was an attack on Kyiv -- it shocked me, not because I'm here but
because Kyiv is a sacred city for Ukrainians and Russians alike."
Security Council had failed to prevent or end the war in Ukraine.This
was] a source of great disappointment, frustration and anger."
"Let me be very clear: [it...Security Council] failed to do everything in its power to prevent and end this war."
"I am here to say to you Mr President [Zelenskyy], and to the people of Ukraine, we will not give up." "[While the
Security Council had been] paralyzed, [the UN was taking other actions]."
"The UN is the 1,400 staff members in Ukraine who are working to provide assistance, food, cash [and] other forms of support."
"Mariupol is a crisis within a crisis. Thousands of civilians
need life-saving assistance, many are elderly and in need of medical
care, or have limited mobility. They need an escape route out of the
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
"[The blasts are] proof that we need a quick victory over Russia."
must act quickly ... more weapons, more humanitarian efforts ...
because every day Ukraine pays a high price for the protection of
democracy and freedom."
Andrey Yermak, chief of staff, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Smoke rises after missiles landed at sunset on April 28, in Kyiv, Ukraine. (John Moore/Getty Images)
member of the United Nations Security Council took especial notice with
the UN's Secretary General appearing in Kyiv, to give him a surprise
welcome. Warm, in the sense that two missiles blasted the historic city
while Antonio Guterres was there, visiting with Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to see for himself what the population of Russia's
neighbour is suffering under an endless barrage of bombs and missiles.
while Mr. Guterres hugely regretted that the Security Council failed to
intervene to convince one of its permanent members that invading
another country with violent intent, even naming it a 'liberation' move
under a special military operation is uncivilized at best, criminal in
its most severe outlook. But then, Russia is accustomed to being
misunderstood and blamed for events it is not responsible for. As
Vladimir Putin would have it, he was provoked by American interference.
the events described as war crimes -- rapes, destruction of civic
infrastructure, mass graves are not his doing; they are in reality the
malevolent orchestration developed by Ukraine that devised a grisly
scenario of ghastly atrocities, enacted by Ukraine's own military and
then ascribed to Russia. This is the kind of adversary Moscow faces, a
fascist, neo-Nazi Ukrainian administration impudently accusing
solicitous Russia of ill intentions toward Ukraine.
and NATO provocations have brought this situation to pass, not Russian
aggression. Russia will always enter the fray to protect its interests,
to ensure that Russian-speaking citizens of a neighbouring country are
not victimized by Russia-hating neighbours. Those two missiles fired at
long range into Kyiv Thursday were just a friendly reminder that Moscow
expects Kyiv to do the right thing and surrender its war-mongering
government to Russia.
all, Russian troops withdrew from the suburbs around Kyiv. To focus on
the Donbas, where Luhansk and Donetsk are already declared Russian
territories. The intention, of course, just to tidy things up, drive the
Ukrainian military out of its lair there and leave both Republics in
peace. Just incidentally Mariupol's destiny is to welcome its new
status, contributing to the land bridge delivering a direct route from
the Russian border to the Crimean Peninsula.
A destroyed apartment building in the southern port city of Mariupol
is thoroughly displeased with its nemesis, the United States. Not only
has the White House pledged a $33-billion gift in humanitarian and food
security and weaponry aid to Ukraine, it has outright stated its hope
that Ukrainian forces beyond repelling Russia's assault on the east, but
succeed to a degree that Russia's military will be reduced in strength
so it cannot continue to threaten its neighbours. Russia, a threat to
its neighbours? What effrontery; the U.S. is revealing its mendacious
spirit, wounding Russia beyond mere words.
entrenched in the east, Russian forces are focusing on the separatist
Russian-speaking rebels' success in accessing the entire Donbas along
with the secession provinces. The southern city of Kherson, the sole
regional capital captured by Russia's military since the invasion had
overnight blasts to awaken its still-stunned residents. Whose Wednesday
pro-Ukrainian protests were faced by Russian troops using tear gas and
stun grenades in their peaceful occupation.
has reported a series of Ukrainian strikes on Russian regions bordering
Ukraine. Issuing a stern warning that such attacks risk escalation to a
significant degree. In the Russian city of Bellgorod two large
explosions occurred. It is simply outrageous that Ukraine would take
their battle with Russia into Russia, endangering the lives of innocent
someone from the outside tries to intervene in what's happening, if
they create threats,threats of a strategic nature, our retribution, our
counter0strike will be instantaneous."
have all the necessary instruments, ones that no one else can boas of.
And we will not be bragging about them, we will use them if necessary."
Russian President Vladimir Putin
"I don’t think [Putin] will [use nuclear weapons]."
President has committed] massive strategic blunders. His so-called lightning invasion of Ukraine hasn’t gone too well."
"I don’t feel rattled by it. Because we have strong Armed
Forces and a nuclear deterrent and we’re part of a NATO partnership of
30 nations who outgun him, outnumber him and have potentially all the
capabilities at our disposal."
"I don’t fear him. I think we should be very grateful in this country
that we have a nuclear deterrent, I think that is a really important
part of his calculations."
"There are many, as we know, who wanted to get rid of it over the years."
very grateful that somewhere under the sea, some amazing men and women
are deep underwater, hiding, waiting, in case Britain needs to be
protected. That’s important."
U.K. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace
One of Britain's Trident nuclear submarines leaves on deterrent patrol from the Clyde Naval Base, Scotland
Sergei Lavrov, Kremlin spokesman had warned of the danger of nuclear confrontation: "We must not underestimate it".
Who is talking nuclear to begin with? In the Russian invasion of
Ukraine, Russian troops surrounded Ukraine's civil nuclear power plants,
including the decommissioned Soviet-era Chernobyl plant, risking rising
radiation levels by their interference with the monitoring/tending
Ukrainian nuclear-plant crew ensuring vigilance and safety.
Russian-Ukraine conflict is fought with conventional weaponry, with the
West and NATO countries supplying Ukraine with more up-to-date military
hardware to equal the footing between the attacker and the attacked.
With that assistance, along with the transfer of high-security
intelligence, Ukraine's military has more than countered the Russian
attack, and continues to do so. Enraging Vladimir Putin, inciting him to
threats against any possible 'intervention' by NATO or its members.
threat made initial oblique references to nuclear weapons, until Mr.
Putin formally placed his nuclear defences on standby. Purely a
self-protective device, to ensure that if any of his opponents nursed a
measure of stupidity sufficient to unleash a nuclear device as a
deterrent against further Russian advances and atrocities against
Ukraine's civilians Russia would be obliged to counter-strike.
full well that no country other than his would deploy nuclear strikes,
Vladimir Putin's ploy was sufficiently transparent to shock his
adversaries at its sheer recklessness. Making it quite clear that
nothing would detain a decision on his part to 'reciprocate' for any
such move against Russia. As though anyone but himself would contemplate
the use of such weapons. The threat of which is more than enough to
convince his critics to take care and step back from the brink he has
1947, atomic scientists devised the Doomsday Clock, setting it at seven
minutes to midnight in their assessment of the-then risk of atomic
weapons once again seeing the light of day after the horrors of Nagasaki
and Hiroshima, concluding World War II. That clock has been reset
numerous times, forward -- never backward. It sits now at 100 seconds to
midnight. Vladimir Putin has arrested the world's attention.
Putin sees the conventional strength of his military wane under a
situation he never imagined, with a surprise war of attrition causing
him to lose an astonishing number of elite commanders and generals on
the battlefield in Ukraine, along with the wreckage of armed personnel
carriers, tanks, planes, helicopters and the Russian navy's pride, the
Moskva to Ukrainian defence/offence tactics, he has become increasingly
morose and vengeful.
his pride in Russia's projection of power with its nuclear weaponry,
with the largest arsenal of nuclear devices of any country in the world,
fantasizing pride, fear and admiration, he is obsessed with the belief
of being advantaged over his adversaries. U.S. Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin's statement at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany at the
first meeting of the Ukraine Defence Consultative Group where he urged
allies to "Move heaven and earth" in stocking Ukraine with weapons, cannot have pleased Putin.
aggression of the U.S. is not equally shared across NATO. European
members find themselves too geographically close to Russia for comfort.
They are also too dependent on Russian oil and gas to be comfortable
about having their energy source cut off. Poland and Bulgaria have been.
Germany, always uncomfortable at pressure from the U.S. and NATO to
lift its reluctance to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons, foresees a
recession in agreeing to stop importing Russian energy.
are fears that Russia may contemplate a 'small' nuclear bomb on a
Ukrainian city, as a crude coercion strike, forcing Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy into an immediate, unconditional surrender. That
fear evokes pressure on the United States to transition from proxy war
to direct involvement, to send troops into Ukraine. A decision on the
part of the U.S. that would see push-back by other NATO members fearing
"I speak from personal experience, having observed the Al-Quds Day rally at Toronto's Queen's Park a few years ago. I was shocked that it was allowed to take place on government property."
"While I support freedom of expression for everyone, the Al-Quds Day rally was nothing but undiluted hate being spouted by speaker after speaker."
"Statistics tell us that antisemitic incidents are on the rise in Canada and around the world."
"Antisemitism thrives on hate, so if there is hate being spouted on our streets, shouldn't our government take notice and do something about it?"
Raheel Raza, Pakistani-Canadian journalist, author, public speaker, media consultant, anti-racism activist, and interfaith discussion leader
Raheel Raza is puzzled that in Canada expressions of hatred against Jews find no barriers erected by the Government of Canada. Canada has an increasingly large Muslim population, Its Jewish population is small, by comparison. For Canadan politicians votes can be lost when they address issues linked to voting demographics. As for antisemitic demonstrations, and acts of intimidation or violence against Jews, their emergence corresponds with the growing Muslim population.
Practising Muslims who know their Islamic history and values take umbrage at their co-religionists actively sowing suspicion, hatred and acts of passive and violent Jew-hatred in their adopted country which it boasts with pride is one where a multitude of languages can be heard on the street, a rainbow of pigmentation can be seen everywhere, and refugees and immigrants live in fairly reliable harmony among one another; often in cliques and districts where their ethnic and religious cultures give them comfort.
Among the 1,053,945 Muslims who make Canada their home, a significant enough proportion express anti-Jewish, anti-Israel sympathies which the 392,000 Canadian Jews must live with. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement enjoys great popularity among Muslim Canadians who view Canadian Jews and their attachment to the State of Israel as antithetical to their own values revolving around the conviction that Israel exists on land consecrated to Islam, and which Arab Palestinians claim as their own.
Slanderous invective, engagement in 'progressive' causes on university campuses that elevate Israel to the status of institutionalized violence against Palestinians, naming Israel as an 'apartheid' state has brought these hate groups adherence in the larger general population, convinced that sympathizing with the Palestinian 'cause', its opposition to Israel as an 'occupier' that targets Palestinian children for death, makes a mockery of reality.
When, in fact, it is the Palestinian Authority that schools Palestinian children in hatred for Jews, convincing children vulnerable to suggestion that their highest calling is to become a martyr, and to anticipate a future where Jews will be slaughtered en masse, freeing up the land the Jewish state sits on, ancestral to Jews as ancient Judea, so that Arab Palestinians who identify as the authentic indigenous peoples of the land, to create their own state 'from the river to the sea'.
That Israelis must live with the constant threat of violent attacks and indiscriminate murders by whatever means Palestinian Arabs find at hand, is conveniently overlooked in favour of disinterest in the fact that Palestinians constitute 20 percent of the Israeli population, with full citizenship. That Arab Palestinians, Christians, Druze, Ba'hai and other minorities live in Israel as citizens, freely voting for their own parliamentary representation. There are Arab Israelis appointed to judgeships, diplomatic posts and who join the Israeli police and military. So much for apartheid.
wave Iranian flags and display a portrait of the Ayatollahs at the June
1, 2019 Al-Quds Day march in downtown Toronto.Photo by Jack Boland / Postmedia News
In Canada, Palestinian sympathizers and 'activists' among the population of Muslim-Canadians feel free to mount an annual Al-Quds march, decrying the existence of the State of Israel. An event that was instituted by the Islamic Republic of Iran that has sworn to erase Israel from the Middle East, and taken up by the wider Muslim public. Raheel Raza. a devout Muslim is outraged that Canadian Muslims would defile the holy month of Ramadan, a time of quiet reflection, the antithesis of hate, vengeance, anger and violence -- on the streets of Canada.
She has written of her disgust for the actions of the hate-mongers among her co-religionists. She has appealed to the larger Muslim population in Canada for common sense and the need to leave old antipathies behind, along with tribalism and secular violence. She has communicated with Muslim-Canadian authorities representing different sects of Islam, to find no welcoming committee for her pleas for respect and tolerance between Muslims and Jews; all to no avail.
People attend an Al-Quds Day rally in Toronto interspersed with pro-Israel supporters.Photo by Jack Boland/Toronto Sun
"We are inspired by the resilience of Orthodox Christians in Ukraine in the face of President Putin's brutal war of aggression."
"We are continuing to support them and, today, we wish them and all others celebrating Easter hope and a swift return to peace."
U.S. Secretary of /State Antony Blinken
Russian morale and limited time to reconstitute, re-equip and
re-organize forces from prior offensives are likely hindering Russian
combat effectiveness."
British military intelligence
German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht gives a statement on the
sidelines of a meeting with members of a Ukraine Security Consultative
Group at the US Air Base in Ramstein, Germany, on April 26, 2022. (Andre
celebrations were shattered in the Luhansk region of the Donbas, stated
Seerhiy Gaidal, its governor. Seven churches in his region were
"mutilated" by artillery, and an unspecified number of civilians killed
by Russian shelling. Both Ukrainians and Russians celebrate the very
same Orthodox Catholic traditions and religious culture. It appears that
the Russian tradition of conflict, however, supersedes the sacred
nature of Easter and its message of peace and regeneration.
"special military operation", however, is badly misunderstood. It is a
liberating, compassionate move on the part of Vladimir Putin, who so
much empathizes with his Slavic cousins in Ukraine. The wider world
fails to comprehend -- through sheer spite -- that Kyiv has staged
atrocities attributing them to Russia, quite deliberately, with the
purpose of undermining peace talks. While Ukrainian refugees fill
churches across Central Europe.
"I pray that this horror in Ukraine ends soon and we can return home";
the poignant words of Naaliya Krasnopolskaia, now in Prague where she
fled from her home in Odesa, one of over five million Ukrainians to
escape the raging conflict in their homeland. The Kremlin's focus is the
capture of Mariupol, that utterly destroyed port town that was formerly
home to 400,000 Ukrainians. Ukraine authorities succeeded in repulsing a
dozen attacks on Donetsk and Luhansk, destroying four tanks, 14
armoured equipment units and five artillery systems.
is outraged that a village in its Belgorod region that borders Ukraine
was shelled on Sunday from across the frontier. Despite Russian gains,
British military intelligence assessment is that Ukrainian resistance is
strong, particularly in the Donbas. Speaking with anonymous
confidentiality, U.S. sources assess that Russia will rely on artillery
strikes to try to pound Ukrainian positions while moving in ground
forces from multiple directions with the intention of enveloping and
wiping out a large portion of Ukraine's military.
the other hand, they also say that Russian units are depleted, some
operating with large personnel losses,as high as 30 percent; too steep
to continue fighting. Anecdotes have arisen that Russian tanks have sole
drivers and no crew with substandard equipment, prone to breakdowns, or
out of date. According to British assessments some 15,000 Russian
personnel had died, 2,000 armourd vehicles destroyed, including 530
tanks, 60 helicopters and fighter jets.
Russia still possesses forces in superior numbers with a willingness to
continue to direct soldiers and units into the conflict. Ukraine, on
the other hand, shines with high morale, creativity and adaptive
battlefield tactics -- and familiarity with the fighting terrain. Arms
and intelligence from the United States and NATO allies continue to benefit Ukraine. "They can win if they have the right equipment, the right support",
remarked U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, as he left Ramstein Air
Base in Germany where discussions on Ukraine took place among
representatives of over 40 countries.
US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, rear center, delivers a speech as
he hosts the meeting of the Ukraine Security Consultative Group at
Ramstein Air Base in Ramstein, Germany, on April 26, 2022. (AP
Photo/Michael Probst)
"This idea was born last year and now it has become especially relevant."
"Similar work has already been carried out, but now it will be co-ordinated by the Kremlin's domestic political bloc."
this system, employees at all levels will be explained both their goals
and objectives and the national policies and, at the right time,
'signals' will be sent to the Kremlin from this network."
"Each of its divisions has recently appointed a person responsible for
informing employees about activities in support of the Russian army, and
installations for the placement of various visual content are
descending from the head office for this."
Kommersant newspaper report
In a plan that harks back
to the paranoia of Josef Stalin's Soviet Union in the 1930s, these
"political officers" will also push Vladimir Putin's political agenda
and ensure official support for his war in Ukraine stays on track
Credit: Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images
commissars have been assigned to Russian government ministries and
state-owned companies. Their vital task is to be the eyes and ears of
the Kremlin, and their reports will be rendered directly to the
Presidential Administration, the beating heart of Vladimir Putin's
Kremlin. An old tactic given new life under the special circumstances of
President Putin's 'special military operation' in Ukraine. A military
operation so special it has, in three months, claimed the lives of
fifteen-thousand Russian servicemen, a significantly smaller number of
their Ukrainian counterparts, and a much larger number of Ukrainian
is, needless to say, a reality that must not be whispered within
Russia. For to do so, to speak of 'war', to mention in hushed tones 'war
crimes', and to hint at the fact that despite Vladimir Putin's pride in
equipping his military with the latest technological gadgetry in
updated materiel and state-of-the-art munitions, ships, planes, and
missiles, there has been a desperate need to dust off Soviet-era tanks
and other military equipment to make up for those lost to Ukrainian
military prowess standing firm against the Russian invasion.
any of this. Protest audibly. Stand in a collaborative protest against
the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on a Moscow street, and expect arrest
and the possibility of a 15-year prison sentence for sedition. Now,
political commissars are tasked to report back to the president's office
what they gain in knowledge of the "emotional state and mood" of
government staff. Anger and paranoia rule the day in the presidential
suite at the Kremlin.
"political officers" are tasked as well with acquainting employees with
the virtues of the invasion, and the intention to 'rescue' Ukrainians
from the talons of the neo-Nazis governing them from Kyiv. The
'liberation' of Ukraine is uppermost in the tender regard of the Russian
president, and he wants everyone to be aware of that singular fact. The
trusted political officers, prepared to propagandize the issue in the
workplace, have been elevated to the rank of deputy minister.
can judge just how nervous the Kremlin is about the potential for
dissent from a wider public, by the fact that even though most of the
Russian public is supportive of the invasion, as a good-neighbour act by
Russia for their Ukrainian 'cousins', particularly those in Russian
government ranks, concern remains with respect to hidden dissent. In a
country where criticism of the war is strictly banned, and discussion of
any kind focusing on casualties is summarily suppressed. The threat of a
long prison sentence can have that effect, in any event.
Kremlin is resolved that the Z logo of the major battle group in
Ukraine be popularized and become dear to the hearts of the Russian
public. To that end, posters celebrating the mission of the 'special
operation' and T-shirts feature the Z logo are being made available.
Broadcasts of support for the invasion run continuously on
state-operated television. The new initiatives boost a high level of
state control, paralleling Stalin's network of informers; no surprise,
given Mr. Putin's stated admiration for Stalin as a great man and superb
official narrative of the special operation has had repercussions as
well on education curricula. Publishers have been placed on notice that
textbooks must delete references to Ukraine. "You can mention how we saved Kyiv, but it is no longer possible to talk about any independence of Ukraine as a country",
commented one publishing source. Another source revealed his publishing
house was forced to re-write 15 percent of its textbooks, deleting
references to Ukraine.
Putin Taps Into Russia’s Centuries of Paranoid Aggression- Photo: The Daily Beast
"I heard three shots and shouting. A woman was screaming. Then two more shots were fired. No one else was screaming."
"I looked out the window -- I thought it was fireworks. It turned out they weren't."
"My mother told me it was definitely gunshots."
Neighbour of Vladislav Avayev, Moscow
"He was a smart man, almost the head of Gazprombank. I had seen him -- he did not look like a maniac. He was a nerd."
"He had no reason to do that. He was rich, smart."
"There's no way a man like that could kill."
Neighbour of Vladislav Avayev, Moscow
Vladislav Avayev (pictured), 51, was found in his elite Moscow penthouse alongside his wife Yelena, 47, and daughter, Maria, 13
recently two puzzling deaths of high-profile Russian oligarchs. One day
apart; one discovered in Moscow, the other in Spain. Both prominent
men, both met violent ends. Investigators in Russia would like to convey
the impression that both were suicides. Murder-suicides, since their
family members were murdered. Ostensibly, by the very men who supposedly
committed suicide. On two occasions, on two consecutive days, two
separate families of immensely wealthy men, wiped out.
neighbour had contacted the daughter of one of the men, Vladislav
Avayev, because she had heard disturbing sounds coming from his
million-dollar residence that made her suspicious. Which led 26-year-led
Anastasia to visit his Moscow apartment. There she found her
51-year-old father, her mother Yelena, 47, and her younger sister Maria,
age 13. All shot to death. She contacted police, informing them she had
found a gun in her father's hand.
father, Vladislav, was a former vice-president of the state energy
corporation, Gazprombank, and was also a Kremlin official. Vladislav
Avayev had made his fortune in construction, following which he was
appointed a deputy head of a Kremlin major department. He had resigned
from his post as Gazprom vice-president. From Russia's third-largest
bank, the main oil and gas payments bank in Russia.
Sergey Protosenya (right), 55, who had a fortune of over £330 million,
is believed to have hacked his wife Natalia (centre) and their
18-year-old daughter to death before hanging himself in the courtyard of
his Lloret de Mar villa on Spain's Costa Brava
to Russian police, any leads will be investigated, in his personal and
professional life. They had discovered a collection of 13 weapons in the
apartment. Investigators are also involved in another death, one that
took place on April 19, when Sergei Protosenya, formerly on the board of
directors for Russian natural gas company Novatek was found dead. His
wife and daughter were discovered hacked to death inside a Spanish villa
in Costa Brava.
55-year-old Sergei Protosenya himself was found hanging in the villa
courtyard. The police theory is that Protosenya had killed his wife and
daughter using an axe and knife,and then took his own life. According to
local reports, however, someone had taken precautions to ensure no
fingerprints were left on the murder weapon. The local news outlet El Punt Avui had it that no suicide note had been left behind, and when Protosenya's body was found there was no blood on it.
were not the only puzzling deaths of Russians high on the
administrative hierarchy of a country at war, where many within the
various arms of the Kremlin, as well as journalists, educators and
ordinary Russians, along with Russian-Ukrainians have voiced timid
dissent over their country launching a deadly conflict with its
neighbour. Some oligarchs and influential Russians have spoken out
publicly and gone into exile. Some have remained in Russia, and been
arrested for sedition.
other deaths remain unsolved; that of 61-year-old Gazprom former deputy
Alexander Tyulyakov who, the day after Russia invaded Ukraine, was
found hanged near St.Petersburg, in a cabin. His body hung ln his
garage, a suicide note next to him. He had been deputy general director
at Gazprom after working there for a decade.
January, Leonid Shulman, 60, head of Gazprom's transport service, died a
suicide, found in the bathroom of a Leningrad-region cabin. The note he
left behind spoke of a broken leg and the knife, cause of his death,
found in a bathtub beside him, but out of reach. He was found in a pool
of blood, his body punctured by multiple stab wounds.
The Lord's Shepherd:"The Language of Jesus": A New Schism?
The Lord's Shepherd : "The Language of Jesus": A New Schism?
"Ukrainians did not want to hear a less-than-supportive voice from the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church."
were gravely hurt that the Holy Father would be willing to preside over
a world prayer event that could cast doubt over what was really
happening in Ukrainian towns and cities."
Reverend Michael Kwiatkowski, chancellor, Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy, Winnipeg, Manitoba
"It's painful for this to happen, and at Easter."
get it, he's the Pope, he's supposed to preach peace, he's supposed to
preach reconciliation. But this is a war that Ukrainians didn't start
and it's happening right now. People are being murdered, people are
being raped, people are being forced from their homes ... It's the wrong
Lubomyr Luciuk, political geography professor, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario
"One thing needs to be understood: Francis is not a politician, he is a pastor, [speaking] the language of Jesus."
acts according to the evangelical spirit, which is one of
reconciliation even against all visible hope during this war of
primary interest is not geopolitics but -- as he said three days after
the outbreak of the war -- 'ordinary people, who want peace and that in
every conflict are the real victims, who pay for the follies of war with
their own skin'."
Father Antonio Spadaro, Jesuit priest, editor of journal La Civilta Cattolica, il manifesto
The pope has previously called the invasion “sacrilegious” | Vincenzo Pinto/AFP via Getty Images
Francis has declared himself emphatically shocked and has wasted few
words in condemning a war of aggression by one neighbour against
another, leading to a massive wave of refugees, thousands of people
killed, a country's infrastructure massively destroyed and the world in
turmoil. In his earnest denunciations of the criminality and lack of
humanity involved in any conflict, others of which have occurred in
other areas of the world, he also spoke of the inequity of world
attention and commiseration in settling refugees, based on racism.
a pastoral message, at the same time as neutralizing the shock over a
European area of conflict and its accompanying civilian victims by
conflating it with what is occurring outside of Europe. And while Pope
Francis earnestly deplored the war that Russia is waging against its
neighbour, he confines himself to notional 'neighbours', never once
identifying the aggressor nation -- Russia -- or the man behind the
implacable decision to mount a violent campaign against Ukraine --
Vladimir Putin.
as the Christian world's Shepherd of good faith and brotherly love, at
the very time that Russian troops are battering Ukrainian towns and
cities, deliberately targeting schools and hospitals and civic
institutions, burying some of their victims in mass graves, leaving
other corpses to lie in the streets of towns they hurriedly abandoned on
orders from Moscow to muster from the north to the eastern Ukraine,
Pope Francis decided it would be very 'Christian' to choreograph a
tender little play.
the Vatican's annual Easter 'Way of the Cross' ceremonial procession
through the Colosseum in Rome on Good Friday, it was arranged that a
Ukrainian and a Russian woman, known to one another, in a friendly
professional working relationship, held the cross during the procession.
A text accompanied the event, stressing peace and reconciliation
between peoples. Nowhere any indication that a brutal war is in
progress, initiated by Russia against Ukraine.
that very day, another event that raised critical eyebrows of disbelief
from among the Ukrainian community, when the Vatican's Kyiv ambassador
along with a cardinal from Poland held a meeting with the main Ukrainian
leader of the Russian Orthodox Church. Pope Francis's champions may
point out sanctimoniously that the Pope plays no political games, but
the emissary of the Russian Orthodox Church represents a church faction
led by its Patriarch who has given strong support to the invasion of
has created a sense of moral indignation and huge disappointment from
the Ukrainian communities abroad observing the painful conflict in their
country of origin, and as faithful Christians observing the Julian
calendar, is their April 24 Easter, leaving them bereft and abandoned in
their church. While condemning the barbarity the Ukrainians are facing,
Pope Francis avoids naming the aggressor country and its leader, a
devout Orthodox Catholic, intransigent and malevolently violent against
Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, hearing of
the Pope's Way of the Cross procession plan attempted to warn Francis it
was poorly timed, incoherent, ambiguous and "even offensive" to his
members, leading to the text being shortened, but the two women,
signifying the two nations at peace, not war, remaining to hold the
cross, hand over hand.
Patriarch Kirill, has a close relationship with Russian President
Vladimir Putin. He has enthusiastically endorsed Putin's war against
Ukraine, as 'just' and needful. Russia's Orthodox Church clearly
politically motivated, clearly eschewing its pastoral duties, and
clearly unwilling to denounce an illegal, destructive conflict brought
from his country to a neighbouring country. Patriarch Kirill, with whom
Pope Francis fairly recently held a 'reconciliation', spoke of a
righteous fight between Western decadence and traditional values, in
support of the conflict.
Wynnyckyj, sociology professor at Ukraine's National University of
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was scathing in his condemnation of the Pope in
effectively helping to perpetuate an injustice by saying nothing to
offend Russia and Vladimir Putin. According to his assessment the Good
Friday events were an effective "slap in the face to Ukrainians" in an outreach to Russian religious leaders involved in Putin's war against Ukraine.
of Pope Pius XII, whose lack of action during the Second World War and
neutrality over the Holocaust the Vatican still defends. The Ukrainian
Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox churches are in early discussions of a
potential merger. It is now entirely possible that a unified church will
no longer consider falling under the Catholic banner, for Pope Francis,
according to Mr. Wynnyckyj has made "a massive step in the wrong direction".
"This is just the first step [for Russia]= to gain control of eastern Europe, to destroy democracy in Ukraine."
are fighting not only for our independence, but for our survival, for
our people so that they do not get killed, tortured and raped."
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
"There's no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl underground through these industrial facilities..."
"Block off this industrial area so that not even a fly can get through."
"Taking control of such an important center in the South as Mariupol is a success."
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Smoke rises above Azovstal steelworks, in Mariupol, Ukraine.Photo by MARIUPOL CITY COUNCIL /via REUTERS
was not a glory moment for Vladimir Putin when he was forced by
Ukrainian military resistance against Russian troops' orders to enter
Kyiv and take it under control so the government could be removed and
yet another Russian-puppet could be installed -- and his only possible
move left to him in the face of massive Russian losses of men and
materiel was to withdraw troops stating his real intention was to
contest for the entire Donbas region so it too could be annexed as the
Crimean Peninsula was, in 2014
Mr. Putin is committed to anything at this point, close to two months
after he launched his surprise 'special operation', it is to cover
himself, not to lose any more 'face' in the court of world opinion, and
to uphold his champion-standing in the opinion of the Russian public.
Capturing Mariupol, the port city on the Sea of Azov is of primary
importance to his Donbas-Crimean plan. And Ukrainian forces are
inconveniently stalling his intentions.
of fighters and up to a thousand civilians, including many children are
ensconced in dozens of bunkers in the vast underground network of
Mariupol's steel fort, the Azovstal plant. Their nuisance presence is
stalling the Russian military's strategy of 'liberating' Mariupol. Their
frustrating insistence on holding on in the face of a two-month siege
is insolently intolerable to the Russian president.
intransigence has led the Russian leader to order his troops to tighten
the siege and close in on the plant. In the face of that resistance, it
is entirely feasible that Mr. Putin could order those holding out in
the plant to be smoked out or to resort to the use of proscribed deadly
chemical weapons. The niceties of international war conventions do not
appear to have a particularly strong hold on this man's sense of moral
interpretation to these tense periods that present as Mariupol's final
hours as a Ukrainian possession, that Putin is anxious to avoid a final
clash with Ukrainian forces, lacking troop numbers to ensure the
Ukrainians can be defeated in a conventional urban military clash. In
addressing the Portuguese parliament recently, Mr. Zelenskyy appealed
yet again to the West for more weapons and the imposition of added
economic sanctions on Moscow.
home to 400,000 people, Mariupol has fought the most intense battle of
the war and has suffered the conflict's worse humanitarian consequences
where hundreds of thousands of civilians were under Russian siege for
close to two months, under constant bombardment. The Azovstal steel
complex, one of the larges metallurgical facilities in Europe, covering
11 square km with its huge infrastructure, underground bunkers and
tunnels, is a formidable site offering protection to Ukrainians and
impotence of action to Russians.
who managed to reach Mariupol during the siege reported streets
littered with corpses, with most buildings destroyed, residents huddling
in the cold in cellars, only venturing out to cook sparse amounts of
food on makeshift cooking arrangements. According to Ukrainian
estimates, tens of thousands of civilians died in Mariupol. Some of whom
were found buried in mass graves.
Putin was informed by his Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, that Russia
had succeeded in killing over 4,000 Ukrainian troops in the Mariupol
campaign, with an additional 1,478 surrendering to Russian forces. In
addition Moscow claims to have taken in 140,000 civilian Ukrainians from
Mariupol in a humanitarian evacuation from the war zone. To which Kyiv
responds that some had been deported by force, a war crime.
An emergency management specialist pauses while searching for the bodies
of people killed in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, on
Thursday. (Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters)
A group of Jews, including a small boy, is escorted from the
Warsaw Ghetto by German soldiers in this April 19, 1943 photo. The
picture formed part of a report from SS Gen. Stroop to his Commanding
Officer, and was introduced as evidence to the War Crimes trials in
Nuremberg in 1945
Jews, ever mindful of Jewish history and a never-ending plague of
assaults on their presence by communities wherever diaspora Jews have
put down alternate roots, after their second expulsion from Judea, their
ancestral homeland in the Middle East, the Holocaust represents an
unspeakable atrocity committed by Nazi Germany with the considerable
assistance of eastern and western Europe and the determined oblivious
attitude of the West in general to their plight.
Jews repeat in their minds 'never again' it means that they will do
their utmost personally to fight back against the persecution and
defamation they are endlessly subjected to. 'Fighting back' is a passion
expressed in the struggle for survival. Slights, born of an inbred,
taught and sought discrimination expressed against the Jewish presence
has a habit of becoming socially institutionalized. It ebbs and flows,
like the oceans surrounding continents.
A German in a military uniform shoots at a Jewish woman after a
mass execution in Mizocz, Ukraine. In October of 1942, the 1,700 people
in the Mizocz ghetto fought with Ukrainian auxiliaries and German
policemen who had intended to liquidate the population. About half the
residents were able to flee or hide during the confusion before the
uprising was finally put down. The captured survivors were taken to a
ravine and shot. Photo provided by Paris' Holocaust Memorial
whatever continent Jews happen to populate, a minority group within
much larger groups, they are always 'noticed' as outsiders. With that
notice comes a degree of suspicion. A suspicion often a nudge away from
contempt and hatred. For within the larger population there are always
those whose antipathy toward Jews -- even and particularly if those
haters know nothing about Jews, do not know any individual Jews, have
never met Jews -- twists them toward rage against Jews.
are Holocaust memorials erected in various geographies across the
world, in a determined effort never to forget the stark inhumanity that
humans are capable of exerting against other humans. Where governments
and individuals embrace the opportunity to learn and to empathize,
committed to ensuring as believers in elementary human rights that
nothing of this dread magnitude will ever re-occur. And yet, on a
smaller, and equally inexcusable scale, they do, and each time they do
humanity is shamed and shocked anew.
The arrival and processing of an entire transport of Jews from
Carpatho-Ruthenia, a region annexed in 1939 to Hungary from
Czechoslovakia, at Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp in Poland, in
May of 1944. The picture was donated to Yad Vashem in 1980 by Lili Jacob
small? With ignorance about the fact that a fascist horde schemed to
annihilate the entire Jewish population of Europe, on its way to
conquering the world for Aryan purity. That the organized
industrial-scale mass murder succeeded to the degree that an estimated
six million Jews were systematically slaughtered. The corpses were used
to produce soap and fertilizer. Children and adults alike fed into death
chambers where Zyklon B, a cyanide-based pesticide, killed them, and
their bodies were shovelled into vast, non-stop crematoria. The odour of
burning flesh and the ash circulating as particulate matter lifted by
the smoke exuded by the giant chimneys to fertilize the fields of
was late to erecting a memorial to the Holocaust; but one was finally
built and opened to the public in 2017. On a number of occasions, the
stark, grey angular walls of mourning attracted professional
photographers on fashion shoots, as likely backgrounds to show off
glamorous designer apparel featuring poised, sleek female models. The
photographers in each instance appear not to have known, or really gave
no thought to the fact that their commercial enterprise in artistry and
mercantilism in a place sacred to the memory of millions of people was
an assault on social morality and values.
the latest of these events, the photographer was scathing in his
response to criticism over his obtuse choice of backdrop for a photo
"If taking a photo with grey walls as a backdrop is a crime, lock me up."
you don't want people shooting at certain walls in the city, you should
put on a reflective vest, get a whistle and go stand in front of them
year 'round."
"The ICRC does not ever help organize or carry out
forced evacuations. We would not support any operation that would go
against people’s will and international law."
"Building and
maintaining a dialogue with parties to a conflict is essential to get
access to all people affected and obtain necessary security guarantees
for our teams to deliver life-saving aid."
"[There have been moves to explore the possibility to open an office in southern Russia]."
sole objective is to alleviate the suffering of the people affected by
the armed conflict. And the suffering right now is simply immense."
International Committee of the Red Cross
Ukrainian forces move through the town of Borodyanka.Photograph: Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times/REX/Shutterstock
“Putin has built his regime mainly on stoking public support, which has
given him the means to control the elite."
"There’s no room for disagreement or
discussion, everyone must just get on with it and implement the
president’s orders and as long as Putin keeps the situation under
control, people will follow him."
Tatiana Stanovaya,
political consultant R.Politik
Russian President Vladimir Putin center, attends a
meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and Defense
Minister Sergei Shoigu in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, Feb.
2, 2019.Photo by Alexei Nikolsky, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo /AP
Close to two months after Russian President Vladimir Putin unleashed his invasion-not-war into Ukraine, Russia's military losses keep expanding and so does its isolation. Things have not gone well for Russia in Ukraine. This was not the way the invasion was meant to proceed, according to Mr. Putin's calculations. His closest advisers encouraged his belligerence, and those who felt otherwise were so intimidated by his resolute insistence that Ukraine be taught a final lesson in subjective humiliation they stammered and stuttered and ended up saying nothing as a contradiction to the war effort.
Yet, rumours emerge of a small and growing number of senior Kremlin insiders questioning their leader's decision to punish Ukraine and its people with war. The invasion -- according to insiders who have quietly released to the outside world, their knowledge of the unrest beginning to percolate at the senior echelons of Russia's state apparatus connected to the Kremlin and the presidency -- has spurred dissent. A catastrophic error in judgement, they solemnly whisper, with a growing cost that will take generations to overcome.
And even they fear that their president could decide, should the situation continue to see him opposed by Ukrainian mettle and courage leading to further loss of face on the international stage, shunning him and his expansionist Soviet inclinations, feel forced to bring out the weapons he has hinted at. A 'limited' but deadly use of nuclear weapons as his campaign flounders and paranoia embarrasses his intentions. On the other hand, the Russian street, fed the Kremlin's propaganda, believes in the mission.
The shock felt when Russians first became aware that their military had invaded Ukraine, the sister-nation they are most familiar with in their near-abroad has faded with the inevitability of time and messages speaking of the courageous fighting spirit and overwhelming military prowess in campaigns that are bringing victory to Russia over the cowardly Ukrainian Military, and popular support remains strong. Theirs is a compassionate struggle to release their Ukrainian cousins from the stranglehold of fascism.
Loyalty to nation and leader leaped forward as tensions were heightened over the surprise reaction by the West. That very West that has always plotted to destroy the Russian Federation and is now responsible for sanctions and isolating Russia and condemning it for giving aid to Ukraine. The West that is arming Ukraine with advanced weaponry to enable it to destroy ships, warplanes, tanks and armoured personnel carriers - killing their sons and husbands.
Those senior Kremlin officials few in number who attempted to explain to their president that sanctions' full impact will be devastating into the future, erasing the nation's growth and diminishing living standards, only to be brushed off, earning them the disfavour of the man they tried to reason with. Who insists the price that Russia must pay, exacted by the West, will not stop him and its effect will fade over time. Russians know how to endure sacrifices for the greater good of the nation.
A swift victory, routing the Ukraine government is no longer an immediate expectation, but the Donbas falling to Russia is. It is not feasible at this point for a withdrawal at a point when withdrawal from Ukraine would leave Russia weak and unable to face the threat of the United States and its allies, scheming for Russia's downfall. A powerful delusion that spurs the Russian president to defy and challenge the legitimacy of Ukraine as a nation with a culture and a backbone, a haven for neo-Nazis, and a tool for the West.
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Catherine's Hall of the Kremlin in Moscow on April 20, 2022.
"One of two dangers will arise [from a renegotiation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action JCPOA]."
Iran will feel it can up its aggression, or its enemies will conclude
that they have no choice but to take out all Iranian nuclear
"[The JCPOA] was born in deceit, sold through deception and kept alive by wilful blindness."
Victor Davis Hanson, U.S. historian
"No agreement will stop Iran from its determination to become a nuclear power, and Russia won't enforce the deal."
"The two malign powers will work together to harm American interests around the world."
Editorial, Wall Street Journal
Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, U.S. Secretary of State' John Kerry, and
European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton meet Sept. 25, 2013 at the
Waldorf Astoria in New York.
U.S. President Barack Obama orchestrated and led the negotiations in
2013 that led to the signing of the 'nuclear agreement' between the UN
Security Council, Germany and the EU, (P5+1) and basked in international
praise for a diplomatic coup that was presumed to have successfully
delayed the Islamic Republic of Iran's striving toward enriching uranium
to produce a nuclear arsenal. A generally accepted reality that Iran
was steadily and surreptitiously moving toward that goal, which it
strenuously denied, claiming the oil-rich nation was seeking alternative
sources of civil-use energy.
neighbours thought differently. Their great unease at the prospect of
Iran reaching its goal to possess that dread power to enhance its
position as a threat by a non-Arab, Aryan nation, a Shiite theocracy
challenging the primacy of the Arab majority Sunni Middle East for
greater power and authority, led to its al-Quds division of Iran's
Revolutionary Guard Corps entering war-torn Lebanon
to help form an Iranian proxy terrorist group, Shia Hezbollah.
JCPOA did nothing whatever to address the IRGC's ongoing recruitment,
formation, financial support, training and weapons' supply to Hamas,
Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Yemeni Houthis, destabilizing the
Middle East and beyond. For the most part their malevolence was aimed
toward Israel, the Jewish nemesis state installed anew in a solid
Islamic geography, despite sectarian-tribal antipathies.
The Arab states know they too are targets of an ascendant Iran.
the current Biden presidential political environment backgrounded by
Barack Obama's legacy project, former allies of the United States see
themselves abandoned by a disinterested power that once dominated the
Middle East. An administration that is determined to proceed with
reconstituting that abrogated nuclear agreement that favours Iran and
distances the Sunni-majority Arab states. and Israel.
The tail has always wagged this dog, Iran moving the guideposts by clever maneuvering.
time around, Tehran refused to negotiate directly with the United
States, the "Great Satan", which stood back and though it has been
responsible for moving renewed talks forward, agreed that Russian
diplomats could negotiate directly with Tehran's negotiators on behalf
of the same actors who signed the original agreement. Now that Moscow
has invaded Ukraine and brought war to Europe, matters became even more
and China, both involved with Iran, with its nuclear installations, and
aiding Iran in evading sanctions lead the negotiations. Should a new
agreement be signed, sanctions against Iran would be set aside so it can
sell its oil freely, reconnecting it to the global financial system for
a temporary restriction on enriching uranium and centrifuge testing.
The IAEA nuclear watchdog is not convinced it will be given full
monitoring access; a return to the previous agreement when critical
military sites had been deemed off limits.
demands for sanction relief, its demand that the Revolutionary Guard
Corps be removed from America's terrorist blacklist has seen a backlash
in Congress that President Biden must deal with. Israel denounced that
demand by Tehran as representing "an insult to the victims" of the
nefarious actions leading to terrorist attacks and the deaths of
innocents, on the part of the IRGC. The expectation is that should the
agreement be signed and Iran achieve its breakthrough, Israel alone
would be forced to react.
signed agreement would favour Iran in released billions, and relaxed
sanctions. It would be to Russia's benefit to buy enriched uranium from
Iran and sell it two nuclear reactors for billions, effectively helping
to fund its war in Ukraine. Achieved through the sole world power that
has chosen to take a back seat internationally, effectively abandoning
its former role as global sheriff coming to the defence of the
vulnerable against the predations of tyrants.
those occasions when American power chose to make common cause with
dictators sullied its opinion of itself in concert with its detractors.
As the two key players have returned to the negotiating table, it seems
that it has become even more difficult for them to see eye to eye Observer Research Foundation
This represents a general opinion site for its author. It also offers a space for the author to record her experiences and perceptions,both personal and public. This is rendered obvious by the content contained in the blog, but the space is here inviting me to write. And so I do.