current situation on the border between China and India is generally
stable, and the two sides are negotiating to resolve relevant border
this context, the words, deeds and military deployments of relevant
military and political leaders should help ease the situation and
increase mutual trust between the two sides, not the other way around."
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin
Xi Jinping, left, and Narendra Modi had previously played up a personal bond Getty Images
"Having so many soldiers on either side is risky when border management protocols have broken down."
"Both sides are likely to patrol the disputed border aggressively."
"A small local incident could spiral out of control with unintended consequences."
Lieutenant-General D.S. Hooda, former Northern Army commander, India
Indian troops near the border with China Getty Images
spokesmen for the government speak reasonably and always portray the
Chinese Communist Party ruling Politburo as bearing no ill intentions
whatever toward any other country. Peace always uppermost in Beijing's
collective mind. Conflict or creating situations that might lead to
misunderstandings not their way at all. The sterling quality of
'harmony', within China itself and between the government and its
international counterparts represents the goal sought by Beijing.
Beijing that cannot seem to fathom that its insatiable appetite for
acquiring the world's natural resources; for excelling in technological
advances, achieved in part by pirating advances and formulae and
technologies from other international sources which China can then
self-produce with a specific Chinese flair and application in proud
ownership; a China that cannot abide the thought that its neighbours
have an equal right to disputed territories; or that international
waters and airspace are to be shared, is one that raises the hackles of
those it constantly undercuts and outmanoeuvres.
two nations, restless neighbours, each with immense billion-plus
populations, powerhouses of potential in science, technology and
academic excellence but with opposing political systems, have long been
uneasy with each other's proximity and penchant toward rivalry.
Invariably, however, it is China that becomes the aggressor in its
hunger for control and possession. Last summer was a testy one for
China-India relations. Border skirmishes in the Himalaya over a
tentative border saw India lose control over some 300 square kilometres
along the disputed mountain terrain.
intentions are oblique until they become evidently transparent. The
People's Liberation Army brought in forces from Tibet to the Xinjiang
Military Command, responsible for patrolling the disputed areas along
the Himalayas. Fresh runway buildings, bombproof bunkers meant to house
fighter jets and new airfields have appeared along the Tibetan disputed
border. Long-range artillery, tanks, rocket regiments and twin-engine
fighters have been added in the last few months.
to relations between the two countries. Whatever Beijing decides must
be done within Chinese territory is of no business to its neighbours.
All is well, the border undisturbed, there is no reason for India to
leap to conclusions. Neighbours must trust one another's good
intentions. The amassing of troops and arms? Negligible training
Indian soldiers on patrol near Leh, in the disputed frontier region of Ladakh AFP
given its experiences with China both in the past and at present,
thinks otherwise. It has brought in an additional 50,000 troops to the
border; an obvious offensive military move against a neighbour more
accustomed to acting out treacherous moves than relying on diplomatic
niceties. India has moved its own troops and fighter jet squadrons to
three areas along its border with China, to the point where there are
now 200,000 Indian troops stationed on the border.
the past, the military presence was directed toward blocking moves
China might make; the present redeployment is set to give Indian
commanders flexibility in options where they may attack and seize
territory in China should it be seen to be necessary; a strategic ploy
known as "offensive defence". Where helicopters are assigned to airlift
soldiers from valley to valley, as well as artillery pieces like the
M777 howitzer. These are not preparations taken lightly.
recent diplomatic skirmishes representing military-diplomatic
discussions with China have seen no progress reaching a return to the
decades-old status quo so rudely interrupted by China's acquisitory
challenges. The largest increase in troop levels have taken place at the
northern region of Ladakh, where the two countries met in brief
conflict on several occasions last year. Among India's transferred
soldiers are some once involved in anti-terrorism operatons against
Pakistan; newly deployed on the border.
An Indian army convoy drives towards
Leh, on a highway bordering China, on June 19, 2020 in Gagangir, India.
As many as 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a "violent face-off" with
Chinese troops on Tuesday in the Galwan Valley along the Himalayas.
Chinese and Indian troops attacked each other with batons and rocks. Photographer: Yawar Nazir/Getty Images AsiaPac
India will have greater troop numbers acclimatized to fight in the
high-altitude Himalaya, reducing the number of troops stationed on
India's western border with Pakistan. A fragile situation, to be sure.
In the more populated area along the southern Tibetan plateau, soldiers
with machine guns joined lightly armed paramilitary officers. Most of
India's border forces were located in the far eastern state of Arunachal
Pradesh, where the1962 India-China war took place, French-produced
Rafale fighters armed with long-range missiles are deployed in support
of the boots on the ground.
Bring Us Your Poor, Unskilled, Uneducated, Oppressed ...
"People from all corners of the globe have sought refuge in
Canada, people who have started the next chapter of their lives here in
"There's another reason that Canada's light shines brightly, and
that is the contributions of refugees themselves in so many ways."
"We've seen refugees give back to their new communities
and their countries, even during the pandemic."
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Marco Mendicino
A group of Central American migrants rest along the railway track on
their way to the United States in Macuspana, Tabasco, Mexico March 25,
2021. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso
Minister Mendicino made an announcement on June 18 that Canada is
proceeding with a new target number of refugees into the country of
"protected persons"; refugees and asylum seekers set to be accepted for
residence in Canada while their applications for acceptance are being
determined. That acceptance for residence is to be extended to their
families. In 2020 the number brought into Canada stood at 23,500. For
2021 that number is to rise to 45,000.
estimated 50,000 haven-seekers, migrants declaring themselves
'refugees' entered Canada illegally in the space of two years between
2018 and 2019, numbers that are declining by a wide margin, but still
ongoing where people who have entered the United States transit into
Canada which has a far more relaxed reputation for accepting migrants'
refugee claims. Many of those haven-seekers, are fleeing poverty, crime
and conflict in their central American homelands, many seek out better
economic prospects.
are drawn by Canada's generous social support system which they can
draw on as soon as they enter Canada. And many of the migrants are
unschooled, unskilled and if and when they look for employment, will
only be suitable for low-skill work that will leave them in poverty,
albeit with the added assistance of social welfare. Finding places for
migrants to live, providing them with initial financial supports,
medical care, language training, educational opportunities strains an
already-strained system in Canada at all government levels.
cities like Toronto where many of the refugee declarants head directly
for temporary emergency housing -- already under strain to accommodate
Canadians who have fallen on hard times and/or those whom the added
financial strains of the COVID pandemic's upheaval of social, employment
norms have sent into the ranks of the homeless -- an overburdened
situation has been exacerbated by the presence of migrants.
Toronto 40 percent of people in homeless shelters in 2019 were refugees
and asylum claimants. Refugees and asylum claimants represented 80
percent of the total families living in shelters in 2018. A 2018 study
of homeless shelters in Ottawa revealed that close to 25 percent of
those using the shelters were immigrants or refugees. When the viral
pandemic struck, close living quarters in shelters convinced many to
leave that shared housing in preference to living on the street.
downtown cores of many cities now reflect the growing number of street
people who have left crowded shelters to live in tent cities in public
parks and on sidewalks. An issue of public safety has arisen in
lock-step with illegal tent cities. So it defies logic and simple common
sense to proudly proclaim Canada's readiness to increase by a wide
margin an already large committed number of refugees to a country which
has been unable to accommodate the needs of newly-entering people.
Liberal government speaks of "irregular" entries to the country, when
what they are is "illegal". There are legal entry points where people
can declare themselves and where they know that entering Canada from the
United States where a safe country agreement is in effect whereby the
first country entered is the country where application should be made,
is deliberately bypassed. In illegal entry a strange situation unfolds
where the illegals declare themselves refugees and are enabled to make
applications to remain in the country.
stands out as the European country that distinguished itself in 2015
and 2016 in its declaration that it was prepared to accept a million
refugees and migrants pouring illegally into Europe from Africa and the
Middle East. Years later the German government finds itself supporting
those they permitted entry to, many of whom are disproportionately
involved in violent crime, according to the government's own data. A
mere 50 percent of the migrants -- mostly young, single men -- are
employed in Germany.
social welfare systems that leave no one behind are viewed by many who
have long been citizens and grew up in the system, as a last resort when
living turns tough. To many others coming from countries with no notion
of public welfare, state support through welfare seems attractive and
well worth leaving home for. Those genuinely seek a better life and
prepared to work toward it have indeed made Canada what it is, a country
of immigrants.
earlier generations those who entered Canada as immigrants and
refugees, many non-skilled, without higher education levels, applied
themselves to whatever employment was available. There were no social
welfare programs of any note in that era. People lived in poverty and
slowly improved their living situations, their children received good
educations and found better employment and left poverty behind. At the
present time, all manner of government programs in support of immigrants
and refugees are available, and, it seems, less effort is put out for
self-support by those feeling entitled to state support.
Police erected a tent at the Roxham
Road crossing, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer informs a migrant
couple about a legal border station a few kilometres away. (Charles Krupa/Associated Press)
"His condition [that of the assailant] had been noticed in recent months, including violent tendencies, and a few days ago he was put into compulsory psychiatric treatment."
"That [calling out 'Allahu akbar' as he attacked], suggests a possible Islamist motive and that is also part of the investigation."
Regional Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, Wuerzburg, Germany
German police in action in the German town of Wuerzburg, Germany, June
25, 2021, before they arrested a suspect after a "major operation" in
which parts of the city center were sealed off .
In the years 2015 and 2016, when refugees in their millions were fleeing the Alawaite Syrian Bashar al-Assad regime's murderous attacks against its Sunni Syrian citizens, many desperate to reach Europe to find haven there rather than in the vast holding camps of Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, and others from Africa and other places of the Middle East sought the opportunity to flock to Europe, declaring themselves refugees fleeing oppression, conflict, and deprivation as refuge-seeking migrants.
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel made international headlines by declaring Germany's intention to absorb a million refugees; 500,000 in 2015 and about 750,000 the following year. That the majority of those flooding into Germany were young, single males and their presence began presenting a problem reflecting cultural, social and political values caused great strain within Germany's native German Christian population, the influx giving the country a total of six million Muslims, mostly of Turkish-worker origins among whom Turkish President Erdogan held sway, interfering in German autonomy.
While the original German population might at first blush felt positive about their chancellor's declaration, once the refugees settled in in their great numbers and their cultural/religious values clashed with that of German heritage, culture and social mores, public ingratitude at the sea change forced on them by the great refugee influx gave rise to the presence of more conservative movements within German politics. The latest incident that took place in the ancient city with its 130,000 population somewhat predictable.
Mental illness is often ascribed to Islamist fundamentalists whose psychopathy and hatred for the West even while advantaging themselves by the largess of Western social programs benefiting the poor and socially deprived, excusing violent excesses that occasionally erupt among the newly displaced. Videos that were posted on social media show a barefoot man with a long knife warded off in self-defence by other men shielding themselves with chairs until police arrived.
Wuerzburg's central Barbarossaplatz was the scene of crime where three people were killed and five others seriously wounded when a 24-year-old Somali immigrant went on a knifing rampage. He was eventually stopped when police fired a bullet through his thigh to enable them to arrest his activities. A man who had been resident since 2015 in the town, since Germany opened its borders to over a million refugees and migrants. He had a police record, but evidently not for terrorist links.
One of the dead was a young boy along with one of his parents. People were assured by police that there did not appear to be any other attackers in association with the arrested man. They also reported that of the five seriously injured people, there were some who might not survive their injuries. Five years earlier the city, about an hour's drive from Frankfurt, had seen a knife attack on a train by a 17-year-old Pakistani asylum seeker who wounded five people, two seriously, before he was stopped.
Officials gather at Barbarossaplatz in the German town of Wuerzburg,
Germany, June 25, 2021, during a "major operation" in which police
arrested a suspect Reuters
Canada's Liberal Government in Contempt of Parliament
a lot of politics going on by both the Liberals and the Conservatives
but in parallel to that, there is zero doubt in my mind that there are
very good reasons to protect at least some of the information here."
very hard to know where the line is between government efforts to
actually legitimately protect classified information, which is very
real, and government attempts to protect itself against embarrassment."
[the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians]
has done and said things that were independent, that were autonomous,
and that did not make the intelligence community happy, that did not
make the government happy."
time you set up new institutions, there's always a process of two steps
forward one step back, two steps sideways; This is multiple steps
Thomas Juneau, associate professor, security issues, espionage, University of Ottawa
understanding is that parliamentary privilege is absolute. So how to
convince a judge otherwise, what would be the rationale for that is
really something that is quite puzzling to me."
think it's dangerous if we start to play that game and try to limit
access like that, using courts to limit access to documents."
Daniel Beland, director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada
"The research community goes where the best science and opportunity is taking place."
think it would be short-sighted to heavily restrict research
partnerships. After all, science is a global enterprise and one never
knows where and when a breakthrough or major discovery can emerge."
Paul Dufour, adjunct professor, Institutute for Science, Society and Policy, University of Ottawa
"This is our future."
relations with China means our future scientists and theirs will be in
constant communication, visiting back and forth and trading
"The freer they are to do so, the better for all of us."
Robert Brown, professor emeritus, Institute for the History and
Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto
Xiangguo Qiu, her biologist husband and her students have not returned
to work at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, after being
escorted out in July 2019. The RCMP is still investigating a possible
'policy breach' reported by the Public Health Agency of Canada. (CBC)
Parliamentary Committee of the House of Commons Canada-China relations
committee had censured Iaian Stewart, President of the Public Health
Agency, for having ignored their calls for documents to be presented for
their scrutiny to answer the mystery of the firing of two Chinese
bioscientists from the high-security Winnipeg-based National
Microbiology Laboratory. Two scientists with professional links to
research and scientists linked to the People's Liberation Army
surrounding the two scientists' escort from the high-security
bioresearch laboratory along with Chinese bioscience students studying
in Canada and recruited by Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng to
work alongside them at the Winnipeg laboratory have gone stonily
unanswered. Both the President of the Public Health Agency, which
oversees the Winnipeg laboratory, and the Liberal government have
refused to release the requested documents. The Liberal government has
now filed with the Federal Court to give legal impetus to its refusal to
release the documents.
Juneau-Katsuya, formerly head of the Canadian Security Intelligence
Service Asia-Pacific section reminds that CSIS consistently gave warning
of China's vast intelligence gathering network and that it poses a
grave threat to Canadian intellectual property. He had commissioned a
report in mid-1990 while still with the service, estimating that Canada
had experienced a loss in excess of $10 billion annually as a result of
economic espionage carried on by China. He criticizes the government for
its lax approach in protection of Canada's science breakthroughs.
points to the cost associated with a 2014 cyber attack on the National
Research Council, despite which Canada's cooperation with China went on
"CSIS has identified a lot of threats and knows a lot about the
threats, but the government does not warn its employees. The only
defence is prevention. When they steal your stuff, it's too late",
he said. An internal document produced in 2016 revealed that rebuilding
the ransacked system would take years at an estimated cost of breach
repair in the hundreds of millions. Still, the agency continued to
collaborate with China.
One of
the scientists escorted from the National Microbiology Lab last year
amidst an RCMP investigation was responsible for a shipment of Ebola and
Henipah virus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology four months earlier -
although the Public Health Agency of Canada still maintains the two are
not connected. CBC
was at the National Research Council where an Ebola vaccine was
developed in 2018 alongside the Chinese Academy of Military, Medical
Sciences and CanSino Biologics. China's Ministry of Science and
Technology issued a joint call with the National Research Council in
2019 for proposals for collaborative industrial research and development
projects. A number of additional ventures were conducted by the
National Research Council, along with annual meetings with the China
National Biotec Group.
research-council employee from China who had been employed in the
People's Republic's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
had conducted much of the work involved in setting up partnerships and
guiding Canadian technology companies to enter the Chinese market.
Council researchers had developed a cell line as a scaffolding for virus
research which they provided to CanSino for use in the Chinese
company's COVID-19 vaccine. That was followed by an
agreement for the NRC to help in testing the vaccine and to manufacture
it at an NRC facility.
August of last year, when the CanSino vaccine candidate was prepared
for shipping as per agreement to Canada, Beijing stepped in to refuse to
allow the vaccine to be exported to Canada. Viewed by those
knowledgeable as yet more retribution, aside from the arrest on charges
of 'espionage' of two innocent Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael
Kovrig, for the arrest in Vancouver on a warrant from the U.S. of Huawei
CFO Meng Wanzhou.
"We went running out, and we saw all the debris and the building was just gone."
"We heard a couple of people yelling, 'Help, help, please!"
Alexis Watson, 21, Texas vacationer
"It's hard to explain. This doesn't happen in America. It's doesn't
happen in Miami Beach. It doesn't happen in our homes. And it's very
difficult to comprehend how it's possible."
"I have to tell you, when I walked past ground zero, there was row after
row after row of firefighters who are literally waiting to rush into a
building that could fall at any time."
Rabbi Eliot Pearlson, Temple Menorah, Bal Harbour, Miami
"You always hold out hope. Until we definitively know, we are
trying to stay hopeful. But after seeing the video of the collapse it's
increasingly difficult, because they were in that section that was
pancaked in, in the first section that fell in, and then the other
building fell on top of it, so it's not easy to watch."
was just a comment she made offhand, that's why she woke up, [his
mother said that creaking noises woke her up in the building the night
before the collapse], and
then she wasn't able to go back to sleep afterward -- but now in
hindsight, you always wonder."
"We are praying for a miracle, but at the same time trying to be as
realistic about it as possible [whether he will see his mother and his grandmother again]."
"Until we definitely know,
there is hope. It's just dwindling by the minute."
Pablo Rodriguez, Surfside, Miami
This aerial photo shows part of the 12-story oceanfront Champlain Towers
South Condo that collapsed early Thursday, June 24, 2021 in Surfside,
Fla. (Amy Beth Bennett/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP)
professor in the department of earth and environment at Florida
International University produced a study in 2020, that found the
building that partially collapsed in Surfside, Florida early Thursday
morning had been steadily sinking since the 1990s. The 12-story
oceanfront condominium building had been built on what can be seen in
hindsight was an unstable foundation. Built on what has been
euphemistically called 'reclaimed wetland'. Reclaimed wetland is wetland
that had been degraded and had then been restored to its natural
have important -- vital -- environmental properties that are normally
considered off limits for tampering with. They represent nature's way of
helping to absorb excess moisture; with a rising ocean attributed to
climate change, the wetland's critical function is to act as a
protective barrier between the ocean and the land. What happened to that
wetland was that it was destroyed for the purpose of 'reclamation', a
spurious term, whereby infill, construction garbage and detritus and
soil from elsewhere was dumped to destroy the wetland and create a
building site.
is valuable for the construction trade in areas where demand is high
for accommodation in a tourism-industry geographic area. Where moderate
weather calls out to winter-weary residents of other geographies with
harsh winters, along with the prospect of beach-and-sun leisure making
for a situation that adds tourism dollars from visitors from abroad, to
the state coffers. Where entrepreneurs and construction companies can
persuade a municipality to issue building licenses in areas that should
be under environmental protection.
of Surfside, Florida, not far from Miami Beach had a rude awakening
before 2:00 a.m. on Thursday when the building they were in was
shuddering, and then part of it collapsed. In the shock of the collapse,
surrounded by smoke and debris, screams resounded, heard by other
residents living in nearby buildings that remained intact. "It is just overwhelming to see when we opened the door and saw that the building had collapsed", one woman recounted after she was rescued from her balcony.
bodies of four people who were killed outright when the northeast
corridor of the 12-story Champlain Towers condominium collapsed is only
the beginning. An estimated 150 people are unaccounted for. In the
building lived a wide mix of people, from Latin America, from the Jewish
community. Unaccounted for is the sister and brother-in-law of the
first lady of Paraguay. Unaccounted for are entire family units.
Rescue workers look through the rubble of Champlain Towers South in the Surfside area of Miami.Photograph: Lynne Sladky/Associated Press
evacuated dozens of people from the building with its 136 units.
Fifty-five of the total units were entirely destroyed. A wing of the
building is seen in footage captured by nearby security cameras,
suddenly collapsing with an immense dust cloud erupting over the
collapse. A witness spoke of seeing people trapped within, making use of
their phone flashlights signalling desperately for rescue. Rescuers
pulled a few people from the rubble and firefighters rescued other
tenants from balconies in the part of the tower that remained standing.
"He was yelling, 'Please help me!' It was sheer panic",
said Nicholas Balboa who lives right next to the condo, of a boy's hand
he saw waving through the rubble, while he helped in his rescue. The
building had passed inspection just one day before the collapse.
Engineers were on the scene the day of the collapse 'examining' what
might have caused the collapse, according to the vice mayor of Surfside.
"It's a tragic day. We still have hope to be able to identify additional survivors", said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
reported initially they could hear banging and knocking within the
rubble, of people desperately trying to indicate their presence, to be
rescued. Later, first responders spoke of their confidence that all
survivors had been rescued. "Everyone who is alive is out of the building", director of Miami-Dade Emergency Management, finally stated. "It's hard to imagine how this could happen. Buildings just don't fall down", said Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett. "Unless someone literally pulls out the supports from underneath, or
they get washed out, or there’s a sinkhole or something like that,
because it just went down."
all of Miami Beach towns are built on a barrier island, building sites
that climate scientists and geologists long have given warning of the
islands' instability, made up of a loose mixture of sand and mud,
nature's protection for the shoreline, which cannot responsibly be
developed. "These are very dynamic features. We didn’t
understand that these islands actually migrate until the 1970s",
explained professor emeritus of geology Orrin Pilkey. Professor Pilkey
has studied sea-level rise and the coast's overdevelopment. "As
sea level rises, they move back."
Rescue personnel work on the collapsed condo tower Friday, June 25, 2021, Photo: AP
The Riddle Within a Mystery Encapsulated in a Puzzle
The Riddle Within a Mystery Encapsulated in a Puzzle
her contract permitted it, that would be a scandal. If the contract
didn't permit and they ignored the contract, that would be a scandal."
"If the contract didn't even turn its attention to this, that would be a scandal, too."
Mark Warner, trade lawyer, former legal director, Ontario Research and Innovation Ministry
"We cannot comment on this matter."
National Microbiology Laboratory has policies and processes that allow
for scientific collaboration and these are reviewed periodically as part
of the Science Excellence initiative to adapt them as needed."
Mark Johnson, spokesman, Public Health Agency of Canada
Qiu's ouster from the National Microbiology Laboratory remains cloaked
in mystery and has been the subject of ongoing debate in Parliament.Photo by MCpl Vincent Carbonneau, Rideau Hall/File
plot sickens as it thickens. That the Government of Canada is shielding
documents from the Parliament of Canada that would shed light on the
strange and rather awkward dismissal of two Chinese scientists long
employed by Canada's topmost secret biology laboratory, biologists of
distinction who had links both with the Wuhan Virology Institute and
scientists working directly for the CCP's People's Liberation Army
laboratories, defies logic.
dismissal of scientists Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng in
January following their having been escorted out of Winnipeg's National
Microbiology Laboratory a year and a half earlier along with Chinese
biology students that Dr. Qiu had brought into the NML, is an event of
great interest to parliamentarians and to the Canadian public.
Particularly at this time of a global pandemic when a viral pathogen
erupted in Wuhan, China and there are suspicions whether it was a
natural event or whether the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been
head of the Winnipeg laboratory was called before Parliament and given
instructions to produce documents to clarify the reason behind the
scientists' escort from the laboratory and their consequential firing.
Public Health Agency of Canada chief Iain Stewart adamantly, despite
being reprimanded, continues to refuse to provide unredacted documents
to Members of Parliament sitting on the Canada-China relations
has now been made clear that it is the Liberal government of Justin
Trudeau which has instructed Mr. Stewart to refuse to surrender the
documents in question. The Liberal government has filed an application
to the Federal Court asking it to prohibit disclosure of the requested
documents, challenging the principle of the House of Commons' supreme
position to demand documents be produced regardless of privacy or
national security laws.
the government that has imperilled national security through its
continued positions on allowing Beijing access to Canadian academic
circles, corporate interests, government infiltration, scientific and
technical inventions and production has filed an application requesting
an order confirming the documents should remain undisclosed; the
disputed material being "information which if disclosed would be injurious to international relations or national defence or national security".
Xiangguo Qiu, a prominent virologist at the forefront of an ongoing RCMP
investigation, is seen in an undated screengrab at the Winnipeg-based
National Microbiology Laboratory. She was fired from her post in
January, but officials won't say why. Photo: CBC
would, in the sense that such disclosures have the potential to
demonstrate the extent of this government's lax attention to securing
its own intelligence, linked to that of its G7 and Five Eyes
partnerships. News that Xiangguo Qiu, currently under investigation by
the RCMP, is listed as an inventor on two patents filed by official
agencies in China is another unsavoury revelation. As a long-time
Canadian civil servant her obligation is to Canada, not China.
is, in fact, illegal for any employee of the Microbiology Laboratory to
patent anything discovered at the Lab; it is the property of the Lab
and of Canada.While her escort out of the Microbiology Lab continues to
shrouded in mystery, the subject of Parliamentary debate, these new
revelations serve to deepen the conundrum.
patent listing her as a co-inventor with others was filed with the
Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration by China's
National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, describing an 'inhibitor
for Ebola virus'. Ms.Qiu had been celebrated in Canada for her work in
helping to develop a treatment for Ebola. In the other patent registered
by the Inspection and Quarantine Technology Centre of Fujian province a
"detection method" for Marburg a hemorrhagic fever, is involved.
coincidentally, Dr.Qui had been involved in an unauthorized shipment of
NML materials involving those same biological inventions out of the
Winnipeg laboratory to the Wuhan Virology Institute. Dr.Qiu, it seems
apparent, was either in violation of the inventions law or had received
permission from the minister to proceed as she had, which seems
unlikely, given its illegality and the strange potential decision to
provide such highly classified and protected material and research to a
hostile country.
had been revealed by a journalistic investigation that Professors Qiu
and Cheng had failed to pass security screening by the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service, somewhat after the fact. They had been known to
work alongside Chinese scientists as well as a PLA military researcher
who had also been employed by the Winnipeg Laboratory. None of this
inspires confidence in the Public Health Agency of Canada, nor the
Government of Canada in this hugely unsavoury event.
The National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg
where scientists Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng worked until they were
escorted out in July 2019, and finally fired in January 2021.Photo by Michel Comte/AFP via Getty Images/File
Returning to Abandoned Afghanistan ... Taliban Rule
"The visit by President Ghani and Dr.Abdullah will highlight the enduring partnership between the United States and Afghanistan as the military draw-down continues."
U.S.White House statement
"They [Ghani and Abdullah] will talk with the U.S. officials for preservation of their power and personal interest."
"It won't benefit Afghanistan."
Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban spokesman
"Those districts that have been taken surround provincial capitals, suggesting that the Taliban are positioning themselves to try and take these capitals once foreign forces are fully withdrawn."
"All of the major trends -- politics, security the peace process, the economy,l the humanitarian emergency, and of course COVID -- all of these trends are negative or stagnate."
"The possible slide toward dire scenarios is undeniable."
Deborah Lyons, UN special envoy
"We will use our full diplomatic, economic and assistance tool kit to support the peaceful, stable future the Afghan people want and deserve and will continue to support the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces in securing their country."
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S.Ambassador to the United Nations
"[Afghan Prime Minister Ghani proposed] in good faith [a peace plan for a ceasefire, power sharing and early elections]."
"For almost ten months now we have had no serious engagement from the Taliban for serious peace negotiation and no response to our proposed peace plan and absolutely no counter proposals."
Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Haneef Atmar
American soldiers returning home after a nine-month deployment in Afghanistan, at Fort Drum, N.Y.. Credit...John Moore/Getty Images
A remarkably self-serving display of fantasy, delusion, oblivious to reality on the part of the United States, sending its soothing, reassuring words of support and back-up and financing to a disabled, war-weary country being overtaken by the same Islamist fundamental ferocity that created 9/11 and the reason for the U.S.-led unity forces of NATO countries determined to defuse the social/political/theocratic abyss the Taliban had brought to Afghanistan in imposing their version of Sharia law and shielding al-Qaeda and bin Laden from U.S. retribution.
Al-Qaeda's more virulent counterpart, Islamic State is now ensconced in Afghanistan with whatever is left of al-Qaeda, and they and the Taliban feast on whatever is left of the embattled country finding it a well-positioned location from which each can continue to grow status, influence and draw new adherents; violent Islam not declining but waiting, waiting. The Taliban know opportunity when they see it, and they see no reason to wait any longer with the departure of allied and U.S. troops.
Even with the diminished presence of the troops yet to depart amidst negotiations in Qatar between the Taliban and the U.S. representatives there has never been any relief from Taliban attacks either on civilian targets to show that they can murder with impunity, Afghan military and U.S. military targets. A clearer message of the indefatigable intentions of the Taliban to extend its now-considerable territory to a final retaking of the entire country couldn't be on display. Yet casually understated by the U.S.
Who can blame the West for wanting to see the last of that historically embattled country? It is, in the final analysis a surrender to the inevitability of political, violent, bloodthirsty Islam on a roll. Tamp it down in one geographic location and it relocates and regrows, a nightmare vision of hell on steroids. Little wonder that President Ghani and High Council chairman Abdullah plan to travel to Washington to once again explain what the U.S. final September withdrawal will result in.
Afghan security forces stand near an armored vehicle
during ongoing fighting with the Taliban in the Busharan area on the
outskirts of Lashkar Gah, the capital city of Helmand province, on May
Sifatullah Zahidi/AFP via Getty Images
Afghan forces cannot match the ferocity and religious fervour of the Taliban. President Biden is prepared to give gracious reassurance of American support for the Afghan people, but it cannot be accomplished from afar, other than in meaningless placatory verbiage while Afghanistan once again falls under the heel of pure Islamic vengeance against those who believed they could emulate Western concerns for human rights and practise democratic ideals.
The fantasy that the Afghan government will succeed in persuading the Taliban to alter its course in a collaborative effort to share governance for the greater good of the Afghan people is sheer delusion. And nor can the U.S. president believe that to be a possibility. A month ago U.S. intelligence analysts released their assessment of the situation: the Taliban "would roll back much" of the progress made in women's rights should the extremists regain national power.
They will and it will happen; there will be no women's rights, an absurd concept the West poisoned Afghan society with. Afghanistan's women know this, the government knows it, and the Biden administration knows it.
Militiamen joined Afghan security forces in a show of anti-Taliban support in Kabul on Wednesday. Wall Street Journal Photo:
Rahmat Gul/Associated Press
Forced Labour Goods Permitted Entry to Canadian Markets
"What we've uncovered from this limited search may be just the tip of a much larger iceberg linking Canadian importers to forced labour overseas."
"Canada must move beyond words and use legal methods to cut Canadian business ties to forced labour abroad."
Creating Consequences, Above Ground report
Hidden camera footage inside the world's largest glove manufacturer in
Malaysia shows several employees working in close quarters. Shortly
after, there was a massive COVID-19 outbreak that led to nearly 6,000
infections. (Name withheld)
Above Ground -- a workers-rights group -- has issued a new report releasing new evidence of goods likely produced with forced labour, entering Canada from China and other geographic spots, to be sold in Canada, in contrast to the United States where such products are banned and the government in the U.S. takes all necessary precautions to ensure that record-keeping is open and accurate, leading to hefty fines should any companies in the U.S. seek to evade legislation barring the entry of forced-labour- produced goods entering the country.
Canada may have an unenforced position on not permitting goods produced under slave conditions entering Canada, but like much of what Canada does and says as a liberal, union-friendly, progressive country led by the 'wokest' of Parliaments, there's no bite to its bark; no formal steps have been taken to ensure that what it claims are its moral values are followed up by stringent, enforced regulatory assurances backed by consequences for any companies found to be side-stepping the prohibitions.
insider documents conditions inside his factory and workers’ dorms and a
labour activist reacts to what he calls “appalling” conditions at a Top
Glove factory in Malaysia
Shipments of palm oil from Malaysia, for example, and clothing produced in China arrive in Canada from companies blacklisted by U.S. authorities, according to the report issued by Above Ground. Despite Canadian law whose purpose is to ensure products of slave labour do not enter Canada, such goods in fact flow into Canada with virtual impunity. What Above Ground has managed to reveal implicating Canada in general disinterest in following up its pledges is a suggestible minimum, with many more instances of proscribed products arriving to the Canadian market.
Above Ground was able to access import records from the United States while in Canada data from shippers' "bills of lading" are kept confidential, not permitted in the public sphere for all interested parties to scrutinize. The files rarely reveal the manufacturer of the imports; when such data is available, the producer of the finished product is revealed, not the suppliers who may be using forced labour. Companies in Canada can request authorities in the U.S. to remove their shipments from the public records.
A Top Glove employee took a camera inside his factory to show the unsafe working and unsanitary living conditions at the company (Name withheld)
Belying the federal government's legislation implemented last year, barring the importation of goods produced wholly or in part with forced labour, much of which originates in China and according to evidence Uyghur people along with other Turkic minorities from Xinjiang province face coercion to working in cotton fields and factories. No such ship bearing these proscribed goods has yet been barred from entry to Canada. Any shipping records can be scrutinized, courtesy of U.S. shipping records which detail when imports arrive at American ports and are sent onward to Canada.
Hero Vast Group, a China-based clothing manufacturer that U.S. Customs and Border Protection banned which employs prison labour is revealed by American records to have transferred six Hero Vast shipments into Canada, imported by several separate Canadian companies. Palm Oil produced by Malaysia's Sime Darby Plantation employing 11 of the International Labour Organization's forced-labour indicators also arrived to offload their goods in Canada, again imported by two separate companies.
precision seeder machine sows seeds near workers on a cotton field of
Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, in Alar, Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region, China. CHINA DAILY/Reuters
The products of 8ingda Tackweang Shoes which holds thousands of Xinjiang minority people at its factories where they work and are subjected to after-hours 're-education' programs, delivered close to 200 shipments of its shoes to Canada. U.S. rules speak of evidence which "reasonably but not conclusively" point to the involvement of forced labour. Rigorously enforcing its own laws and implementing "human rights due-diligence" legislation proactively obliges companies to cleanse their supply chain of forced labour.
"In Canada, forced labour exploitation affects migrant workers,
particularly those migrating to Canada under the ‘low-skilled’ temporary
visa streams of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP), including
the low-wage and primary agricultural streams, the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP), and the Live-In Caregiver program (LCP).Although
the Canadian government ceased accepting any new applications for the
LCP from 30 November 2014, there are still many migrants working as
caregivers who entered Canada under the former LCP stream. In addition,
since the abolition of the LCP, migrants looking to work as caregivers
in Canada can still do so by applying for a regular work permit."
"Workers employed under these streams may work in restaurants, hotels
or other hospitality services, agriculture, food preparation,
construction, manufacturing, or domestic work. Migrant
workers, particularly those in low-skilled and caregiving positions,
reportedly experience a wide range of abuse including verbal, physical,
and sexual abuse. Specific examples include working without pay,
performing tasks outside the scope of the employment contract, not
receiving vacation or overtime pay, working extremely long hours,
deduction of “fees” for food or accommodation from pay cheques, and
particularly for women, sexual violence. In 2017, foreign workers who
claim they paid thousands of dollars to obtain non-existent jobs at
Mac’s convenience stores had their claims certified as a class action
lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The
four workers named in the suit allege they paid up to US$8,500 each in
illegal fees to Surrey-based immigration consultant firms to obtain jobs
as temporary foreign workers in Western Canada, but upon arrival in
Canada discovered there was no job awaiting them."
Walk Free -- Global Slavery Index
worker unloading cotton picked from Xinjiang at a railway station in
Jiujiang in China's central Jiangxi province. STR/AFP/Getty Images
Correctional Service Canada has adopted new policies for transgender inmates. (Shutterstock)
"Canada's prison system has overhauled its policies around
transgender inmates and will now place offenders in a men's or women's
institution based on their gender identity. Under a new
Correctional Service Canada (CSC) policy, transgender inmates can be
placed in an institution of their preference, 'regardless of their
anatomy [sex] or gender on their identification documents, unless there
are overriding health or safety concerns which cannot be resolved. The policy changes, which kicked in Dec.
27, 2017, will ensure federal offenders who identify as transgender are
afforded the same protections, dignity and treatment as others,
according to CSC."
Communication products will reflect gender-inclusive language.
will be taken to ensure privacy and confidentiality of information
related to an offender's gender identity ensuring it will only be shared
with those directly involved with the offender's care, and only when
CSC will use an offender's preferred name and pronoun in all oral interaction and written documentation.
protocols will be developed for offenders who seek to be accommodated
on the basis of gender identity or expression, including spiritual
ceremonies, showers and toilets, frisk and strip searches, urinalysis,
decontamination showers and monitoring under camera surveillance.
may purchase authorized items from CSC catalogues for either men or
women if there are no safety, health or security concerns according to
the security level of their institution. Preferred clothing and personal
effects will be accommodated 'to the greatest extent possible'. CBC
who identify as women have been given special privileges that are meant
to be justified as upholding their human rights; they say they are
women and must be respected for that conviction as transgendered women.
Criminals among the transgendered are considered to be just as needful
of respect for their decisions as any other individual. Prisons -- men's
prisons -- are places of violence. The incarceration of criminals, many
of them imprisoned because of acts of violence, play out their
psychopathy in the prison setting; there are fewer restraints and ample
them, it takes no great stretch of the imagination to conjecture, the
transgendered. Male prisoners are not likely to 'respect' the new gender
orientation of other men sharing prison space with them. Predators are
what they are, and prison life is fraught with danger. On the surface,
it must have seemed like common sense to install transgendered women in
women's prisons. Presumably, the women who occupy prison space in
women's prisons were not consulted with respect to their opinion. And
many of them are now discovering just how complicated life has become
for them.
women have the right to request transfer to women's prisons. Who would
not, since women tend not to be violent on the whole, like men. So if
the conditions in women's prisons are viewed as 'pleasant' in comparison
to men's why not request a transfer? And many do. There is no
requirement for these transgendered women to undergo sex reassignment
surgery, nor to take hormonal drugs to diminish their testosterone.
males are permitted entry to Canadian women's prisons. Among them have
been a serial pedophile, a serial sex offender, a contract killer, a
child killer and a murderer. Not quite the kind of company any
incarcerated and thus vulnerably-placed woman might choose for herself.
At an annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry
Societies, a group ostensibly and historically involved in advocating
for and assisting in improved prison conditions for women, the "Lived
Experience" committee heard testimony from a former prisoner.
woman, identified as "Kathy" spoke of the trauma she was submitted to,
episodes of sexual harassment while in prison, exposed to a male-bodied
pedophile whose charge history listed hundreds of girl victims. Kathy
had her own personal history of sexual abuse in her formative years,
like an estimated 80 percent of female prisoners. She had complained of
the stalking and abuse she suffered from, to the Correctional Services
of Canada who dismissed her complaints and threatened to isolate her
while naming her a bigot.
the room to hear her story were over 60 women, mostly directors of
CAEFS, staffers and regional volunteers. They heard Kathy's story and
sat in silence, unmoved. She left the chamber in tears. At her departure
comments arose: "I'm sorry for what happened to her, but you don't need a vagina to be a woman"; "I am concerned about the transphobia in this room",
among them. Uniformly, all those present agreed on the need to fully
support transwomen. As the meeting adjourned, CAEFS adopted a blanket
resolution of trans inclusion.
the transfer of any trans-identifying males from men's prisons to
women's prisons, chief among them. And though a few staffers and
volunteers suggested an amendment meant to exclude trans-identifying
males with a known history of sexual assault, they were ignored and a
solid majority passed the resolution. One of the women who had attempted
to persuade the majority to include that reasonable amendment was later
the recipient of icy treatment from people she was quite familiar with
on a collegial basis.
think back to the situation for women in the 1930s when a tunnel was
built between PAW [Prison for Women] and Kingston Penitentiary so that
women could be carried underground to be sexually abused by male
prisoners. What has changed? The tunnel is now ideological, and all it
takes is a transfer", a resistance movement of some
CAEFS staff and volunteers set out in a letter to the CAEFS executive
director and board members.
the executive of CAEFS responded to the letter they reaffirmed their
commitment to trans inclusion, denying any reports or knowledge of any
incidents of "harassment and violence" against women in prison from
male-bodied transferred prisoners. An activist resistance under the
leadership of former prisoner Heather Mason published an article in
womenarehuman.com, citing a May 2019 meeting with former Deputy
Commissioner for Women discussing the male-transfer issue.
She had "reported
that of all transfer requests from men's prisons, 50 percent were
derived from sex offenders whose crimes of sexual abuse were committed
as men, accounting for 20 percent of the male prison population
overall."(About two percent of women prisoners have sexual crime backgrounds.) As
difficult entanglements in law, justice and human rights go, gender
expression rights see protection through the auspices of the Canadian
Human Rights Act.
women, on the other hand, sex-based rights to dignity and security fall
under the Charter of Rights and Freedom, guaranteeing women's
protection. Guaranteeing "inclusion" for natal males guarantees that
women prisoners live in fear, increased risk and abuse, paying for trans
inclusion through their own diminished protections from male predators
posing as transwomen. Courtesy of the woke consciousness of Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau.
at a town hall meeting in Kingston, Ontario, PM Justin Trudeau is asked
about the treatment of transgender people in the prison system. CBC
This represents a general opinion site for its author. It also offers a space for the author to record her experiences and perceptions,both personal and public. This is rendered obvious by the content contained in the blog, but the space is here inviting me to write. And so I do.