Saturday, October 03, 2009


From time immemorial Jews have been identified as the world's foremost source of troubles. Bringing trials and tribulations, through their self-interested machinations, to the rest of the world. Jews conspire to bring about wars, to advance themselves to the highest echelons of governance wherever they settle in whichever hapless countries; they invest their money in making more money, acting as a succubus on unsuspecting society. They control all messages that are disseminated through the media to ensure that they always appear in a favourable light, enabling them to further manipulate and oppress others.

From the time of the biblical-era scourges of Jews by the ancients who recognized their ferocious chicanery, when the Phoenicians, the Philistines, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, overruled the tribal authority of the Jews and scattered them from the land they called their own, Jews hid themselves among the populations of their conquerors, becoming as they, and continuing their evil machinations. When Spain and Portugal initiated the Inquisition, conversos were known to still practise their forbidden religion in dark subterranean chambers thinking themselves undiscovered, then dying in Pyrrhic defeat.

In Europe, Jews sought to change their Jewish names to those more resonant with those among whom they lived, and they shed their homage to Judaism, and took up Catholicism and Protestantism with vigour, the better to ingratiate themselves within the larger society and to enable their descendants to aspire to positions of social respect and political power. In the annals of science, philosophy, and the arts and humanities Jews were able to scrabble into respect once they left their accursed heritage and religion behind.

It is held by scholars that many Arabs, for example, have Jewish heritage in their dim, and occasionally not-quite-dim backgrounds, including Palestinian Arabs. Jews have lived in Arab countries for millennia, many dating from the destruction of the second Temple of Solomon. And when, in the 7th Century, Mohammad introduced Islam to the Middle East, many Jews fled to Afghanistan where it is now held that a number of Afghan tribes, including the Durrani, Yussafzai, Afridi and Pashtun are largely of Jewish descent.

Why then, be surprised that a raving lunatic like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the current political lapdog of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei has fairly recent Jewish heritage? Jews have lived in Iran since Cyrus the Great liberated them from slavery in Babylon in 593BC. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is really, prior conversion, Mahmoud Tallit-weaver, or Mahmoud Sabourjians, a name so Jewish in its origins that it is one specifically reserved for Jews in Iran by the country's Ministry of the Interior.

Ahmadinejad, who froths at the very mention of the reality of the Holocaust, and who takes immense pleasure on putting the world on notice that it is his country's firm and considered intention to erase Israel from its perch on the sacred soil of Islam, takes immense steps to overcompensate for his Jewish heritage in the only way such a scoundrel can imagine to be productive. By using the invectives of other world-class scum who labelled Jews 'vermin', when they undertook to exterminate all of European Jewry, and almost succeeded.

His state identity card clearly reveals his heritage. Which his parents turned their backs on while he was yet an infant, when they removed from the town of Aradan to Tehran, accepting Islam as their religion, and altering their name to profit handsomely in their futures as Iranian citizens fully integrated as Islamic and Persian.

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