
nations are continually being elected to head various 'rights' groups as
yet another unabashed demonstration of contemptible corruption and
the United States still turned to engage the UN in a move to place
further sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran in an effort to stop
the Islamist theocracy from continuing on with its surreptitious program
to attain nuclear weapons to complement the technologically advanced
ballistic missile systems the country has devoted time, energy, research
and production upon. An industry whose results have been shared with
the Lebanon-based terrorist militia Hezbollah. Iranian rocketry has also
been shared with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
a destabilizing influence in the Middle East, Iran has no peer. It has
laboriously built a Shiite-dominated alliance against the region's
majority Sunni population, co-opting Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Qatar and
Yemen in a deadly triangle of opposition and threat against Arab Sunni
dominance. The ruling Ayatollahs' poisonous hostility against Israel and
the United States; the West in general and democracy in particular,
drives Iran's antipathy and aspiration to restore its historical
position as the leading influence in the Middle East.
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deliberately transparent ambitions and its sinister threats alongside
its covert weapons development pose an unambiguous threat to the
majority Arab nations who have gradually moved to implicitly accept the
presence of the State of Israel, viewing it as a bulwark of defence
against the Islamic Republic. The agreement reached by the EU and
Germany with UN approval to hold Iran to a mutually-agreed schedule of
nuclear development for breathing space has been a dismal failure.
Conditions that Iran agreed to, have never been met and nor has the
Republic diminished its nuclear research activities, merely placed them
deeper below ground to keep their presence hidden from prying Western
overtures to the United Nations to support additional snap-back
sanctions on Iran as a penalty for its non-observance of conditions
associated with the nuclear agreement, the Security Council chose to
give its thumbs-down even while supporting sanctions collectively on
North Korea. Handily overlooking that North Korea is a nuclear-weapons
nation, and there is close collaboration between Iran and North Korea
cooperating in the development of Iran's nuclear ambitions to obtain its
own cache of miniaturized nuclear heads to complement its missiles.
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Iran's missile capabilities are a key part of its military prowess. Iran has launched more than a dozen missiles at two bases in Iraq housing US forces Getty Images |
Europe, China and Russia deigned not to support further debilitating
Iran sanctions the U.S. has made it clear that any of their corporations
wanting to do business with Iran, offering it technical weaponry
components aid will themselves be penalized for failing to return all UN
sanctions on Iran. Failure to implement those measures to discourage
Iran from further uranium enrichment has its clear consequences. Enforce
UN sanctions or pay the penalties of the Iranian threat to the Middle
East and the larger world order.
sanctions once again imposed to persuade Iran to negotiate a new, more
heavily binding and inclusive agreement on nuclear arms and other
weapons development, along with Iran's interference in the affairs of
other Middle East states, its support for Islamofascist terrorism and
alliances with like-minded regimes will deliver an indelible message,
that Iran's current trajectory will not be permitted by a world order
alarmed at the extent of its sinister and destructive ambitions.
A senior Security Council diplomat has stated that "Iran is closer to the bomb right now than it was two years ago", (ostensibly as lash-back to the U.S. pull-out on the nuclear agreement), that the threat posed by North Korea "now is bigger than three years ago",
speaking anonymously. Some level of credit must go to Donald Trump, as
flawed a human being as he is, for making the effort to set aside
earlier failed efforts and committing to a personal appeal, face-to-face
with North Korea's Kim to relinquish its own nuclear ambitions, only to
fail in the end.
little having been accomplished at great effort and hopes for a
resolution of the impasse, the US. has proceeded with sanctioning over
two dozen people and entities linked to Iran's nuclear, missile and
conventional arms programs. Another anonymous official speaking on the
situation stated that Iran could have sufficient fissile material to
produce a nuclear weapon by year's end, along with the resumption of
long-range missile co-operation with nuclear-armed North Korea.

Labels: Europe, Islamic Republic of Iran, North Korea, Nuclear Agreement, Sanctions, Security Council, United Nations, United States
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