us as we march to honour the martyrs of the past year -- and the past
76 years -- who gave everything for their land, their dignity, and their
"For Liberation. For our martyrs. For our people. For our land. For Palestine."
Palestinian Youth Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement is planning a rally outside the Israeli
consulate in Montreal on Oct. 7, the anniversary of Hamas' attack on
Israel.Photo by Palestinian Youth Movement / Instagram
is beyond disgusting that anyone would celebrate the events of October 7
and diminish the murders and injuries that happened that day and the
hostages taken, some of whom are still in captivity."
Anthony Housefather, Liberal MP, Montreal Mount Royal riding
again, pro-Hamas groups are planning to celebrate the brutal massacre
and terrorist attacks by Hamas on October 7, this time on the
anniversary of the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust."
aim to fill the streets with hate. This is not just a celebration of
terror or antisemitism; it is an attack on democracy and our Canadian
should serve as yet another warning that the unchecked hate and
incitement in our streets have gone too far. On October 7, these same
groups distributed candies to celebrate murder and rape."
Eta Yudin, vice-president, Quebec chapter, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
"On October 8, 2023, students saw their peers celebrating Hamas as 'resistance fighters'."
year later, our community cannot even have October 7 to peacefully
mourn. With protests and 'days of action' planned for October 7, 2024,
students are wary of the threats posed by these agitators."
"Despite these circumstances, our community will come together in unity."
Hillel Montreal
the time draws ever closer to the one-year mark of the horrendous
events of October 7 of last year --when thousands of Palestinian
terrorists flooded across the border from Gaza into Israel, led by Hamas
on a mission to terrorize, threaten, pillage, destroy, rape, mutilate
and slaughter Israeli citizens in a sadistic savagery unimaginable to
normal decent humanity -- a time to reflect, to mourn and to find
comfort in each other's sorrow within the Jewish community is once again
confronted by the presence of the same maleficent hatred from a source
in Canada.
and other Muslims who have made a place for themselves in Canada --
bringing with them the venomous hatred for Jews that permeates the
Middle East where Israel is a tiny enclave of Jewish life on the very
ancestral geography that ancient Judea sat upon, surrounded by hostile
majority-Muslim countries -- have contaminated Canada with their brand
of vicious threats and intimidation. Normal human beings would blanch at
the level of savagery revealed by the October 7 atrocities. Within the
Muslim community in Canada it is interpreted as 'noble resistance'.
to the presence of a Jewish state sitting upon its heritage geography
on land the Islamic majority feels has been consecrated to Islam through
the impact of violent upheaval in the history of Islam's
religiously-inspired conquest. In Montreal, a group of
terrorist-supporting 'activists' have planned to honour the 'martyrs' of
Hamas on the anniversary of the very day that Hamas butchered 1,200
Jews and took 250 infants, elderly, women and men hostage to Gaza.
an Instagram post their planned triumphalist march in honour of the
Hamas terrorists whose exploits in causing human suffering is quite
unequalled in the annals of human depravity, calls on like-thinkers and
their supporters to join them. The rally is meant to celebrate the
medievalism of a culture, society, heritage and religion that calls for
the faithful to engage in jihad against the enemy, encompassing all
those who fail to submit to Islam.
has experienced more than its share of antisemitic events in the past
year, with Jewish businesses vandalized, Jewish community centers,
synagogues and parochial schools being shot at and fire-bombed. Where
university students were intimidated by antisemitic mobs of pro-Hamas
champions on local campuses. Jewish community leaders have appealed to
provincial and federal leaders for steps to be taken to protect Canadian
Jews ... and most often to no avail.
Palestinian Youth Movement distinguished itself following the October 7
atrocities by organizing public 'protests' in support of Palestinians
and Palestinian terror, crowding city streets across Canada with support
for Hamas terrorism, a group on Canada's official terror list, calling
for Intifada, chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be
free!", shouting for Jews to return to Europe, and recommending a 'Final
Solution', displaying their fascist sympathies.
From Montreal to Edmonton, Calgary to Vancouver, the group that calls itself "a transnational, independent, grassroots movement of young Palestinians in Palestine and in exile worldwide",
that supports the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
another banned terror group in Canada, has organized loud, threatening
marches, harassing Jewish neighbourhoods, planning 'protests' outside
synagogues and Jewish museums, even Mount Sinai Hospital.
presence in Canada is that of a hostile, disruptive, threatening,
racist mob of psychological terrorists, more suited to the confines of
Islamic-majority countries than free Democracies like Canada. Yet the
reality is that most Islamic countries have no wish to host these
hate-dominated inciters to violence, even as the West tolerates their
presence as a symbol of its wide acceptance of all manner of people from
different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and cultures.
objective is that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, of its proxy
terrorist militias, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and the many Iran-loyal
Shia militias in Syria and Iraq whose goal is the eradication of Israel
and the death of Jews worldwide. Their very presence as a group force of
lethal hostile intentions is a direct assault on civilizational mores.
Their countries of origin will not tolerate their presence, but the
generous, civilized West will, and does, and the greater their numbers
gather in the West, the greater the danger to the oblivious West.
"Canada has seen far too many displays of hate, violence, and intimidation."
is why the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs has called for
amendments to Canada's anti-terror legislation to include the
glorification of terrorism."
"It is time to stop the spread of hate and antisemitism."
parallel or alternative attempts to seek peace are, in fact, efforts to
achieve a lull instead of an end to the war. [Those who support our
cause must] put pressure on [Russia]."
"Do not divide the world. Be united nations. And that will bring us peace."
some propose alternatives, half-hearted settlement plans, so-called
sets of principles, it not only ignore the interests and suffering of
Ukrainians who are affected by the war the most, it not only ignores
reality, but also gives Putin the political space to continue the war."
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
UN Photo/Loey Felipe
Zelenskyy (at podium and on screens), President of Ukraine, addresses
the general debate of the General Assembly’s 79th session
before the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, Ukraine's
president appealed to global leaders to take a firm stand alongside his
country, not to seek "a lull" rather than a "real, just peace",
at a time when two years have passed since the Russian 'special
military action' invasion of Ukraine and the third year has begun of
unremitting warfare, the constant bombing of Ukraine's territory and the
slow and steady advance of Putin's territorial plans, at the dreadful
price of thousands of human lives, both Ukrainian and Russian.
Zelenskyy is only too well aware of the pressure he faces from his
allies in the West, as well as some of his own fellow Ukrainians,
anxious to have him negotiate a ceasefire. Yet he well understands that
such a ceasefire will inevitably work in Moscow's favour; no withdrawal
of forces, no return of Ukrainian sovereign territory to its rightful
owners, no reparations from the wholesale destruction of civilian
infrastructure in towns and cities shelled indiscriminately by the
Russian military.
Above all, it would give Russia the opportunity to rest, regroup, re-plan, recruit and return refreshed to the battlefield.
fr as Volodymyr Zelenskyy is concerned, no alternative exists to the
peace formula he presented two years earlier that seeks the expulsion of
all Russian fores from his country, Russian accountability for war
crimes, release of Ukrainian prisoners of war and deportees, nuclear
safety, energy and food security assurances. Russia has not yet
addressed the UNGA's annual gathering of presidents, prime ministers,
monarchs and allied high officials.
low-level Russian diplomats have been dispatched to represent Russia on
the world stage to hear out Zelenskyy's speech. High-level meetings at
the General Assembly are absent the presence of Russian President
Vladimir Putin, this year; his foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is mean
to present Russia's address. From Moscow, Dmitry Peskov attacked
Zelenskyy's remarks at the Assembly when the Security Council was told
Russia needs to "be forced into peace", by the Ukrainian president.
According to Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, that claim represents "a fatal mistake", as "a profound misconception which, of course, will inevitably have consequences for the Kyiv regime".
This year's UN General Assembly sees the war in Ukraine moved aside
from stage central while the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, and escalating
developments along the Israel-Lebanese border now share the spotlight.
Ukraine officials rejected a proffered Chinese and Brazilian peace plan. President Zelenskyy addressed that as well: "You will not boost your power at Ukraine's expense",
he remarked heatedly. Both Ukraine and Russia are locked in a grinding
battle along their contiguous border, a 1,000 kilometre front line. With
Ukraine facing down Moscow's territorial expansion ambition under the
thin guise of 'saving' Ukraine from neo-fascism, and Russian-speakers in
east Ukraine from Kyiv's malign intentions.
Russia's intimidating tactics veer off into not-too subtle threats highlighting its huge nuclear arsenal.
Shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin alluded to a shift in his country’s nuclear doctrine, Sergey Lavrov accused the West of using Ukraine as a tool to try "to defeat"
Moscow strategically, "preparing Europe for it to also throw itself
into this suicidal escapade."
"I’m not going to talk here about
the senselessness and the danger of the very idea of trying to fight to
victory with a nuclear power, which is what Russia is."
Russia's Minister of Foreign Affairs addresses the UNGA meeting on September 28, 2024 AP
"Unfortunately, the politics of memory pursued and enforced in Poland are nowadays best described as Holocaust distortion."
Holocaust deniers of yesteryear, states, institutions and people
engaged in Holocaust distortions do not deny the factuality of the
Jewish catastrophe. They freely admit that the Germans murdered six
million European Jews."
they refuse to acknowledge, however, is that their people, their
nation, had something to do with the vent. That their ancestors took
part in the German genocidal project."
"They're using them [Auschwitz and Treblinka] as platforms of Polish martyrdom. And I find that obscene."
Jan Grabowski, professor of Holocaust history, University of Ottawa
A group of Jewish Poles surrender to German soldiers after the collapse of resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943.Photograph: anonymous/AP
Poland and the Jews", published in The Jewish Quarterly publication
recently, authored by Professor Grabowski, is a strong argument for
replacing the government of Poland as curator of the Auschwitz site as a
memorial to the Holocaust, to avoid further "distortion" through Polish
nationalism of the site and the history it reflects. The complicity of
individual Poles in the slaughter of Jews during the Holocaust has seen
the light of day through Professor Grabowski's previous publications.
focus is the complicity of many Poles during the Holocaust in the mass
killing of Jews. Of the six million Jews that perished during the Second
World War in the Nazis' diabolical plot to destroy world Jewry, the
vast majority of the deaths happened to have taken place in Poland. The
government of Poland a few years back ferociously fought against the
commonplace linking of Poland with the death camps of Nazi Germany. To
call them 'Polish death camps', the Polish government raged, defied
history and reality; they were 'German death camps located in Poland'.
Germany, innocent Poland. The world has since acquiesced largely,
although Israel's government was not comfortable with that distinction.
It was Poland's way to clear itself completely of any hint of complicity
in the Nazi Germany death machinery. Although, like France's Vichy
period, official Poland under like German occupation, reacted similarly,
since Polish officials, like those in France, found it expedient and
perhaps not entirely fully foreign to their own beliefs and traditions
that Jews were expendable.
extermination camps were established by the Nazi SS in Poland; they
were -- Auschwitz, Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, Majdanek and Belzec --
five of the six million European Jews murdered during the Holocaust
years met their death in those six camps. All but a fraction of Poland's
prewar Jewish community perished; just over three million. Infamously,
when some Polish survivors attempted to return to their post-war
villages to reclaim their property, they were met with violent
hostility, threatened and some were killed.
Grabowski is of the considered opinion that the very fact of Poland
having hosted those death camps, the site of the vast majority of Jewish
annihilation, imposes on the country "a unique obligation of memory";
a duty to care for those places commemorating the Holocaust.
Unfortunately Auschwitz and Treblinka, he charges, are being used by
Holocaust distortionists in valorizing Polish gentiles who did help
Jews, at the same time preferring to be oblivious of those who were
helpful in assisting the Germans to wipe out Poland's Jewish population.
has been shifted in its entirety to Nazi Germany. Those same
distortionists conflate Polish prisoners of war and those Poles used for
slave labour, as equal in number and outcome with those of the Jewish
internees slated for immediate death. The extermination camps were
exclusive to Jews in Auschwitz II and Treblinka II. The slave labour
camps were primarily the destination of Poles who had the opportunity of
outliving their onerous labour conditions and confinement.
to Professor Grabowski's historical investigations and reckoning, about
200,000 Jews were killed as a result of direct or indirect actions of
their Polish, gentile neighbours. Polish nationalists loathe this
historian of the Holocaust. The Polish League Against Defamation views
him as their favourite target. Airing the complicity of some Poles in
the slaughter of Jews insults Poland and diminishes its gallant wartime
history and its people's suffering.
good professor was introduced to his professional life's work as a
Holocaust historian entirely by chance, following his unrelated search
of Polish archives, discovering a cache of German wartime records
revealing new issues on the Jewish experience in Poland. Yad Vashem
awarded the professor its International Book Prize for his 2014 book, Hunt for Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland.
As a co-editor of the publication Night Without End: The Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland,
he and his co-author Barbara Engelking were ordered by a Warsaw court
ruling to apologize for writing that a Polish villager gave up the
village's Jews to the Nazis. That was a decision that failed to
withstand the test of time; overturned on appeal.
Getty Images
else in Europe was the Holocaust so complete, so total; nowhere else
did the destruction of the Jewish people proceed with such nightmarish
the apparent unwillingness of the Polish authorities to act as honest
custodians of the memory of the Holocaust, perhaps the time has come to
place these sites under European, United Nations or other international
and Treblinka could become places in which humanity can reflect
unhindered on one of the greatest catastrophes in history, on its own
tragic heritage, and its own moral condition, past and present."
Educating Toronto Schoolchildren in Social Justice
"We're here today because the Toronto District School Board has failed to protect our children, and they must all be relieved of their duties."
"Teachers put children as young as eight years old in harm's way."
"Countless pro-Palestinian rallies have resulted in violence and arrest. Everyone has seen these protests."
"No normal person would think to bring their children to such a place. Yet, teachers, administrators, principals of the Toronto District School Board did."
Amir Epstein, executive director, Tafsik Organization, Jewish advocacy group
Amir Epstein during a rally outside of the TDSB headquarters on Yonge Street on Tuesday Sept. 24, 2024. Photo by Peter J. Thompson/National Post
"Freedom of speech does not mean you can say what you want, when you want, especially in front of children."
"Our city needs the growing talent that comes out of our school system and not brainwashed and indoctrinated children who have been taught conspiracy theories and hateful tropes."
Toronto Councillor James Pasternak
"My daughter's school was plagued last year by swastikas in the bathroom. My son was silenced in his class for talking about his identity as an Israeli and as a Jew, and I'm deeply concerned."
"I think that the antisemitism is only growing in the school board, and any amount of attention that we're giving to it, it's not working."
Talia Leighton, mother of TDSB student
Some parents of TDSB middle school students are
angered after learning their kids participated in a "field trip" to a
political protest downtown that devolved into an anti-Israel
demonstration on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024.Photo by Supplied
A week ago students attending 15 different schools within the Toronto and District School board were taken to observe a protest in downtown Toronto against mercury contamination affecting a First Nation community in Dryden, northern Ontario many decades ago; an issue of dreadful environmental contamination affecting the lives of people that has never been adequately addressed or remediated.
Parents of students whose schools signed on to the trip to be bused to the Grassy Narrows River Run march were informed their children would be present there as observers on an educational human-rights and justice basis. Since that event, videos began surfacing on social media showing some of the youthful march participants chanting pro-Palestinian slogans such as "From Turtle Island to Palestine, occupation is a crime". As it happened, once at the event, the children were carefully coached on what to say and how to react.
Parents reacted with disbelief and many in anger, posting their comments on social media. The school board apologized, informing parents it was undertaking a review of future procedures in field trips. Ontario Premier Doug Ford, stating that children should not be present at protests, but should be present at school to learn math, spelling, geography and history, instructed his education minister to investigate the event. Premier Ford went so far as to call the event a "Palestinian rally", with specific teachers setting out to indoctrinate children.
City Councillor James Pasternak noted that teachers had nothing to comment on when civilians were killed in Yemen, Syria, as well as Turkic and Uyghur groups in China who were being 're-educated'; anything involving Jews and Israel, he pointed out, brings protesters out to the streets to "demonize Israel and the Jews". Emails showed that parents had been instructed to have their children dress in blue to portray them as "settlers".
"This field trip is an educational opportunity for our students to learn about Indigenous activism, environmental justice and human rights"; children would "not be participating in the rally itself", parents were informed. Ontario public sector unions promoted the demonstration. In attendance, as it turned out, were those calling for Israel's destruction. The Palestinian Youth Movement, explicitly pro-terror -- handed out candy at rallies in celebration of the October 7 terrorism -- publicly urged its members to attend.
The Star
Tuesday evening saw a group of parent protesters in front of the school board headquarters, demanding that the TDSB fire those who were responsible for arranging and planning the field trip. One mother, Esther Mordechai, founder of Canadian Women Against Antisemitism, characterized the field trip with its anti-Israel overtones as reflective of a broader trend, comparing the situation in Toronto schools to Nazi Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.
"It makes you angry, but I'm used to it, because this is an ongoing issue in Toronto and District School Board. this is nothing new. It's just got worse. That's all."
As for the Elementary Teachers of Toronto, one of the protest organizers, no apology was forthcoming since, as they averred, the event fit within their mandate of "social, environmental and racial justice. We see the vilification of links made between solidarity movements on Turtle Island (which portrays Canada as an illegitimate colonizer, usurping Indigenous populations from their traditional lands) and Palestine." They were in concert "with many other unions, community organizations and concerned people from across the city".
Participants hold an anti-Israel banner while taking part in a Sept. 18
march in Toronto billed to be in support of the First Nations of Grassy
Narrows Indigenous community in northern Ontario. (Socialist
Operation Northern Arrows : From Israel to Hezbollah
"You can hear the planes here; we are attacking all day, both to
prepare the ground for the possibility of your entry, but also to
continue striking Hezbollah."
"We are not stopping. We will keep attacking and harming them everywhere,."
"To do this, we are preparing for the course of the manoeuvre, and
the sense is that your military boots, your manoeuvre boots, will enter
enemy territory."
"Your entry there with force… will show (Hezbollah) what it is like to meet a professional combat force."
"You are coming in much stronger than them, much more experienced
than them; go in, destroy the enemy there, and go destroy the
"These are the things that will allow us to safely repatriate the residents of the north later."
Troop briefing: Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi
Israeli Merkava tanks are positioned in the north of Israel near the border with Lebanon on October 15, 2023. Photo: AFP
A second precision strike in as many days was carried out by the Israel Defense Forces in Beirut. This one eliminated Ibrahim Qubaisi, head of Hezbollah's missile and rocket array. The day before, the earlier strike attempted the assassination of the third-ranking Hezbollah commander, Ali Karaki in the very same region. Qubaisi, according to the IDF, held a number of key positions within Hezbollah.
He "was responsible for the planning and execution of many terrorist actions against the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli citizens", declared an IDF statement. He had planned the kidnapping of three IDF soldiers in October of 2000, killed during or after their abduction. Four years later, as part of a terrorist release deal with Hezbollah, their remains were returned to Israel.
When the attack was launched targeting Qubaisi, he was with other Hezbollah operatives, five of whom were killed, others injured in the airstrike. In a 24-hour period the Israeli Air Fore struck over 1,500 Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley; part of "Operation Northern Arrows". This operation has been long in coming. Hezbollah has been sending hundreds of rockets into northern Israel for close to a year, necessitating the evacuation of over 60,000 Israelis.
Hezbollah could not be persuaded, even by return Israeli fire into Lebanon over that period of time, that it should stop bombing across the border into Israel. A year is a long time to wait out a period of constant shelling for people displaced and anxious to return to their homes. Now, when the current operation has been concluded and Hezbollah's rocketry has been stilled, Israelis will be able to return home.
It won't seem the same; vast acreages of forest and fields have been burned as a result of the Hezbollah rockets.
A cloud of smoke erupts during an Israeli airstrike on the village of Sujud
in southern Lebanon on Sept. 25, 2024. — RABIH DAHER/AFP via Getty Images
In turn, thousands of Lebanese have evacuated from the south, following instructions from the IDF to Lebanese civilians to move from their homes where Hezbollah has munitions stored. Like its sister terrorist group Hamas, Hezbollah too excels in putting ordinary Lebanese in harm's way to protect themselves against instant repercussions from Israel returning fire from where it has been launched.
Hezbollah targets deep inside Lebanese territory in the Bekaa Valley have also been struck, when more than 100 rockets were fired by Hezbollah into northern Israel.
"[Israel does not want to send troops in to Lebanon but is prepared o do] whatever necessary [to halt the Hezbollah rocket fire that has driven tens of thousands of Israelis from northern Israel]."
"Israel is] not eager to start any ground invasion anywhere."
"We prefer a diplomatic solution. But if it's not working, we are using other methods to show the other side that we mean business."
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon
"Once our operation is finished, you an come back safely to your homes."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"IAF strikes will continue."
"Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah stands guilty of] dragging Lebanon and the entire region into escalation."
"We will do whatever is necessary to return residents [of northern Israel] to their homes. We have detailed plans, which we have presented to the political leadership."
Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, IDF spokesperson
Missiles intercepted over Israel as airstrikes in Lebanon continue – still from video
The infamous, murderous pogrom of October 7 when thousands of Palestinian terrorists breached the border wall separating Gaza and Israel in a Hamas-led savage assault on Israeli civilians living in farming kibbutzim close to the Gaza border, leaving 1,200 children, women and men and IDF border patrol soldiers dead, another 240 captured and taken hostage into Gaza, led to the Israel Defense Forces some days later entering Gaza in a ground and aerial sweep to destroy the Hamas terrorist group governing Gaza.
Even before the IDF had entered Gaza on its southern border, Hezbollah forces in Lebanon began bombarding northern Israel with rocketry and drones, setting hilltops and forest and farms ablaze and with its day after day bombing forcing the relocation of 60,000 Israelis seeking safety deeper inside Israel from the constant bombardment. Hezbollah's actions also served of necessity for Israel to deploy its military on two fronts; south and north.
Anywhere in the world bombs shot off by one neighbour at another is recognized as a declaration of war, one requiring a defensive/offensive response for self-preservation. The civilians across borders are recipients of the fallout of conflicts, and it has ever been thus. All the more so when Palestinian terrorists specialize in using civilians among them as living human shields. By establishing their headquarters, weapons depots and barracks among dense population bases, they deliberately endanger innocents while banking on their opponent to take more care to avoid harm to their civilians than they do themselves.
Hezbollah's incessant bombing of northern Israel, despite the return fire of the IDF has driven Israel finally to conduct massive airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, with the intention of preventing the Iranian proxy in its deadly war against Israel, in a continuation of its of firing cross-border rockets. In the first day of the heavy barrage with the Israeli Air Force fighter jets' massive airstrikes, the IAF had attacked over 800 Hezbollah targets, primarily weapons sites.
Thousands of Lebanese civilians have now fled the south of the country, the major highway leading out of the southern port city of Sidon jammed with vehicles streaming toward Beirut. Hezbollah had attempted to launch a cruise missile from a civilian residence, successfully thwarted. A DR-3 model with a flight range of 20 km, the cruise missile carried a warhead of up to 300 kg. Hezbollah claimed to have fired dozens of rockets toward Israel, including military bases, as well as targeting the facilities of the Rafael defence firm in Haifa.
Rocket alarms sound in Israel as explosions occurr and dozens of interceptions were reported. Close to a year of steadily escalating conflict punctuated with a heavy exchange of fire has led to Hezbollah launching 150 rockets, missiles and drones into northern Israel, retaliating for IAF strikes that hit a top commander and dozens of fighters. Hezbollah pledged its strikes in solidarity with Hamas would continue, while Israel is focused on its commitment to return all its citizens to its northern border, to return to their homes.
Israel's military has identified entire communities in south Lebanon that have been converted into bases, with hidden rocket launchers and other allied military infrastructure. The situation has seen the United States declaring its intention to dispatch additional troops to the region, responding to the spike in violence. No details were released with respect to numbers or the assigned tasks associated with an increase of the 40,000 U.S. troops currently in the region.
"In light of increased tension in the Middle East and out of an abundance of caution, we are sending a small number of additional US. military personnel forward to augment our forces that are already in the region."
"But for operational security reasons, I'm not going to comment on or provide specifics."
Major General Pat Ryder, U.S. military press secretary
"They are dragging us to a point where we do not wish to go."
"There is no winner in warfare. We are only fooling ourselves [if we believe that]."
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian
That declaration of war-unwillingness, and wish for peace and security to prevail, from the very source of terrorism throughout the Middle East and beyond, the foremost threatening terrorist theocracy whose sponsorship, arming, training and collaborative direction of its many terrorist proxies, from Yemen to Iraq, Lebanon to Gaza, states, portraying itself as an innocent victim of circumstances beyond its control.
The Israeli military said a strike in Beirut on Tuesday killed the head of Hezbollah’s rocket forces Reuters
the current circumstances on the ground, we believe that this
resolution is not a step in the right direction, as it risks potentially
sowing further divisions."
resolution] fails to address the immense security challenges Israel
faces, including Hamas's use of the Gaza Strip as a launching pad for
its rampage of killing of Israelis, while systematically using the
Palestinian civilians as human shields."
"[This] assembly has once again failed to acknowledge this issue with today's vote."
Czech Republic Ambassador to the UN Jakub Kulhanek
The final result of a vote during the emergency session on the legal
consequences of Israel’s actions in the Palestinian territories is shown
at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Sept 18, 2024. (PHOTO /
that tiny sliver of land that the world community gave its permission
to allow Jews to call its homeland, representing a fraction of its
historical ancestral land base and which has been forced by its
neighbours -- furious at its presence in land they claim is consecrated
to a divine entity of a much later entry to the pantheon of the world's
religions -- to militarily respond whenever a neighbouring country or
irregular terrorist militia feels impelled to challenge its presence,
suffers the ongoing indignity of UN accusations of human rights abuses.
has been made manifestly evident that any time Israel responds to the
never-ending violent assaults from its neighbours by militarily
protecting itself and its citizens from their deadly force, the
international community takes umbrage at the most technologically
sophisticated, moral armed force in the world daring to project its
determination to foil every such attack's purpose; its destruction.
Israel's drubbing of its enemies when it has been provoked beyond
endurance is never applauded as just, but consequentially condemned as
'just too much'.
unique enough as the homeland of the world's great dispersal of Jews
throughout history, and a modern giant of technology and innovation
whose inventiveness in every sphere of human endeavour gifts itself and
the world at large with forward looking human enterprise -- enriching
science, medicine, agriculture, technology and education -- still
becomes an object of accusatory slander; that classic syndrome of doing
everything right, interpreted as disproportionately engaged in defending
United Nations General Assembly saw fit to pass 14 resolutions in
condemnation of the Jewish state, fully double the entire number of
condemnations of all other countries combined, in 2023 alone. Global
human rights violators barely register for a chiding by the UN. Rather,
countries like Iran, Venezuela, China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and
Syria are either entirely bypassed for censure for their human rights
violations, or face a single resolution of condemnation in an entire
were 140 resolutions raised against Israel between 2015 and 2022 where
the General Assembly focused on Israel; a number more than double passed
against all other countries in the world combined. That states
committing human rights violations barely risk a nod from the UN is
commonplace. For the second time in the year that is moving toward the
anniversary date of October 7 reflecting a sadistically savage pogrom by
Islamist terrorists against Israel, 124 countries of the General
Assembly voted in favour of the latest resolution, with 14 against and
43 abstaining.
call was for Israel to withdraw its forces from Gaza in its pursuit of
the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered over a thousand Israeli civilians,
raped and mutilated Israeli girls and women before murdering them
relentlessly, destroyed farming villages, setting homes on fire with
entire families burning to death, and taking 240 infants, elderly,
women, men, soldiers hostage back to Gaza. Many of the hostages were
tortured, many murdered, and all have been kept in inhumane conditions
and subjected to violations of humanity.
no time has a resolution been tabled before the General Assembly
demanding the dismantling of Palestinian terrorist groups, requiring
their weapons to be set aside, that the hostages be released back to
Israel, and that hostilities on the part of the terrorists cease and
desist. Israel only, in its resolve to destroy the death cult that
continues to ravage Israel with the clear intention of murdering as many
Jews as possible -- anywhere, is held to account and judged inadequate
in its response to the nonsensical and obviously biased opinion of the
UN. A UN which would never impose retaliatory restrictions on any other
country that had suffered such a massive loss.
of massive offence are treated as inconvenient incidents, but Israel's
right of self-defense is placed under the microscope of special
'contexts'. Terrorist entities calling openly for the destruction of
Israel and the concurrent death of Jews are given no notice; it is
Israel which must withdraw and make reparations. Countries like Canada
which at one time could be relied upon to vote against such unjust
resolutions now prefer to withhold their vote as though a national
morality of 'neutrality' reigned.
a handful of courageous and morally decisive countries like the Czech
Republic, clearly understanding the level of deception and hypocrisy
involved will have none of it, and hold the United Nations and its
anti-Israel cliques to account for their jaundiced hateful
interpretation of a situation they cannot bring themselves to condemn,
to the point of supporting the right of existence of a member nation
which has endured the unendurable by those who wish it ill.
my speech at the General Assembly, I condemned the hypocrisy and bias
in the United Nations, which since October 7 has passed two resolutions
that failed to mention Hamas and its responsibility for the massacre
last October."
reiterated that anyone who supports this circus is a collaborator.
Every vote you cast in support of this circus fuels the violence."
"This empty show is not just an insult to the victims of October 7. It is an insult to the hostages."
targeting of Hezbollah operatives was brilliant. It struck a major blow
against a terror group that has fired thousands of rockets against
civilians all while the useless UN mission in Lebanon stands by. There
is a price to pay #Hezbollah #FAFO."
has been significant misunderstanding of my use of the word
'brilliant'. The loss of innocent lives in any conflict is abhorrent
& must be avoided. As a retired national security & intel
leader, my use of that word was about the complexity &
sophistication of an operation."
the rise in hate, prejudice and exclusion, we need to address the
specific challenges Jewish students, faculty and staff face."
Artur Wilczynsky, University of Ottawa special adviser on antisemitism
mandate includes studying antisemitism and advising the university's
senior leadership on strategies to combat it and other forms of racism,
discrimination and harassment to promote a safer campus for all."
special adviser's role includes serving as a liaison between members of
the Jewish community and the university administration, and providing
his vast expertise as a resource to faculty, students and staff."
University of Ottawa President Jacques Fremont
Artur Wilczynski was appointed antisemitism adviser
at the University of Ottawa June 25, 2024, and resigned from the
position on Sept. 19, 2024.Photo by University of Ottawa/Handout
response to the news on Tuesday that thousands of communications
devices in the use of the terrorist group Hezbollah exploded across
Lebanon and into Syria, wounding thousands and killing a handful of
Hezbollah operatives, along with a few unfortunate civilians, the
University of Ottawa's appointed antisemitism adviser spoke of his
personal reaction to the event, informed by his professional identity as
a man involved for years in national intelligence. A reaction which
alluded to the technical achievement of pagers suddenly morphing into
surprise IEDs. With subsequent results.
on X in the immediacy of the news of exploding pagers reducing the
numbers of terrorist operatives that Hezbollah could count upon in its
war against Israeli civilians forced to relocate in their tens of
thousands as a result of hundreds of rockets raining down on Northern
Israel in a concerted effort to aid another Canada-listed terror group,
Hamas in Gaza, which was reaping the consequences of its deadly savage
pogrom in southern Israel, his admiration at the technical initiative
proficiency of Israelis was expressed as "brilliant".
That comment on the exploding pagers:
"Today's targeting of Hezbollah operatives was brilliant. It struck a
major blow against a terror group that has fired thousands of rockets
against civilians all while the useless UN mission Lebanon stands by"
triggered a predicable backlash. An observation that is in and of
itself a reflection of reality. But one that sat poorly in the
estimation of those who find it in themselves to have a special place
reserved in their hearts for terrorist murderers as long as it is
Jews/Israelis that are in their sights. A social-media backlash was
thus, the perfect antisemitism adviser to the university came under the
death-of-a-thousand-cuts lashing of public criticism, emanating from
very specific sources reeking with antisemitism and from those whose
progressive-woke sensibilities were tweaked in outrage. Leading this
longtime public servant, former ambassador to Norway, with his unique
background in foreign policy, intelligence, security and defence, to
apologize gracefully, and to resign from his advisory position with the
University of Ottawa.
"I believe in accountability."
posts on the Hezbollah/Israel war caused harm & affected my ability
to help combat antisemitism at U[university] of Ottawa."
"My intent in sharing is irrelevant when it is clear many were hurt by them. I apologize."
unlike you people [his critics], I don't believe in re-writing history
[by removing the offending post]. I did write it and it should be part
of the record. It's called transparency."
Artur Wilczynsky
his master's degree in international relations and conflict studies,
Wilczynski became the first federal government-wide executive champion
for the Jewish Public Servants Network. His family had arrived in Canada
in 1969 as refugees from Communist Poland. According to the Centre for
Holocaust Education and Scholarship, Mr. Wilczynski is the son and
grandson of Holocaust survivors. As a federal public servant in Canada
he was director general of international affairs and order policy at
Public Safety Canada.
was, as well, assistant deputy minister for equity diversity and
inclusion at the Communications Security Establishment. And it is the
equity, diversity and inclusion component that is partly responsible for
the avalanche of criticism his post on the 'brilliance' of the Israeli
plot to neutralize the terrorist effectiveness of a death cult-group in
the Middle East occasioned.
more latterly role from which he has now removed himself was to advise
senior university authorities on strategies to combat antisemitism and
other forms of racism at the university. A position for which his
experience, studies, and professionalism made him the perfect candidate.
During which time he overlooked the necessity/expectation that he
understand spontaneous utterances readily construed as condemnation of
terrorists and admiration for spectacular successes in eliminating their
threats could not be countenanced.
He will surely be missed.
his short time in the role, Artur Wilczynski made a large impact, and
we're thankful for his service to the Jewish and university
reflecting the problem, there is a large cohort who will attack and
smear anyone who defends the Jewish community, and journalists and
politicians across Canada are beginning to experience this themselves."
role of adviser on antisemitism is critical to fighting hate at the
university. Our message to the university is, find a replacement as soon
as possible."
David Sachs, community relations and antisemitism specialist, Jewish Federation of Ottawa
"We have just received the indictment along with a request for detention
until the end of proceedings." "We haven't yet seen the investigation materials,
so at this stage, it's difficult to delve into the details of the case.
We can already say that this is a person who has greatly assisted
Israel's security services, whose children serve in the security forces,
and who made an error in judgment in the context of his business."
not for nothing that the indictment wasn't filed for other offenses. My
client cooperated and continues to fully cooperate with the
"The suspect has a wife in poor mental condition, two children in the army - one serving now in Gaza and the other in the north, and another young child."
Attorney Eyal Besserglick, representing
the accused
A Jewish Israeli business was arrested in Israel on suspicion of having met with Iranian intelligence operatives. It is suspected that the man was involved in offering to assist Iranian operatives in a plan to assassinate a number of high-ranking Israeli authorities, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Israel's Shin Bet Security Agency.
The man, Moti Mamam, hails from the southern coastal city of Ashkelon. The 73-year-old took two visits to Iran in recent months. There, he demanded $1 million as a down payment to fund a series of missions, the Shin Bet announced. The missions included recruiting and paying other agents, as well as gathering intelligence to enable the assassination of senior politicians in Israel. Among them, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar.
Information whether the man had made a confession was not yet available. The suspect was paid for agreeing to travel to Iran, illegal for citizens of Israel. This is a man who had great familiarity with Muslim countries in the region, having lived for an extended period in Turkey, travelling there afterward for some of the meetings held with Iranian intelligence operatives. The report named two Turkish men as Iranian intelligence assets, responsible for setting up the meetings..
The original trip to Iran for the subject was ostensibly to meet with a man for a business proposition. That proposition was transformed into an attempt at recruiting the suspect. There is no shortage of assassination attempts anywhere in the Middle East, at any given time. This occasion is a time in history of over-heated Islamist terror groups, proxies of the Shiite Islamic Republic of Iran in yet another one of many futile attempts to dislodge the Jewish State of Israel from its ancestral geographic moorings.
The Shin Bet revealed a second attempt by Hezbollah had been thwarted to assassinate a former senior security official. This attack was related to an explosive divice, scheduled to be performed in the near future. The intended target of the bombing, retired Lt. Gen. Aviv Kovachi, IDF chief of Staff between 2019 and 2023.
The retired military leader had been surveilled by Hezbollah operatives at a "sports facility" he frequented in Tel Aviv. Hezbollah had attempted to assassinate former Israeli defence minister and IDF chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon via a remotely detonated bomb in Yarkon Park a year ago in Tel Aviv. It is uncertain whether any of these events had input by the recently detained suspect.
One imagines Hezbollah has been rather busy of late, as has been parts of Syria and even Iran, given its ambassador to Lebanon for some mysterious reason in possession of a pager which had so unfortunately exploded, along with thousands of others, injuring, maiming and certainly disturbing the idyllic lifestyle of dedicated mass murderers slavering to destroy the lives of Jews and destroying the presence of modern (technologically advanced) Israel from its landscape.
People stand near a pit after Lebanese soldiers destroyed a
communication device in a controlled explosion in the parking lot of the
American University of Beirut Medical Center on Wednesday. (Wael
"It was clear he didn't like the country, that he wasn't happy here.
Whenever I saw him, he would complain."
"Two weeks ago, security forces
arrived at the building with weapons, looking for him. He lives here
with his partner."
"The moment we saw that the spy was from Ashkelon, we
immediately knew it was him. I called a friend and told her it must be
him - and I was right. It doesn't surprise me at all."
symbolic. To me it's a mark of great distinction. I was very proud to
get the honorary degree. The fact I'm willing to give it back to signify
my discomfort with the university indicates how much my discomfort is."
participation of many faculty members in the encampment in defiance of
university policy coupled with the lack of consequences has been, in my
view, shameful. I am profoundly disappointed in my university."
"I no longer wish to have the distinction of holding a University of Toronto honorary degree."
do not take this action lightly since I know that since the first
honorary degree was granted by the University of Toronto in 1950, an
honorary degree granted by it has never been returned."
Dr. Arnold Aberman, former dean of Medicine, University of Toronto
Then-Governor General David Johnston, right, awards the Order of Canada to Arnold Aberman at Rideau Hall on Nov. 4, 2011.Photo by Chris Roussakis /QMI Agency
Dr. Arnold Aberman, professor emeritus, former dean, faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
protest against the University of Toronto's handling of the anti-Israel
protest encampment, the former medical school dean of the U. of T. took
the unprecedented path of returning his honorary degree. His "profound
disappointment" that the university administration issued no clear
statement that "what's going on is unacceptable", led him to take that
determined moral decision.
enforced exclusion of "Zionists" from the encampment set up on the
school's central lawn was an obvious term meant to identify "Jews", and
he pointed to that in particular. "You saw the signs, anti-Zionist signs, denying entry. There's no right to stop people."
was "too late" after the university obtained a legal injunction against
the protest several weeks into the occupation when the court-ordered
deadline was imminent. "It's never too late to do the right thing. I think they should have done it earlier."
Which led to his decision to return his honorary Doctor of Laws, in
his possession since 2015, in recognition of outstanding service to the
as dean of the University of Toronto's faculty of medicine, as well as
promoting relations with health-care institutions in the administration,
he was, as well, a key creator of the Northern Ontario School of
Medicine University in Sudbury, Ontario. According to his Order of
Canada citation, Dr. Aberman "contributed to the advancement of medicine for more than 30 years."
He faulted the university in his letter returning the honour, to University of Toronto President Meric Gertler for its "failure of the school to protect its Jewish and non-Jewish students".
The final straw arrived for Professor Aberman when he saw a recently
published online list of students and faculty identified at the
encampment protest by an activist group. "I consider them antisemites", he stated.
Dr. Arnold Aberman, Convocation, 2015 Honourary U.of T. Degree U.of T
"We hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression that also targeted civilians."
"Anyone who has a device take out the battery now!"
"Turn off your phones, switch it to airplane mode."
"Israel will get its just punishment."
Lebanese army soldiers stand guard near a hospital in Beirut on Sept. 17. Photo: Anwar Amro/AFP via Getty Images
'enemy' got fed up with terrorist Hezbollah sending hundreds of rockets
into northern Israel. Since October 8, the day following the Hamas
terrorists' infiltration of southern Israel and the following pogrom of
mass rape, torture, mutilation, slaughter of innocent Israeli civilians,
in sympathy with Hamas, Lebanon's Hezbollah has continued to fire
rockets into Israel. Necessitating the evacuation of tens of thousands
of Israelis. And burning acres after acres of Israeli farmland and
that is not a declaration of war, what is? Hoping to squeeze Israel in a
pincer grip, north and south, with the Islamic Republic of Iran,
working its puppetry strings on its terrorist proxies, the Israeli
military has been forced to fight and root out Hamas terrorists
throughout Gaza, hiding in their labyrinth of tunnels while leaving
ordinary Gazans to hope they will not become civilian casualties of a
war their government launched on their neighbour.
its part Hamas has realized an amazing victory in gaining the support
not only of Arab/Muslim expatriates living in the West, but that of
non-Arab/Muslims portraying Israel as the aggressor, forcing death on
innocent Palestinians. Since the United Nations General Assembly
promulgates that impression it is hardly surprising that members of the
general public internationally, deep in the theology of Critical Race
Theory are complacent about visualizing Jews/Israel as
'settler/colonialists' and the Palestinians innocent bystanders fighting
for a 'state' of their own.
following the Israeli internal security agency foiling an effort by
Hezbollah to assassinate a former senior Israeli security office with
the use of a planted explosive device, remotely detonated, a wave of
explosions rocked Lebanon. New/old technology pagers that had been
distributed to Hezbollah operatives were triggered from a wide distance
to simultaneously explode. Wherever they were, in operatives' backpacks
or their trouser pockets. With credibly unfortunate results.
fumed about 'war crimes' as it announced 2,750 of its terrorist
operatives wounded, some critically, as hospitals were swamped with
urgent admissions. A handful of Hezbollah terrorists were killed. And,
unfortunately, as so often happens when war disrupts life for ordinary
civilians, a handful of those too, were impacted. Emergency rooms were
looking after patients with chunks blown off their legs, or missing
with Israel will do that. After all, it is the most technologically
advanced country in the region; likely in the world. Necessity is the
mother of invention. Anticipating a war in the near future with
Hezbollah, Israeli technicians were able to develop communication
devices - pagers and walkie-talkies - that could share battery space
with a few grams of explosives, that would be triggered by a
remote-location electrical current.
Guardian graphic. Source: Gold Apollo, Guardian research
This represents a general opinion site for its author. It also offers a space for the author to record her experiences and perceptions,both personal and public. This is rendered obvious by the content contained in the blog, but the space is here inviting me to write. And so I do.