a university, we are committed to fostering an environment where all
members of our community can feel safe, welcomed, heard, and supported."
"This commitment is jeopardized when our leaders, even those in volunteer positions, make divisive statements."
Western University statement
Western University's statement says it is looking for a new Muslim chaplain in consultation with Muslim community leaders.Photo Derek Ruttan/London Free Press
2015 PM Harper [former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper] tried to
make it a crime to glorify and promote terrorism. [Justin] Trudeau
blocked his efforts and here we are."
exists no law in Canada to prevent this orgy of celebration for the
beheading of babies and the rape and execution of little girls."
"Time for a new PM."
Former Senator Linda Frum
"Stop spreading lies of beheading babies or rape of little girls. It's been debunked."
"No one is celebrating the murder of Israeli babies."
are mourning the death of their babies. It's incredible how Israel
sympathizers simultaneously are the oppressor and the victim."
Aarij Anwer, Muslim chaplain, Western University, London, Ontario
A crowd estimated to be in the thousands marches through the streets of
downtown Toronto calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. (Mike Walker)
statement issued by Western University explained its dismissal of a
volunteer Muslim chaplain following comments he placed on line that "do not align with Western's commitment to peaceful and respectful dialogue".
The university's statement did not include the wording of the
statements issued by the chaplain, but there was a recent exchange
online with former Conservative senator Linda Frum respecting her
comments on a Toronto vigil that was titled "Glory to our Martyrs".
martyrs, needless to say represented by Hamas terrorists who have met
death at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces following the atrocities
committed by those terrorists during their invasion from Gaza into
Israel when mass rapes, torture, mutilation, slaughter and
hostage-taking of over 200 children, women, men and soldiers took place
on October 7. The vigil emphasized that these 'martyrs' were glorious
and of course luxuriating in Paradise, each with their 72 virgins.
Western University is now searching for a new Muslim chaplain, in consultation with Muslim community leaders "to
seek their advice. We will ensure our Muslim and Palestinian community
members feel our support and can share their thoughts".
Local 3906 asked their colleagues to show support for Palestinians
after the mass murder of innocent Israelis, claiming Palestinians are
righteously taking back their land."
Israelis have over 3,000 years of history on that land. The State of
Israel, even with notable flaws, is one of the greatest examples of
indigenous reclamation in the world. In fact, it is known that the Jews
are indigenous to the lands, having been there since at least 1,000 BC,
nearly two millennia before the Arab occupation of Syria and Palestine
in the mid 600s AD. The Jews were there long before the Arabs and
Muslims. Jerusalem is their capital and has been for 3,000 years. The
Jews are not colonizers, nor are they occupiers. Canadian professors and
academic support staff need to get their history right."
Israelis left Gaza in 2005, ceding control to the Palestinian people.
There are over two million Arabs living in Israel, the vast majority of
whom are citizens who are entitled to the same rights as their Jewish
neighbours. Canadian professors and academic support staff need to get
their history right."
are Arabs in he Israel Defense Forces. Arab Israelis are also police
officers, belong to political parties [including the Joint Arab List]
and participate in government as members of the Knesset. This is not to
say that they face no discrimination, but Arabs in Israel arguably enjoy
greater democratic rights and civil liberties than they do anywhere
else in the region."
contrast, there are signs on the road to the Palestinian-controlled
West Bank that warn Jewish people not to enter the area. Today, no
Jewish people live in Gaza."
Chris Sankey, former councillor, Lax Kw Alaams Band, businessman, senior fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute
"[The Canadian government] is providing cover for atrocities."
"Saying Israel has the right to defend itself is complicity in the genocide that is taking place right now."
"You do not get to tell a colonized people how to fight for their liberation."
"If anything, this exposes your white liberal guilt and fragility, and even supremacy. So, please, spare us."
Hassan Husseini, Public Service Alliance of Canada negotiator, member, Labour for Palestine
Pro-Palestine demonstrators march through downtown Ottawa, as seen at
Rideau and Sussex. Oct. 29, 2023. (City of Ottawa traffic camera)
in full force on Canadian streets, labour activists and Palestinian
groups calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip while they
held a downtown 'solidarity rally', at the human rights monument in
Ottawa. To the 200 people who gathered, Hussein spoke of the bombs that
continued to fall on the people of Gaza. He must have forgotten that
Hamas rockets too continue to fall in Israel, as far as central Israel.
The terrorist group that has raided UNRWA storehouses for food and fuel
to stockpile in their tunnels has energy and to spare, given what it
takes to launch rockets.
government of Canada employee is faulting the Canadian government for
failing to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Untroubled by
evidence of Hamas terrorists' savagery in torturing and mutilating
Israelis as they entered from Gaza, to slaughter families in their
houses located in the southern Israel, Gaza-bordering towns and villages
and kibbutzim, filming their grotesque escapades of unlimited
atrocities in a pride of accomplishment, this man upbraids the
government that allows him and his Jew-hating cohorts to gather in
public to chant "gas the Jews" and other love messages.
very verbiage used by this hate-instigator comes straight out of the
government's own playbook on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, along
with Critical Race Theory espoused widely and wildly by government
departments, unions and academia. An all-inclusive agenda touted by the
Liberal government of Justin Trudeau that encourages the Palestinian
Youth Movement organized in Canada to arrange and orchestrate
'pro-Palestinian' events calling for Israel's demise.
over the world, there have been active and relentless attempts to
suppress the voices that advocate for the freedom of Palestinians",
charged Aseel Munir, a member of the movement's Ottawa chapter. When,
in fact, few governments the world have taken steps to restore order and
disallow these events over where these Jew-hate-charged violent mobs of
uncivil rioters have wreaked havoc calling for Jews to be gassed in a
proposed new attempt at annihilation. Germany's was the sole effort to
impose a blanket ban on Palestinian-support protests.
uncivil but progressive woke adherent, an organizing officer for the
Canadian Association of University Teachers, stated that the labour
movement had no option but to join the battle for Palestinian
"It's very clear we need to end the brutal -- I'm not going to say war
-- I'm going to say genocide and war crimes against Palestinians",
huffed James Hutt yet another committed Jew-hater who can find it in
him to overlook any level of atrocity perpetrated against Jews.
the death of over 1,400 Israeli citizens and hapless foreigners caught
up in the Hamas slaughter of October 7, and the abduction of 220
infants, children, the elderly, families and Israeli soldiers, the rape
of girls and women, and apart from the 15,000 Israelis wounded in the
barbaric Hamas invasion details of which relating to the inhumanity of
the terrorists' atrocities committed against helpless people, committed
Israel in response to impose a blockade of all supplies, food and fuel
from entering Gaza.
Smoke rises following Israeli bombardment on Gaza City, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Abed Khaled)The Associated Press
that Israel had completely withdrawn from the Gaza Strip in a
unilateral decision meant to leave that parcel of land entirely to the
Gazans that call themselves Palestinians in the hope that peace might
result, in 2005, the raging lunacy of Hamas and Fatah in conflict over
the competition to determine which of them would rule the strip ended in
Hamas's favour. Instead of building a forward-looking infrastructure
for future prosperity, Hamas milked the international community's
generosity in aid to the 'refugees', building a vast infrastructure of
underground tunnels.
whose founding charter promises the elimination of Israel, and the
reunification of the land in question into a geographic unity that would
be an Islamist theocratic state, in conflict with the plans of the
secular Fatah movement represented by the Palestinian Authority, the
needs of Palestinians in both territories have been subordinate to the
perceived needs of their leaders whose focus has always been -- from
their individual perspectives -- the destruction of Israel.
highjacking planes and ocean liners to message the world at large that
Palestinians were prepared to take by force what they could have had in
peace had they accepted the 1947 offer of Partition by the United
Nations, to developing the death cult of martyrdom in training
Palestinian youth to become suicide bombers, the stealth incursion of
Palestinians into Israel for the direct purpose of killing Jews has
never ended.
crowds of protesters that gather now that Israel is finally confronting
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists directly and with a
purpose to finally exterminate their agenda along with themselves, who
shout in cities the world over for the liberation of Palestine and "from
the river to the sea" (Jordan to the Mediterranean) advocates
for the destruction of Israel and a Palestinian state incorporating the
West Bank, Gaza and Israel into one body exclusively for Arab Muslims.
is Israel's right and it is Israel's duty -- and international law
upholds both -- to ensure that this never happens, that the Jewish state
established on a portion of the ancient ancestral lands of Judaea, and
that now exists for the singular purpose of protecting Jewish human
rights and their very existence remains strong and intact, even while as
a democracy, there is acceptance of non-Jews as citizens comprised of
Christians, Arab Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Circassians, Baha'i and
many others.
"[Israel’s upcoming ground offensive
in the Gaza Strip] may last three months, but it will be the very last
one [if Israel succeeds in eliminating the Hamas terror group]."
"This needs to be the last [ground] maneuver in Gaza, for the simple
reason that after it there will be no Hamas. It will take a month, two
months, three, but in the end, there will be no Hamas."
"Before the enemy meets the armored and infantry forces, it will meet the bombs of the Air Force."
"I am under the impression that you know [IAF] how to do it in a lethal,
precise, and very high-quality way, as it has been proven until now."
Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (center) is seen at the IAF's command
center in Tel Aviv, October 22, 2023. (Ariel Hermoni/ Defense Ministry)
in addressing top IAF commanders, Defense Minister Gallant spoke of a
ground campaign meant to undertake the highly dangerous work of
dismantling the vast network of tunnels that reflect the most vital
strategic advantage of the Hamas terrorist group in supplying and
re-supplying its military needs, in reconnaissance, in weapons storage,
in sheltering Hamas operatives from the missiles their rockets invite to
rain down on Gaza, and as exits into newly-formulated plans for
guerrilla invasions into Israel.
new phase of Israel's war against Hamas is on the cusp of fully
unfolding; it is expected to be gruelling and open-ended following on
the savagely bloody incursion by Hamas into southern Israel and the
relentless rocket bombardment from Gaza accompanying and following the
mass slaughter of Israeli families from children to the elderly,
alongside the gang rapes of Israeli girls and women, and the
hostage-taking of 222 Israelis to barter them for criminal Palestinian
prisoners in Israeli prisons.
Israel expanding Gaza ground operation, communications cut off. Still from video, CBCNews
Later, the Defense Minister spoke to a group of foreign reporters of the invasion that "will take a long time", to be followed by a lengthy phase of lower intensity fighting as Israel gets on with destroying "pockets of resistance".
Its aim is to crush the rule of Hamas in Gaza and its future capacity
to again turn to threatening Israel. Israel has no intention of ruling
the territory despite the description of a long-term insurgency.
are allied issues also at play with American warplanes striking eastern
Syria targets the Pentagon identified as linked to the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard group following a number of attacks on American
forces. The military on Friday stated that ground forces backed by
fighter jets and drones raided within Gaza, striking dozens of terrorist
targets in 24 hours. A similar raid to Thursday's took place on Friday.
And by Saturday the full-scale invasion was put into action.
Israeli soldier at tunnel on Israeli side Gaza border
each of these incursions on the outskirts of Gaza City, reports were
that Israeli servicemen exited without sustaining casualties. The Gazan
Health Ministry -- part of the Hamas administrative apparatus --
released a list of names and identification numbers of Gazans killed,
among them over 3,000 minors and more than 1,500 women. Men are in short
numbers, as are terrorists; the population seems comprised in its
majority of children and women.
of rockets have been and continue to be fired into Israel, inclusive of
one that hit a Tel Aviv residential building Friday wounding four. The
expectation is that a full ground invasion will result in a marked
increase of civilian casualties as well as military while Israeli forces
and Hamas face one another in battle in close confines of residential
areas. Even as desperate messages of energy shortages fuelling a
shut-down of vital hospital services ring out, Hamas uses enormous
energy assets for its rockets.
explained Gallant, is of the opinion based on experience that should
fuel be provided for Gaza hospitals, it would find its way into the
hands of Hamas, not the emergency generators to power incubators and
life-saving medical equipment. Such acts of commandeering food and
energy supplies for Hamas needs, taking humanitarian supplies meant for
the besieged population has generally seen agreement on the part of
Western observers.
for the sacrosanct protection of hospitals, reporters were shown Hamas
weapons depots and Hamas command installations on the grounds in and
around al-Shifa hospital, Gaza's largest. The Israeli army released
photographs a week earlier showing Hamas installations. And
clarification was made of Hamas use of generators to pump air into
hundreds of kilometres of tunnels, originating in areas of civilian
density. One tunnel shaft was shown built adjacent a hospital.
Hamas terrorists guarding tunnels on the Gaza-Israeli border earlier this year.Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
"Entering tunnels presents unique tactical
challenges, many of which cannot be addressed without specialized
equipment. In some cases it can be impossible to
breathe without oxygen tanks in tunnels, depending on their depth and
air ventilation."
"It can also be impossible
simply to see. Most military night-vision goggles rely on some ambient
light and cannot function when it is entirely absent. Any military
navigation and communication equipment that relies on satellite or
line-of-sight signals will not work underground."
weapon fired in compact spaces of tunnels, even a rifle, can produce a
concussive effect that can physically harm the firer. A single defender
can hold a narrow tunnel against a much superior force."
Modern War Institute at West Point, John Spencer, chair, urban warfare studies
"To say otherwise is to accept and endorse colonialism in all its forms. [To say otherwise is not allowed]."
"We condemn any statement that denies or shifts away from the narrative of colonialism."
"Palestinians are the subjects of Israel's colonization and genocide."
Metropolitan University Lincoln Alexander law school, Toronto
are any number of sobering lessons that might be drawn from the obscene
celebrations of mass murder that have erupted across Canada in the
aftermath of the October 7 massacres in Israel, when "special forces"
units of the Hamas terrorist organization carried out the bloodiest
pogrom in Jewish history since the Holocaust.
a genteel, faculty-lounge variety of antisemitism has gone unchallenged
for too long is certainly one lesson. Another is that Canada's official
toleration of the propaganda, recruitment and fundraising arms of
terrorist organizations is bad policy that free-speech rights cannot be
allowed to excuse."
Terry Glavin, journalist, National Post
Israeli forces extracting dead bodies of Israeli residents from a
destroyed house in Kfar Aza, Israel, on October 10. Ilia
be perfectly clear here, Palestinian Gaza's Hamas rulers committed
unspeakable acts of inhumanity against thousands of infants, teens,
girls and women, elderly and Israeli soldiers in their brazen
demonstration of savagery unlike anything the world can imagine
perpetrated by trained killers purporting to be liberators of Palestine.
So proud of their inhumanity that they recorded for posterity in real
time the atrocities they committed against helpless people. Crimes that
will join the annals of the world's evil excesses in barbarity.
even more shocking is that hordes of ordinary Palestinian men and teens
flooded into Israel after the Hamas operatives to take joy and pleasure
in the circumstances that allowed them to commit violence similar to
what the terrorists themselves were perpetrating in an orgy of
blood-letting and merciless mutilations. These are the people who
support Hamas, these are the people who emulate Hamas, and for whom
inflicting terror and vicious pain on people they've been instructed and
taught to hate is entertainment.
prime minister of Canada himself, in full knowledge of the extent of
the excruciatingly dreadful acts committed by the terrorist group chose
to instantly believe what their 'Health Authority' claimed in charging
that Israeli forces bombed a hospital and that 500 innocent Palestinians
were killed, as a result. Israel's immediate rejoinder explaining that
it was Palestinian Islamic Jihad which was firing rockets off from
nearby grounds and that one of the rockets exploded and fell onto the
hospital parking lot was rejected 'until proof could be found' their
explanation reflected reality.
"I'm horrified by the loss of life at Al Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza. My thoughts are with those who lost loved ones."
"It is imperative that innocent civilians be protected and international law upheld."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
prime minister's insinuation that Israel was responsible for bombing
the hospital and must be held to account was belied when days later
Defence Minister Bill Blair made the announcement that the Canadian
Forces Intelligence Command's independent analyses indicated "with a high degree of confidence" that it was not Israel that struck the hospital; that "the more likely scenario is that the strike was caused by an errant rocket fired from Gaza". Trudeau has not since apologized.
nor was the hospital destroyed, much less hit. It was vehicles parked
in the hospital parking lot that took the brunt of the damage. No doubt
there were casualties; the hospital director himself some days later
minimized the total afflicted. But to critics and haters of Israel, the
guilt will remain with the original accusations that also blame it for
the rampage by Hamas terrorists for the slaughter of families in their
homes and streets of the towns and kibbutzim and the music festival at
Canada, since the horrors of October 7, dozens of demonstrations have
taken place, rallying protesters around the fiction that Israel is
intent on carrying out a "genocide" of Palestinians in Gaza. Organizers
exhort Canadians to support a "resistance" that legitimates terrorism
that sees nothing amiss when proof is provided, courtesy of Hamas
operatives themselves, of dismembered babies and families burned alive
in their homes after being tortured.
there are universal calls for a "ceasefire" in Gaza based on the
narrative that the "root cause" of the horrors that took place in Gaza
can be attributed to "Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian territory",
which just happens to be a Biblical-era-forward geography of ancestral
Judaean land reclaimed by its rightful indigenous inheritors.
People attend a vigil for Israeli victims at the
Stephen Wise Temple, October 8, 2023,
after the terrorist group Hamas launched an attack on Israel.Photo by ROBYN BECK/AFP
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it. [Jihad is] the individual duty of every Muslim."
"The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [holy possession] consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day."
"No one can renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it."
Hamas Covenant
"There will never be peace ... We'll take what you give, but we will never give up our armed struggle."
"As long as I, Sheikh Yassin, am alive, I shall make sure that there will be no peace talks with Israel."
"I do not have a time problem: ten more years, 100 more years -- in the end you will be wiped off the face of the earth."
Ahmed Yassin, Hamas founder
onlooker into the Middle East conflict between the State of Israel and
the Islamist terrorist groups -- first the Palestine Liberation
Organization and its various arms, now its reiteration in Fatah and the
Palestinian Authority, and the even grimmer Hamas and Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and lesser but lethally determined groups to
obliterate the Jewish state -- who believes that reason and practical
intelligence can prevail over institutionalized violence bred and led by
the Arab/Muslim states that greeted the fledgling state in 1948 with a
military welcome, suffers from inattention.
is not possible to negotiate with groups dedicated to the eradication
of a legally constituted state on the ancestral lands of its
predecessors which welcomes a vast diaspora of people who have suffered
indignities, discrimination, oppression, pogroms, exiles, and finally
genocide over the millennia since they rebelled against an occupation of
a foreign dynasty with a global reach. Fatah, which governs the area
the West and the UN refers to as the 'West Bank', shares the Hamas
agenda of re-occupying the land Israel sits upon, but it is far more
discreet than Hamas; the former is secular, the latter religious.
Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill
them. Then the Jews will hide behind rocks and tees, and the rocks and
trees will cry out: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and
kill him'."
Islamic Hadith
the founder of Hamas, Ahmed Yassin, was imprisoned in an Israeli jail,
he managed to control and order Hamas, giving the group instructions on
how to proceed with their deadly agenda. Around 1992 the Hamas campaign
of suicide bombing attacks began against Israelis. In 1992 a group of
soldiers close to a West Bank settlement was targeted.
Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo
Accords, brokered by the U.S., meant to lead to peace and eventually, a
Palestinian state. A situation that led Yassin to increase the frequency
and deadliness of the suicide attacks. A similarity can be seen in the
current situation, where Israel, with U.S. brokering assistance has
signed peace agreements under the Abraham Accords with Morocco, the
United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.
long-awaited rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which would
in time lead to additional members of the Arab League joining the
accord for peace with Israel, alarmed the Islamic Republic of Iran,
which called upon its proxies to take action that would destroy any
opportunities for peace agreements beyond that of Israel with Jordan,
Egypt and the latter three states. What happened when Hamas and
Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired hundreds of rockets into Israel and
Hamas broke through the separating wall to slaughter 1,400 mostly
civilian Israelis was to create dire tension.
years ago, Hamas expanded targeting of Israel into Israel's
internationally recognized borders to target civilians on commuter
buses, gathering places, restaurants, on the street, committing carnage
on a larger scale, in reaction to the Oslo Accord. Negotiations for a
peace agreement in 2000 saw Israel offering self-harming concessions to
the Palestinians in their eagerness to avoid an increase in attacks and
hope for a cessation to all attacks. Only to be met with refusals,
followed by more suicide bombing.
was finally assassinated in 2004, effectively martyring him as a
celebrated figure of 'resistance' for Palestinians enamoured of deadly
violence. The general view outside of the Middle East is that
Palestinians who are exploited by their Hamas rulers in Gaza, and who
become civilian shields when Hamas places rocket launch sites inside
schools, hospitals, apartment complexes, and in other densely populated
enclaves, fear and detest Hamas for failing to provide them with
opportunities to prosper.
could be further from the truth. The 2006 Palestinian legislative
election saw Hamas win 44.5 percent of the vote, giving them 74 of 132
seats. An election judged by international observers to be free and
fair. A year and a half later, Hamas violently seized control of Gaza
from Fatah, after Israel had pulled out all its settlements and its
military presence, leaving the enclave to the Palestinians entirely. The
struggle between Fatah and Hamas was violent and conclusive; Fatah
outed and Hamas in control.
follow-up election has ever been held. Current politics, according to
the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research saw its most
recent poll in June concluding that "two-thirds
of the public do not believe that Israel will celebrate its centenary
(in 2048), and a majority, albeit a small one, believes that the
Palestinian people will, in the future, be able to recover Palestine and
return its refugees to their homes".
concept of a two-state solution, overwhelmingly supported by the
Western world whose charity has supported the Palestinian territories
for the past 70 years, is supported by a mere 28 percent of
Palestinians, with 70 percent in opposition to it. The Palestinian
Authority is not favoured by Palestinians, half looking for its
collapse, while 71 percent are in support of the formation of
independent armed militias.
while 69 percent of the Palestinian population would like to have an
election, if one were held, 56 percent would vote for Hamas leader
Ismail Haniyeh and a mere 33 percent for Mahmoud Abbas, president of the
Palestinian Authority. As for hopes of peace, 53 percent percent of
Palestinians are in support of a return to an armed intifada, with 47
percent in support of peaceful resistance. Overall, a population
choosing to reject Israel's right of existence, believing that achieving
a Palestinian state is only achievable through violence.
The Palestinian militant group has struggled to govern Gaza and remains
committed to violently resisting Israel. Its surprise attack against
Israel in 2023 threatens a wider conflagration in the Middle East. Council on Foreign Relations
Smoke rises in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in the northern
part of the Gaza Strip, as viewed from the Israeli city of Sderot on
Wednesday. (Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images)
"The [Arab] street to a large extent is now in charge."
were told for the last ten years that the Arab world and Muslim world
didn't care about Palestine anymore, and Abraham Accords were proof of
"Well, Palestine has come back. I don't think it ever went away."
Bruce Riedel, senior fellow, Brookings Institution
600,000 Americans in Israel and threats to other Americans across the
region, it's hard to think of an evacuation that might compare to this
in scale, scope ad complexity."
"The sort of advisories the State Department has put out lately have been fairly blunt."
broader escalation [is possible] in the days ahead. [Senior military
leaders are taking] all necessary measures [to safeguard U.S.
"We don't necessarily see that Iran has explicitly ordered them to take these kinds of attacks."
said, by virtue of the fact that they [varied terrorist groups serving
as Iran's proxies] are supported by Iran, we will ultimately hold Iran
Brig.-Gen. Patrick Ryder, spokesman, Pentagon
Israel Defense Forces spokesman Lt. Col.
Richard Hecht speaks to an auditorium full of journalists at a military
base north of Tel Aviv, Oct. 23, 2023.
CBS News/Cameron Stewart
Israeli forces, supported by U.S. weapons and military advisers prepare
for a widely anticipated ground offensive against the Hamas terrorists
responsible for the cross-border attack of barbaric proportions that
surprised Israel's intelligence and military apparatus, leading Israel
to mount an offensive of wide proportions in Gaza, the operation is
acknowledged to come with grave risks of reigniting hostilities from the
greater Arab/Muslim region.
that fraught issue, unidentified officials have detailed internal
deliberations from the American perspective; including that U.S.
citizens living in Israel and Lebanon have become particularly
concerning to the U.S. administration, even as it considers an
evacuation of that magnitude to be a nightmarish worse-case scenario,
that leads to hopes that alternate outcomes may be more likely to occur.
irrespective of the administration's vigorous public support for
Israel, it is alarmed by the potential of escalation, forcing it to turn
attention to complicated logistics involved of having to swiftly
relocate large numbers of people. About 600,000 US. citizens are in
Israel, with another 86,000 believed to be living in Lebanon at the time
of the Hamas attack, in reflection of State Department estimates.
Hezbollah, a proxy Iranian terrorist group deeply entrenched politically
in Lebanon is of particular concern.
Party of God, as they call themselves was originally formed by the Quds
Division of the Iranian Republican Guard Corps, trained and armed and
answerable to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Concerns are that it seems
quite likely that Hezbollah, with its immense stockpile of
technologically updated rockets could be drawn into attacking Israel
from the north, and in the process a two-front war could erupt
stretching Israeli forces. Initial skirmishes have already occurred
along their shared border.
Hamas uses an
elaborate network of tunnels for everything from storage to staging
attacks, and they pose a big challenge for Israel. Tunnels change the war and make things more
dangerous for the Israeli military and the Palestinians who live above
them. Still from video CBC News
"This has become a real issue. The administration is very, very, very worried that this thing is going to get out of hand",
cautioned one of the three in-the-know American officials who have
spoken on condition of anonymity. Careful watch is being mounted on
street protests spread across the Arab world, placing U.S. personnel and
citizens in the region at heightened risk. The Gaza bombardment clearly
inflaming regional fury with Israel and its purported treatment of
Palestinians, once believed to have faded from public concern.
the hopes of avoiding setting off a panic among Americans in the
region, top American officials have refrained from discussing concerns
and possible contingency plans publicly. The events of recent days,
however, have shifted that posture, reflecting anxiety about other state
actors entering the conflict. An advisory was issued last week by the
State Department to all U.S. citizens worldwide "to exercise increased caution" reflecting "increased
tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for
terrorist attacks (and) demonstrations or violent actions against U.S.
citizens and interests".
Pentagon this week also signalled that it is bracing for a significant
increase of attacks on US. troops stationed in the Middle East. Iran was
singled out for its extensive sponsorship of terrorist groups with a
history of using rockets and drones to target American military
positions. In view of those concerns, Pentagon officials are surging
additional missile-defence systems to the region.
estimated 3,400 troops deployed in Iraq and Syria are considered to be
particularly vulnerable as the situation unfolds; their deployment in
Iraq and Syria saw U.S. personnel based close to the Jordanian border
intercept two one-way attack drones. For years Americans operating in
those countries were targeted by Iranian-backed militias.
Extensive destruction at the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Photograph: Adel al-Hwajre/ImagesLive/Zuma Press/Shutterstock
"In terms of the operational aspects of manoeuvring, at the end of the day, nothing will stop the IDF. It is a combination of two things: Our aerial capabilities and ground manoeuvring."
"This should be our last manoeuvring operation in Gaza, for the simple reason that afterwards there will be no more Hamas."
"It may take a month, two or three, but at the end there will be no more Hamas. Prior to meeting our armed forces on the ground, the enemy [Hamas terrorists], will be faced with IAF strikes."
Israeli Defense Minister Yaov Gallant
Rockets (l) are seen in the night sky fired towards Israel from Beit
Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip on May 14, 2021, while Iron Dome
interceptors rise to meet them (Photo by ANAS BABA / AFP)
Hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets were struck by the Israeli Air Force in Gaza on Monday. The strikes targeted tunnels with Hamas terrorists known to be within, while infantry and armoured corps conducted raids on the ground in preparation for a wider ground offensive in the enclave.
According to Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, dozens of operational command centres that housed Hamas and PIJ operatives were hit as well. Targets that posed a threat to forces in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip, including dozens of mortar and antitank missile launch sites were also hit.
Armoured and infantry units are engaged and raids being conducted into Gaza for the purpose of hitting terror cells in what is described as "preparing for our next stage" and simultaneously probing for information on the several hundred Israeli citizens taken hostage by Hamas. Those considered to be 'missing' and possibly dead whose bodies have not yet been recovered are also part of the information-gathering process.
Anti-tank missile attacks on Sunday killed one Israeli soldier, injuring three; every casualty considered a catastrophe in the Israeli mentality of the sacredness of human life - all human life. In contrast to the oft-declared position of the Islamist terrorist groups who boast of their love for death; as martyrs devoted to the demands of Islam and adhering to those same precepts, in delivering death to Jews. The tank and engineering vehicles were struck during a raid inside Gaza.
All of the activity represents part of the effort by the Israeli military to clearly establish the reality of Israel's pledge to destroy Hamas, its infrastructure and weaponry and to include the PIJ for the very same reasons linked to Israel's security and the safety of its citizens. Dismantling the terror infrastructure in its entirety cannot come soon enough for a population weary of continuous threats against its very existence.
The current goal is to clear the area of terrorists while dismantling their infrastructure and weapons. And of great urgency, to locate missing people and bodies. Since the October 7 deadly assault on southern Israel, the military recovered over one thousand bodies of terrorists, aside from the numbers it has captured alive. "This testifies to the courage of the security forces and civilian (security) teams who fought in the opening stages" before the IDF was fully deployed, explained spokesperson Daniel Hagari.
The aftermath of an Israeli airstrike on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, Oct. 21, 2023.Flash90 / Abed Rahim Khatib
"Any other supplies, fuels, are not entering Gaza and we are supervising
to ensure that Hamas is not taking UNRWA supplies. We watch this aerially and if needed we will take action."
"Our operational readiness is improving. Even as we
speak, there is an air campaign underway, hitting terrorists that are
preparing for the next stage."
"Hence we are taking advantage of [the]
time to improve our readiness to enable [the] ground manoeuver."
Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari
hail from every corner of the world and are proud of being Canadian but
also proud of their links to home and right now, Canadians of Muslim,
Arab and particularly Palestinian origin, are extremely worried as are
Canadians of the Jewish faith, Canadians with ties to Israel."
of all backgrounds who are represented in Parliament are reflecting the
very real fears and concerns that everyone has."
jobs as parliamentarians, is, yes, to speak for our community, speak
for our constituents, speak for Canadians and make sure everyone's fears
are being heard and reflected upon and acted on. But our job is also
... to reassure everyone that this is Canada and, here, our differences
must and will remain a source of strength."
yes, there are lots of different perspectives. But there are shared
fears and concerns amongst all parliamentarians and a commitment every
single day to keep everyone safe here in Canada, and everywhere around
the world."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
may not entirely agree on events in the Middle East but we do agree
that all communities must and deserve to feel safe in Canada and we will
work together to do this."
Montreal MP Anthony Housefather, chair, Canada-Israel Friendship Group
don't always agree on everything [but they met] to reaffirm [their]
commitment to being there for one another in the most difficult times,
just as families do."
Vancouver MP Taleeb Noormohamed
Gaza, as elsewhere, international law, including humanitarian law, must
be upheld by all. Even wars have rules,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
said, lecturing Israel in the House of Commons.Photo by Patrick Doyle/The Canadian Press
is becoming increasingly evident even to Justin Trudeau -- perhaps
particularly to Trudeau -- that there is growing dissent in Parliament
over the way he has handled Canada's reaction to the spectacularly
brutal attack by Gazan terrorist groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic
Jihad, not to mention the freelance Palestinians who took advantage of a
horribly gruesome invasion on Israeli border villages and kibbutzim to
exercise the most barbaric atrocities against Israelis imaginable.
of good Canadian citizens -- Palestinians, their Arab/Muslim colleagues
and sympathetic others have gone out repeatedly in a surprising force
of numbers to actually cheer on the deaths of over 1,400 Israelis, most
of them citizens that included the elderly, infants and children, women,
the disabled, along with soldiers. And the violent abduction of
hundreds; children and elderly people, along with women who had been
raped to hold them hostage. An explosion of celebration and
congratulations greeted the sight of frightened children and fearful
women as they were paraded through Gaza.
the celebratory news of the horrific event in Israel on October 7 by
the Hamas incursion meant to take Israel's security apparatus by
surprise, and succeeding to an unfathomable degree has been seen on the
streets of Canadian cities in wild congratulations to Hamas and Islamic
Jihad by Canadian citizens of Middle Eastern descent. While the prime
minister has condemned the parades of gleeful joy expressed by
Canadians, he has done nothing whatever about them, despite that Hamas
is listed as a terrorist group, and the crowds, holding Hamas flags
aloft, have been chanting gentle phrases like "gas the Jews!" and "Death
to the Jews!"
is the ensuing casualty and death rate among Palestinians in Gaza as
Israel responds, that consume the attention of much of legacy media, the
public, Canadian unions and academia which have glossed over the
abominations that Israelis have suffered. And that too was promoted by
Justin Trudeau when the Hamas Health Authority -- which serves Hamas's
interests -- claimed that Israel was responsible for an explosion that
took place at a Gaza hospital and Canada's prime minister chose to take
the word of a terrorist group against Israel's denial of responsibility
-- which days later was authoritatively affirmed.
Members of Parliament of Jewish origin are not entirely pleased with
the performance of this prime minister for obvious reasons. Opposition
Conservatives and Jewish groups in Canada have taken to criticizing the
prime minister for his refusal in taking a clear position on the
responsibility for the Gaza hospital explosion which was not an Israeli
missile strike but in fact a failed rocket launch from Gaza itself which
went awry as their rockets often do, striking the hospital parking lot
where people were gathered. An immediate death toll of 500 was
announced, later considerably diminished in numbers by the hospital
statement, oblique yet obviously pointing to Israel, that this was an
illegal strike according to the "rules around wars", culminated with his
informing reporters he planned to take the "necessary time" to examine
the evidence prior to drawing conclusions. His choice to give credence
to accusations levelled by a terrorist group, rather than depending on
the forthright statement issued by the Israeli government spoke volumes
about his reliability as an ally to a fellow democracy heavily involved
in defending itself from unspeakably lethal violence inflicted on its
stark contrast, the U.S. president, relying on an immediate
investigation result left no doubt whom he gave his support to, as did
the British Prime Minister: "We don't treat what comes out of the Kremlin as the gospel truth, we should not do the same with Hamas",
commented Rishi Sunak. Canada's own ambassador to the United Nations,
Bob Rae, informed an Ottawa gathering that Canadians should offer
support to Israel in an existential fight, drawing a direct line with
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, condemned unequivocally by Canada.
is not only a fight for Israel and the Jewish people. It's a fight for
all people to be able to live with security and with recognition of who
they are", stated Ambassador Rae.
"Canadians have the right to feel safe to practise their faith and
express their beliefs. There is no place for
supporting terrorism or advocating for violence in Canada", read a joint statement from federal, provincial and
territorial ministers urging "unity and respect in the face of calls for
Two rallies were held in Halifax on Thanksgiving Monday — one in support
of Israel, the other in support of Palestinians (Jeorge Sadi/CBC)
'Canada is Back' Has Morphed Into Canada's Descent Into Hell
"[There is a] distinction between freedom of speech and freedom of hate."
don't think that democracies allow people to hate and to incite, and I
think that that is something that is looked at very carefully in many
places, including Canada. [It is perfectly fine [if people feel strongly
about support for Palestinians]."
only issue is, I think that we, as democracies, should look at ... when
is a line crossed that is between supporting a cause and between
changing our values in a way that incites hatred and violence and even
glorification of horrendous terrorist attacks."
"That's very, very important."
Iddo Moed, Israeli Ambassador to Canada
all those who saw fit to promote genocide, glorify terrorism and mock
the murder of Jewish people, including women and babies -- the police
are coming for you."
U.K. Home Secretary Suella Braverman
"Let me be clear about Hamas. Its members are not freedom fighters. They are not a resistance. They are terrorists."
are so many people in Canada who are afraid of the escalating tension
here at home. We must not let worry, suspicion and mistrust divide us."
must remember that it is a short path from mistrusting one's neighbour
to entrenching division. A peaceful society does not happen by accident
and will not continue without effort."
liberty is not about taking away the freedoms of others but living in a
way that expands and strengthens freedom for everyone."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"People are free to state their own opinions, even opinions that I find abhorrent."
"That said, I’m free to state my opinion, which is that Hamas is a
sadistic, terrorist death cult and it must be defeated, and I find it
abhorrent that anyone in Canada or anywhere else would show their
support for Hamas."
is not a militant organization. It is not a government. It is not an
activist group; Hamas is a sadistic criminal terrorist death cult, and
it must be defeated."
kind of peace between Muslims and Jews, between Israelis and Arabs [the
signatories to the Abraham Accords], would be a nightmare for Hamas and
for the dictatorship in Iran, which seek to perpetuate the conflict and
the divisions as a source of power. They need to perpetuate the hatred
in order to justify their dictatorships."
is unthinkable that the IRGC can operate legally in Canada. It can
raise funds. It can prepare logistics. It can recruit new followers.
Some of the people attached to the highest levels of the IRGC live in
Canada today, their very presence terrorizing peaceful Canadians of
Iranian descent who desperately want to kick these terrorists out of our
country. They are right."
"The terrorists must be kicked out. This organization must be made a criminal entity."
Opposition Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre
of people attend a pro-Palestinian rally in Mississauga, Ont. The rally
was one of many taking place across North America
and around the world this weekend. (Alexis Raymon/Radio-Canada)
prime minister speaks of unity and division among people. He fails to
address the scandalous fact that disunity and division runs rampant in
Canada. It begins with his own actions, in alienating Canada's western
provinces from its eastern provinces. It carries on when protesters
arrive in convoys of dissenters to legally express their indignation
over an autocratic government that issues diktats and when people object
he names them as scum, homophobes, racists.
most recent examples carrying on from years of hate-mongering, are the
crowds of Canadian Arab and Muslim citizens and their followers,
including those illegally in Canada, who gather in numbers to decry and
foment hatred against Israel and Jews. The most recent propellant of
which is the horrendous slaughter of Israelis in villages and kibbutzim
by Hamas terrorists invading from Gaza, causing Israel to launch a
defensive/offensive conflict into Gaza to extirpate Hamas and its
sibling organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad, both offshoots of the
outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.
Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia, among other Western
collegial democracies, these hate-filled, incitement-to-violence rallies
have seen remedial responses from authorities. Canada's prime minister
prefers to daintily deplore them, but will do nothing to forcefully put a
stop to them. Protesters who last winter arrived in Ottawa demanding he
resign merited the calling of the Emergencies Act and police dispersal
and trials. That was personal to him, going so far as to freeze their
bank accounts.
Pro-Palestinian supporters during a demonstration in Toronto on October 9, 2023.Photo by Cole Burston/AFP via Getty Images
Muslims in Canada who promote violence against Jews and Israel, leaving
the Canadian Jewish community in fear, and necessitating that
precautions against violence be undertaken with a police presence and
guards around Jewish institutions fail to reflect the idealized Canadian
unity that Justin Trudeau hypocritically promotes, but does nothing to
ensure actually exists. Even welcoming into Canadian society people from
cultures that nurse ancient tribal and religious antipathies toward
others, incapable of adopting Canadian values, is an act of national
Poilievre, Justin Trudeau's political opposition in Parliament, calls
for Canada to take action on criminalizing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps -- the acknowledged financial supporter of Hamas -- listing
them as a terrorist entity. Hamas is on that terror list, yet Hamas
flags and even the black flag of the Islamic State appear prominently in
the anti-Israel Palestinian mobs that scream 'gas the Jews', suggesting
another try at a 'final solution' and other vile imprecations and
threats against fellow Canadian citizens.
groups in Canada came out immediately following the grisly news out of
Israel that an invasion of terrorist death-cult operatives from Hamas
had invaded border villages, towns and kibbutzes under cover of emerging
dawn on October 7 to massacre families in their homes, people waiting
at bus stops, stopping cars to kill motorists and passengers, raping
women beside the dead bodies of their friends at a music festival,
abducting babies, infants, teens, women, the elderly to use them as
hostages in exchange for criminal Palestinians in Israeli prisons. A
time of wild celebration for Palestinians.
This proved to be a week of many
revelations for Canadians, prompting many to question the character of
our country and its citizenry. Pictured: Pro-Palestinian protestors take
to the streets of Montreal on Oct. 8, 2023, mere hours after Hamas
launched its initial assault on Israel. Photo credit: The Canadian
Press/Graham Hughes
scale of the butchery, the evidence of torture, including forcing
parents and children to witness the mutilation each was undergoing
before delivering the death blows, was beyond mere inhumanity. In Gaza,
Palestinians rejoiced and celebrated over the slaughter. Palestinian men
and teens used the opportunity of the protective fence that had been
smashed through to enter those same villages to not only loot
possessions of the dead, but to commit murder themselves, some of them
the very Gazans who were permitted employment in Israel.
in the West Bank joined the congratulatory celebrations at the great
victory achieved by Hamas in murdering over a thousand civilian
Israelis. Those celebrations spread throughout the Middle East. That
such butchery is inconceivable to a civilized society merely emphasizes
that Middle Eastern countries in general, but certainly not all, are
firmly anchored in societal dysfunction, emotional and enlightened
stagnation of a heritage dating back millennia of tribal and sectarian
that very same syndrome is seen now throughout the world wherever Arabs
and Muslims have penetrated, shifting their presence in a great
diaspora of migration and bringing with them their heritage and cultural
values of Islamist dominance, detestation of social enlightenment as
they adhere to the precepts of Sharia, refusing to integrate themselves
with the laws and social mores of the countries they now prosper in
while spreading the fiction of colonialist victimhood of a people
returned to their ancestral home.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie
Joly listen to Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Keith Rowley during
a working session at the Canada CARICOM Summit, in Ottawa, Wednesday,
Oct. 18, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
Justin Trudeau's Canada, disunity and division, hatred and incitement
to violence has been normalized. He speaks of justice and fairness, of
adherence to the law, of equality and security yet he has allowed Canada
to be manipulated by China, he has accepted the presence of people who
connive to disrupt life and security for other segments of the Canadian
population that they target for eradication and censure. His focus on
'feminism' of a type known only to himself; on the virtues of
celebrating the uniqueness of the trans community disruptive in their
infantile circus of theatrics further divides parental rights from
children's welfare.
is a vast litany of national failures in Canada now, thanks to the
Liberal government headed by Justin Trudeau who boasts of a once-proud
nation's post-national state of freedom, liberation, equality, diversity
and inclusion. Delusional myths of hatefully bickering disunity in a
country whose vast natural resources may no longer be exploited in
favour of achieving environmental balance which fails to meet the
demands of a global society capable of harnessing itself to respect for
nature and the environment while responsibly harvesting its resources.
most recent riots of celebrations over the barbaric murders of
innocent people, the torture of helpless civilians, the anguish over the
fate of hundreds of children, women and men of all ages and health
conditions in the hands of a remorseless murderous sect of religious
fanatics whose public relations enterprise seems to attract the world's
population of social deviants and psychopaths viewing the apathy in
reaction of other segments of society against the horrors of terrorism
sending us into a Dark Age of nihilism.
This represents a general opinion site for its author. It also offers a space for the author to record her experiences and perceptions,both personal and public. This is rendered obvious by the content contained in the blog, but the space is here inviting me to write. And so I do.