Wait! ... There's More To Come!
"The greatest period of anti-Western intellectual development in Salafi-jihadi thought took place in the years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks."Islamic State conflates itself with piety. It recognizes in itself the purity of Islam dating from its inception. Whatever the Prophet Mohammad did and urged be done on behalf of Islam is what ISIL has committed itself to, in the establishment of its caliphate. While the modern world looks on in horror and disbelief as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant prides itself on the creative ways it undertakes to slaughter its enemies the methods they use are in fact, historical in the nature of Islam and its solutions for dealing with apostates.
"Salafi-jihadism is even more sensitive to this stimulus given that it is principally a militaristic ideology."
"Salafists have made jihad into the pinnacle of Islam. They say it’s the highest form of duty and obligation and also that it’s an act of worship, a ritualistic act like praying, fasting, and giving charity. You must engage in jihad. And for the Salafi-Jihadists, jihad is a process of fighting, the very means to give Islam power and legitimacy in the physical realm."
"The third group [of modern-day Salafists] are the Jihadists. They are rejectionist in nature, oppose the domestic structures of the state as well as internationalist structures, and seek a radical and violent millenarian upheaval. This is the smallest group of the three, but it has been dramatically empowered recently, and is attracting some people as a result of its supposed success in carving out a piece of land between Syria and Iraq which it calls the Islamic State (IS), i.e. the Caliphate."
Shiraz Maher, senior research fellow, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, King's College, London, author: Salafi-Jihadism: The History of an Idea
Wahhabist Saudi Arabia is also Salafist, albeit portraying itself as a friendly agent to the West which has been responsible for helping it and the other Gulf States garner their fabulous treasury of wealth from the sale of fossil fuels, satisfying the world's unappeasable hunger for energy to enable it to grow economies. While oil greases the machinery that produce a way of life for first-world economies, it has also been responsible for turning an obscure corner of the world into one of fabulous wealth. Enabling the Saudis to dispense part of their wealth in building mosques and madrassas worldwide, to export their Salafist Islamism and send their clerics abroad to proselytize.
Wealth has gifted the Saudis with the wherewithal to practise both types of jihad, by proselyzation and through the support of Islamist jihadists, the evidence of which is seen in its madrassa graduates forming the backbone of jihadi terrorist groups one of which is al-Qaeda which led to the 9/11 attacks on the United States. The Islamic Republic of Iran, through the vision of its first Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini, did its part in exporting the virtues of the Shiite version of global aggression and the support of terrorist jihadis.
The Islamic State is simply the latest iteration of violent, vicious Islamism to enter the world scene with its adherents all over Europe, North America, Asia and Africa wreaking havoc and instability, preying on peaceful Muslims, on non-Muslims, Crusaders and Jews, on women and children, favouring enslavement and sexual predation in expressions of the 'purity' of Islam's introductory decades from the 7th Century imagination of a Bedouin mountebank.
Shiraz Maher was born a British citizen of Pakistani heritage whose formative years took shape in Saudi Arabia where his accountant father took employment. After 9/11, Islam took on a mystique and attraction for him as it did for many other young Muslims, and he became anti-American in his outlook while becoming more Islamist and becoming a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a Sunni group planning to establish an authentic Islamic state from Morocco to the Philippines.
He returned to Britain where he attended the University of Leeds. While a graduate student at the University of Cambridge he rose in the ranks of Hizb ut-Tahrir from cell leader to regional director. His belief in its ideology began to falter as he questioned its expressed beliefs and on the day of the London Underground bombings in 2004 he surrendered his membership in the group becoming an opponent of jihad. Now he produces reports on counterterrorism strategy, yet another favourite of the intellectual West as an Islamist insider turned outsider.
His contention is that jihadist authorities resurrected medieval Islamist rules like the punishment of excommunication as a controlling tool and its functionality "to license a fratricidal civil war against the Iraqi Shia community" by al-Qaeda in Iraq. He also believes that the extremism that now motivates Islamists is in the process of evolving, that ISIL's caliphate represents one belief set but there are others prepared to interpret the hadiths left by Mohammad for his faithful.

Labels: Iran, Islam, Islamic State, Jihad, Saudi Arabia, Shiites, Sunnis, Terrorism
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