Israel warns Lebanon to halt Hezbollah’s threats
Israeli soldiers stand atop an armored personnel carrier (APC)
positioned near the Lebanese border, close to the northern Israeli town
of Shlomi February 27, 2014. (Reuters)
By Staff writer
| Al Arabiya News
Friday, 28 February 2014
Israel warned Lebanon on Friday to quash threats emanating from
Hezbollah, after its air force raided a site belonging to the Lebanese
Shiite group.
On Wednesday, Hezbollah threatened that it will
respond to Israel’s Monday night air strike near the Syrian border that
killed two of its members.
Israel has neither confirmed nor
denied carrying out the strike, in keeping with its silence on at least
three such attacks over the past year targeting suspected
Hezbollah-bound convoys of advanced weapons from civil war-torn Syria.
In an unusually forthright public statement about the incident,
Hezbollah said on Wednesday it would “choose the time and place and the
proper way to respond” against Israel, with which it fought a war in
south Lebanon in 2006, Agence France-Presse reported.
has frequently promised to target Lebanon at large in any new conflict,
noting that Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim militia, had
politicians in the Beirut government.
“It is self-evident that
we see Lebanon as responsible for any attack on Israel from the
territory of Lebanon,” Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz
said on Friday.
“It is the duty of the Lebanese government to
prevent any terrorist attack - whether a terrorist or missile attack, or
any other kind - on the State of Israel,” he told Israel Radio.
Israel is technically at war with Lebanon and Syria.
Israeli analysts have been mostly dismissive of Hezbollah’s threat this
week, arguing that its fighters were too busy helping Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad battle a three-year-old rebellion to open up a new front
with Israel.
(With AFP)
Labels: Conflict, Defence, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon, Security
Dramatic Video of Iranian's Desperate Struggle At Gallows
Iranian prisoner tries to fight off hangmen at public hanging, after last request to say goodbye to mother in audience denied.
By Dalit Halevi, Ari Yashar --
ArutzSheva 7
First Publish: 2/28/2014, 12:47 PM
Dramatic new footage from Iran highlights the repressive nature of
the Islamic regime that is pursuing nuclear power. Video captured the
desperate struggle of a prisoner in Karaj, a city
north of Tehran, moments before he was hung publicly as is the custom in Iran.
His final request
to say goodbye to
his mother before being killed was denied by the hangmen, who ignored
the mother's heartfelt pleas from the audience to say a last goodbye to
her son.
In response to the cruelty, the man kicked out at one of the hangmen,
knocking him from the gallows box and overturning the bench he was to
stand on for the hanging.
A desperate struggle ensued as the outnumbered condemned man fought
against hangmen with his hands tied. It was a struggle fated for a
tragic outcome, as the guards overpowered the man and carried out the
execution right before the man's mother and the public.
Iran has dramatically escalated the pace of hangings; Amnesty
International revealed that in the first 21 days of 2014, a rate of
two hangings were carried out every day.
Execution orders are often given in secret trials held by
Revolutionary Guard courts, where defendants may have restricted access
to legal defense and where sentences are often given in secret, reports
Amnesty International.
“In Iran drug-related offenses are tried in Revolutionary Courts
which routinely fall far short of international fair trial standards.
The reality in Iran is that people are being ruthlessly sentenced to
death after unfair trials, and this is unacceptable," remarked Hassiba
Hadja Sahraoui, Deputy Program Manager for Amnesty International in the
Middle East and North
United Nations officials spoke out following the January report, denouncing “the inherently cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of the death penalty.”
Among those killed by hanging was An Arab-Iranian poet and human rights activist, executed in late January
for being an "enemy of G-d."
The 32-year-old poet had spoken out against the mistreatment of ethnic
Arabs in Iran's Khuzestan province, which borders Iraq.
Labels: Atrocities, Human Rights, Iran
Key moments from Viktor Yanukovych's news conference
Viktor Yanukovych has vowed to fight for Ukraine, in his first public appearance since being ousted as president last week.
Speaking in Russia, he said he was "not overthrown" but was compelled to leave Ukraine after threats to his life.
In the latest flare-up, Ukraine accused Russian troops of seizing two airports in Crimea - charges denied by Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a rapid return to normality in Ukraine.
Mr Putin spoke to Western leaders to emphasise "the extreme
importance of not allowing a further escalation of violence", the
Kremlin said.
Bridget Kendall
BBC's diplomatic correspondent, Moscow
The picture being presented from Moscow is that events in
Crimea are spontaneous - the natural response of local Russian speakers
who felt threatened by the new Kiev government.
How far the Kremlin is pulling the strings behind the scenes
is hard to know. Certainly it is not being admitted openly. But there
are signs the Russian government is hardening its stance.
The question for President Putin is how far he can push it without risking a full scale confrontation with the West.
Maybe he thinks he can have it both ways - encourage more
Crimean autonomy but stop short of secession; criticise the new Kiev
government but avoid a full break in relations; and try to unnerve
Ukraine's young government by heavy-handed manoeuvres on the border
without actually invading.
But it is a dangerous game. If tensions escalate further, a full scale crisis between East and West may be impossible to avoid.
In other developments:
- Swiss and Austrian authorities block the assets of Viktor Yanukovych and his associates, and launch a corruption probe
- Russian MPs propose new laws that would make it easier for Russia to incorporate parts of Ukraine
- Amid fears of hyperinflation, Ukraine's central bank has put a
15,000 hryvnia (1,000 euro; £820) limit on daily cash withdrawals
- The UN Security Council is set to hold private discussions on the crisis later on Friday
"I intend to continue to struggle for the future of Ukraine,
against terror and fear," Mr Yanukovych told the news conference in the
southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don.
"What's going on now is lawlessness, lack of authority, and terror. Decisions in parliament were taken under duress."
He apologised to the Ukrainian people for not having "enough
strength to keep stability" and described his usurpers as "young,
He insisted he did not "flee anywhere", explaining that his
car was shot at as he left Kiev and he was forced to move around Ukraine
amid fears for the safety of himself and his family.
He said he arrived in Russia "thanks to a patriotically-minded young officer" and was given refuge in Rostov by an old friend.
Speaking in Russian, Mr Yanukovych said he would return to
Ukraine "as soon as there are guarantees for my security and that of my
But he ruled out taking part in elections planned for 25 May, describing them as "illegal".
Later Ukrainian authorities said they had started moves to
have him extradited to Kiev where he is wanted on charges of mass
Christian Fraser says barriers and armed men are blocking Sevastopol airport
And he said the only way out of the crisis is to implement an
EU-backed compromise agreement he signed with opposition leaders last
week before he was deposed.
The current turmoil in Crimea was "an absolutely natural
reaction to the bandit coup that occurred in Kiev", he said, adding that
he was surprised by the restraint shown by Russian President Vladimir
Putin so far.
But he stressed that "military action in this situation is unacceptable" and said he wanted Crimea to remain part of Ukraine.
Armed men took over Sevastopol and Simferopol airports in the early hours of Friday.
Acting national security chief Andriy Parubiy said the
airports were back in the control of the Ukrainian authorities, but the
men were now manning checkpoints on the surrounding roads.
Armed men carrying Russian navy flags arrived at Simferopol airport in several trucks
They have declined to say who they are, and are wearing no identifying insignia
Men whom Ukraine says are Russian naval troops have also blocked roads to Sevastopol airport
Meanwhile people are still reeling from the violence in Kiev, which led to the ousting of Mr Yanukovych.
Witnesses also reported seeing Russian army trucks and
helicopters in and around the regional capital Simferopol and
Sevastopol, where Russia's Black Sea Fleet is based.
The move on the airports prompted Ukrainian Interior Minister
Arsen Avakov to accuse Russia of carrying out an "armed invasion" of
Crimea's airports
- Simferopol is the main international terminal, serving the regional capital
- Sevastopol, home to Russia's Black Sea Fleet, has a Soviet-era
military airport (Belbek) which was also used for civilian flights until
some years ago. Ukrainian air force jets are stationed there
- The Russian Black Sea Fleet has aircraft stationed at other air bases in Crimea (Gvardeyskaya and Kacha)
Russia denied any involvement
with the takeover at the airport, but confirmed its armoured vehicles
had been on the move around Crimea for "security" reasons.
On Thursday, a group of unidentified armed men entered
Crimea's parliament building by force, and hoisted a Russian flag on the
They were still in the building when the Crimean parliament
later announced it would hold a referendum on expanding the region's
autonomy from Ukraine on 25 May.
Crimea is becoming the lynchpin of a struggle between
Ukraine's new leaders and those loyal to Russia, the BBC's diplomatic
correspondent Bridget Kendall says.
The majority of people in Crimea are ethnic Russians, but
ethnic Ukrainians loyal to Kiev and Muslim Tatars - whose animosity
towards Russia stretches back to Stalin's deportations during World War
Two - have formed an alliance to oppose any move back towards Moscow.
Labels: Conflict, Crisis Management, European Union, Russia, Ukraine
Azeri businessman Reza Zarrab is suspected of murky deals involving Iran
Turkish authorities have freed the sons of two former cabinet ministers
pending trial, the latest twist in a major corruption investigation.
Baris Guler and Kaan Caglayan, arrested in December, were
among dozens of people held in an investigation into bribery relating to
public tenders.
The inquiry enraged Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who saw it as a "plot" against him.
He responded with a purge of top police and judicial officials.
An Azeri businessman of Iranian origin, Reza Zarrab, was also released on Friday.
The son of a third cabinet minister was also arrested in December, but was soon released.
The three ministers - Environment Minister Erdogan Bayraktar,
Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammer Guler -
resigned in December as the police investigation intensified.
All three denied any wrongdoing.
Police are investigating allegations of illicit money transfers to Iran and bribery for construction projects.
Earlier this month Suleyman Aslan, the former chief executive of Halkbank, was also released.
He is suspected of money-laundering in connection with the
alleged bribery. When they searched his home police found $4.5m (£2.7m;
3.2m euros) in cash hidden in shoeboxes.
Mr Erdogan and his supporters in the ruling Islamist-rooted
AK Party see the investigation as a plot masterminded by Fethullah
Gulen, an Islamist cleric based in the US.
Mr Gulen denies any such plot. His Hizmet movement is
believed to have influential followers in Turkey's judiciary and other
state institutions.
Labels: Conflict, Corruption, Turkey
Fighting between ISIS and other rebel groups erupted earlier this year
from northern Syria say a rebel jihadist group has been pulling back
from positions after being given an ultimatum by a rival.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is said to have been retreating towards the city of Raqqa.
The Nusra Front has given ISIS until Saturday to accept mediation or face being expelled from Syria.
Infighting between rival rebel groups has seen more than 3,000 people killed in the past two months.
The main confrontation is between ISIS and other Islamist militant groups.
Abu Mohammed al-Julani of the Nusra Front, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda,
warned ISIS on Tuesday that it would be driven from Syria and "even from Iraq" if it did not accept arbitration within five days.
He demanded that ISIS halt all military operations against other rebels, and allow an Islamic court to rule on its actions.
The threat came after the
killing of an al-Qaeda emissary, Abu Khaled al-Suri, in a suicide attack on in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday. Rebel groups blamed ISIS for the bombing.
The latest reports suggest ISIS is taking the threat from the
Nusra Front seriously, the BBC's Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher
ISIS's predominantly foreign fighters have been accused of widespread abuses in areas under their control
ISIS appears to have pulled fighters out of positions in Aleppo
province, where it may fear it is not strong enough to withstand
Videos posted online appear to show residents celebrating in a
town that ISIS fighters have left, our Arab affairs editor reports.
The group seems most concerned with protecting the area around its key stronghold, Raqqa, he adds. It has
imposed its severe interpretation of Islamic law, including a tax on Christians, in the city.
ISIS grew out of the former Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), a
jihadist militant umbrella group that included al-Qaeda in Iraq. It is
believed to have helped create the Nusra Front in mid-2011.
In April 2013, ISI leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced the
merger of his group and the Nusra Front - effectively a takeover - and
the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).
But the move was rejected by Julani and Ayman al-Zawahiri,
al-Qaeda's overall leader, who recognised the Nusra Front as its sole
Syrian offshoot.
Since then, ISIS and the Nusra Front have operated as
separate entities, with the latter focusing on toppling President Bashar
al-Assad and maintaining better relations with other rebels.
ISIS has seemed to be more concerned by territorial gains and implementing its extreme interpretation of Islamic law.
ISIS strongholds in rebel-held and contested areas
Labels: Al-Qaeda, Conflict, Islamists, Syria
Friends and Neighbours
"Crimea has ended up in the middle of a quarrel between Ukraine and Russia and we will defend Crimea. Our problems are not with Russians but with Russia's politics and its leader, Putin. He sees the loss of Ukraine as a serious event because it could lead to more trouble between Russia and its neighbours.
Russia did this to us [Soviet deportations; entire Tatar population deported for several decades to Central Asia], so why would we ever want to remain with them?"
Tatar furniture maker, Edem
"We Russians in Crimea love this place and we have been here for decades and centuries. I hate what they did in Kyiv. I want to be part of Russia and I want that today because we are brothers from the same nation."
Pavel Popovich, former Soviet army officer
"Crimea is not Russia" chanted the Tatars before assaulting the parliament building. Those loyal to Moscow screamed
"The Crimea is Russian". And never the twain shall meet in sentiment, but most certainly in bitter conflict one against the other. Crimean Tatars loyal to Kyiv, chanting
"Allahu akbar" clashed with Russian-Ukrainians in Simferopol.

Tatars clash with a police officer in front of a local government
building in Simferopol, Crimea. (Andrew Lubimov, AP Photo)
A Tatar group shoved past riot police and into the Crimean parliament. There they managed to halt debate on a motion to secede from Ukraine. Russia, according to Putin's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, was
"carefully watching what is happening in Crimea"; watching, most carefully, but doing absolutely nothing to instill fear or expectations, depending on which side was watching back.
On Wednesday in Sevastopol there was a decided Russian presence; an armoured personnel carrier sat beside a control-access checkpoint, and other armed vehicles moved into public spaces, guarding Russia's Black Sea fleet in the Crimean port. Russia had placed 150,000 troops close to the Ukrainian border on alert, ordering urgent exercises to test combat readiness. Not interfering, nor inferring, simply watching. Carefully.
This is meant to be a four-day refresher-course in watching, carefully, and grooming the country's military in a preparedness exercise, sending no particular message, just that Russia is ... watching. Also watching were Russians wearing combat gear, ski masks, armed with assault rifles. Russia must protect its interests. And assure that the interests of Ukraine's Russian minority are being looked after in the Crimea.
The Crimea is formally part of Ukraine, but the peninsula has a distinct purpose for Russia; its main port for its Black Sea fleet. Sevastopol hosts a branch of Moscow State University, and Dom Moscow, funded by Moscow. Access to the Mediterranean Sea along with that of Syria's naval facility represent Russia's vital access to vital interests without which Russia cannot see itself achieving its goal of dominance.
Dueling pro and anti-Russian rallies in Simferopol
And so, thousands of Tatars and thousands of Russians jeered, chanted and whistled insults to each other, waving aloft Ukrainian, Tatar, Crimean and Russian flags, standing guard before the autonomous republic's headquarters with a thin line of police keeping them apart. Ukrainians make up about 25% of the Crimean population, Tatars 15% and Russians 60%. Make of that what you will.
"The Russian forces are here in Crimea to protect the Russians, or so they say. They have forgotten that we are the original people here and we must have a say. And what we say is that it is very dangerous for us to have Russian forces here. The real reason a lot of the Russians here support Moscow is because they are dependent on them for jobs associated with the military", said Elzara Abdaramanova, a Tatar.
"That Vladimir Putin is the one to blame for what is happening here today. I would like to say more to you but I can't", divulged 78-year-old Gulsa Mamedovna Samidinova, speaking both Tatar and Russian.
Labels: Conflict, Defence, Russia, Secession, Ukraine
The Sentence Fitting The Crime
"That's a lie. It's not a betrayal of Islam. You don't know what Islam is."
"I swear by Allah that America and Britain will never have any safety. Allahu akbar (God is great)!"
Michael Adebolajo, London Islamist
"I'm sure this was a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or racial cause. Your sickening and pitiless conduct was in stark contrast to the compassion and bravery shown by the various women at the scene who tended to Lee Rigby's body and challenged what you had done and said."
Justice Nigel Sweeney
Their trial having found both Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, guilty of the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, they were sentenced on Wednesday for life in prison, as Justice Nigel Sweeney stated that their merciless butchery of a young man in uniform represented a
"betrayal of Islam".
Fight: After sentencing began the two killers
shouted at Mr Justice Sweeney in protest at his remarks and were pinned
to the ground by several security guards and taken back to the cells
Which triggered a volcanic response from Adebowale and a violent struggle with guards as he screamed
"I swear by Allah that America and Britain will never have any safety. Allahu akbar!"
What, he was so agitated, poor misunderstand man, that he forgot to include Israel?
Not to be outdone, Adebolajo also screeched at the judge while being forced down the dock stairs in the Old Bailey historic Court No. 2. It took eight court officers to handle the two men. Adebowale was brought to the floor and handcuffed, then carried down the stairs head first.
Once the disturbed and court-disturbing convicted had been taken away the judge continued his sentencing pronouncements handing Adebolajo a "whole-life" tariff (incarceration for life), for his part in the hacking death of the 25-year-old Lee Rigby in broad daylight in the middle of a busy London intersection, close to the army installation from which Lee Rigby had exited.
Adebowale was given life as well, a minimum term of 45 years. The judge condemned the two as extremists intending to
"murder a soldier in public daylight" for their cause, describing the scene as a "bloodbath", commenting that they had "butchered" Rigby. They had demonstrated no regret for the slaughter of an innocent young man.
Adebolajo had insisted he must be addressed as Mujaahid Abu Hamza, and presented himself dressed in a black Islamic robe. Adebowale was dressed in a black skull cap and black hooded top, and he was to be referred to as Ishmael Abdullah. Adebolajo's lawyer, David Gottliev argued against a whole-life punishment on the grounds that it was not appropriate:
"(Adebolajo) is not so depraved and wicked that he is incapable of redemption in the future", he informed the court. His client was a "sincere but misguided person who has committed a wicked act."
As for Adebowale, his lawyer Abas Lakha had this to say: a whole-life sentence is
"inhuman", since it would
"extinguish all hope of release."
Would it then? Under the grim circumstances, then, entirely appropriate.
Labels: Britain, Crime, Islamists, Justice, Terrorism
Kerry: U.S. must pursue Iran talks before ‘war’
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s remarks seemed to indicate that
the Obama administration would seriously opt to attack Iran if the
diplomatic talks fail. (File photo: Reuters)
Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Thursday, 27 February 2014
The United States has an obligation to negotiate with Iran over its
nuclear program before it considers going to war with Tehran to force
it to give up its nuclear activities, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
said on Wednesday.
“We took the initiative and led the effort to
try to figure out if before we go to war there actually might be a
peaceful solution,” Kerry told a group of reporters, Reuters reported.
November, Iran and six world powers, including the United States,
reached a landmark temporary agreement to halt its nuclear program,
gaining limited relief from economic sanctions in return.
U.S. President Barack Obama has said that all options are on the table
in regard to Tehran’s nuclear activities, in a diplomatic approach for
the possibility of military action.
While U.S. officials have
long held out that threat, Kerry’s remarks seemed to indicate that the
Obama administration would seriously opt to attack Iran if the
diplomatic talks fail.
“I happen to believe as a matter of
leadership, and I learnt this pretty hard from Vietnam, before you send
young people to war you ought to find out if there is a better
alternative,” said Kerry, who served in the Vietnam War as a young U.S.
naval officer.
“That is an obligation we
have as leaders to exhaust all the remedies available to you before you
ask people to give up their lives and that is what we are doing” with
Iran, he added.
The Obama administration is under pressure from
Republican lawmakers threatening to revive a bill that would impose new
sanctions on Iran, a move the White House is warning could interfere
with delicate nuclear talks to find a lasting agreement. Iran denies
allegations by the United States and some of its allies that it is
seeking to develop the capacity to build nuclear weapons.
Pressure from lawmakers may increase with signs that easing of sanctions pressure on Tehran has boosted oil export.
who track tanker movements told Reuters that Iran's oil exports rose
further in February for a fourth consecutive month. In addition extra
cargoes had headed to Syria and South Korea in February, according to a
second tracking source.
Kerry said
Iran was so far keeping its end of the bargain under the Nov. 24
agreement by, among other things, reducing its stock of 20 percent
enriched uranium, not enriching uranium above a purity of 5 percent and
not installing more centrifuges.
“Generally speaking, they have
done I think everything that they were required to do with respect to
the reductions,” Kerry told reporters.
“There's no centrifuge
challenge. They haven't put any in. They ... have reduced their 5
percent. They have reduced the 20 [percent],” he added. “They are in the
middle of doing all the things that they are required to do.”
(With Reuters)
Last Update: Thursday, 27 February 2014 KSA 07:48 - GMT 04:48
Labels: Iran, Negotiations, Nuclear Technology, Sanctions, United States
Pro-Moscow coup in Crimea. Russian fighter jets on W. border on combat alert. Kiev deploys security forces
DEBKAfile Special Report February 27, 2014, 10:41 AM (IST)
Russian fighter jets on combat alert
The Russian defense ministry announced Thursday, Feb.
27 that fighter jets stood on combat alert along its western
borders with Ukraine. Moscow repeated its commitment to protect
Russian-speaking elements in the Crimean Peninsula. Earlier, armed men
carried out a pro-Russian coup in the Crimean capital, by seizing
government and parliamentary buildings and hoisting Russian flags – in
response to the pro-European coup in Kiev. Forces loyal to the
provisional government in Kiev meanwhile surround the area which they
say was occupied by “criminals in army fatigues.”
The pro-Russian coup came on the heels of a day of violent clashes
between pro-Russian and pro-European protesters in the Crimean capital,
prompting a Russian military alert.
Witnesses in Crimea Wednesday night saw Russian military equipment
moving into the peninsula. We reported earlier that Vladimir Putin would
never relinquish Russian control of the Crimean peninsula and its
military bases there - or more particularly the big Black Sea naval base
at Sevastopol.
There is no way that President Vladimir Putin will relinquish Russian
control of the Crimean peninsula and its military bases there - or more
particularly the big Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol. This military
stronghold is the key to Russia’s Middle East policy. If it is
imperiled, so too are Russia’s military posture in Syria and its
strategic understandings with Iran.
This peril raised its head Wednesday, Feb. 26, when pro-Russian and
pro-European protesters clashed violently in the Crimean town of
Simferopol, the Peninsula’s financial and highway hub.
Most of the protesters against Moscow were members of the minority
Tatar community, who had gathered from around the region to demand that
Crimea accept Kiev rule.
The majority population is Russian speaking and fought the Tatar
demonstrators. However, rival historic claims to this strategic
peninsula were in full flight, sparking red lights in Moscow to danger.
The Tatars ruled Crimea in the 18th century. If they manage to expel
Russian influence from Simferopol and then the rest of the region, it
would be the signal for dozens of the small peoples who make up the
Russian Federation to go into separatist mode and raise the flags of
mutiny. The Kremlin is therefore bound to nip the Tatar outbreak in the
bud to save Russia.
And so, Putin ordered Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to stage an
urgent four-day drill to test the combat readiness of Russian military
forces in central and western Russia, starting with a high alert for the
military and the deployment of some units to shooting ranges.
The exercise will involve Russia’s Baltic and Northern Fleets and its air force.
In a televised statement after a meeting of top military officials in
Moscow, defense minister Gen. Shoigu said the forces “must be ready to
bomb unfamiliar testing grounds” and be "ready for action in crisis
situations that threaten the nation’s military security.”
A senior Russian lawmaker on Tuesday told pro-Russia activists in
Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula that Moscow will protect them if their lives
are in danger.
The Russian president’s military move Wednesday signaled his readiness
to send his army into Ukraine and divide the country, if Moscow’s
national interests and the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine are at
stake. Having broadcast that message, Putin will now wait to see if it
picked up by Washington and Brussels for action to restrain the new
authorities in Kiev.
But it is no longer certain how much control Western powers have over
the former protesters of Kiev, who appear to have taken the bit between
their teeth.
Labels: Conflict, Controversy, Crimea, Russia, Security, Ukraine
UN nuclear agency opted against sensitive Iran report, news report says
Reuters says an IAEA report on Iran's nuclear capabilities would have
shown more about the Islamic Republic's nuclear bomb research.
Fredrik Dahl and Louis Charbonneau, Reuters /
February 27, 2014
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, right, waits next to Yukiya
Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, for
the start of a panel discussion at the 50th Security Conference on
security policy in Munich, Germany, Feb. 2, 2014. Frank Augstein/AP
The United Nations nuclear watchdog planned a major report on
Iran that might have revealed more of its suspected atomic bomb research, but held off as
Tehran's relations with the outside world thawed, sources familiar with the matter said.
Such a report - to have been prepared last year - would almost
certainly have angered Iran and complicated efforts to settle a
decade-old dispute over its atomic aspirations, moves which accelerated
after pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani took office in August.
According to the sources, the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has apparently dropped the idea of a new report, at least for the time being.
There was no immediate comment from the IAEA. The sources said there
was no way of knowing what information collected by the agency since it
issued a landmark report on Iran in 2011 might have been incorporated in
the new document, although one said it could have added to worries
about Tehran's activities.
As relations rapidly improved, Iran struck an interim nuclear deal with six world powers in November which
Israel denounced as an "historic mistake" as it did not require Tehran to dismantle its uranium enrichment sites.
One source said probably only Israel, which is believed to be the
Middle East's
sole nuclear-armed state, would criticize the IAEA for not issuing a
new report in the present circumstances. Iran and the world powers hope
to reach a final settlement by July, when the interim accord expires,
although they acknowledge this will be an uphill task.
A decision
not to go ahead with the new document may raise questions about
information that the United Nations agency has gathered in the last two
years on what it calls the "possible military dimensions" (PMD) to
Iran's nuclear program. Tehran says the program is peaceful and denies
Western allegations that it is seeking to develop the capability to make
The sources, who declined to be identified due to the
sensitivity of the issue, suggested the more recent material concerned
extra detail about alleged research and experiments that were covered in
the November 2011 report. A new report would probably have included
"updated information on PMD" which could have "reinforced the concern"
about Iran, one said.
The IAEA's dossier in November 2011
contained a trove of intelligence indicating past activity in Iran which
could be used for developing nuclear weapons, some of which it said
might still be continuing. Iran rejected the allegations.
helped Western powers to step up the sanctions pressure on Iran,
including a European Union oil embargo imposed in 2012, showing the
potential significance of a decision on whether to publish the IAEA's
Since then the agency has said it obtained more
information that backs up its analysis in the 2011 document, which
detailed allegations ranging from explosives testing to research on what
experts describe as an atomic bomb trigger.
Other issues it wants
Iran to address are alleged detonator development, computer modelling
to calculate nuclear explosive yields, and preparatory experimentation
that could be useful for any atomic test.
It says the "overall
credible" information in the 2011 dossier - contained in an annex to a
wider quarterly report - came from member states, believed to include
Western powers and Israel, as well as its own efforts.
One source
said it was believed that the Vienna-based IAEA had received more
information on suspicions of nuclear yield calculations, but it was not
known to what extent this would have made it into a new report on Iran.
agency has obtained more information since November 2011 that has
further corroborated the analysis contained in that annex," it said on
Feb. 20 in a regular quarterly report on Iran's nuclear program.
has been investigating accusations for several years that Iran may have
coordinated efforts to process uranium, test explosives and revamp a
missile cone in a way suitable for a nuclear warhead. Iran says such
claims are baseless and forged.
The sources said that last year's
planned report would probably have amounted to a wider review of the
Iranian nuclear file, including PMD and other outstanding issues.
said the idea was raised internally when the IAEA's long-running
efforts to get Iran to cooperate with its investigation appeared
completely deadlock in mid-2013.
But with a new leadership in
Tehran trying to end its international isolation, Iran and the IAEA
agreed last November a step-by-step transparency pact to help allay
concerns about the atomic activities. This was sealed shortly before the
breakthrough deal between Tehran and the six powers - the
United States, Russia, France, Germany, Britain and China.
follow-up talks on Feb 8-9, Iran agreed for the first time to address
one of many PMD issues in the 2011 report, regarding so-called exploding
bridge wire detonators, which can have both civilian and military
"While other experiments with possible military
dimensions must be addressed and soon, progress on the bridge wire
detonators issue would be an important first step toward resolving these
issues," said the Arms Control Association, a US research and advocacy
group, in a Feb. 26 analysis.
But it remains uncertain when and
how the IAEA will be able to look into more sensitive areas, including
long-sought access to the Parchin military base southeast of Tehran,
where it suspects explosives tests that could be used for nuclear bomb
development took place a decade ago, a charge Tehran denies.
IAEA inquiry is separate from, but still closely linked to, the wider
diplomacy to end the years of standoff over the nuclear programme that
has raised fears of a Middle East war.
interim agreement focused mainly on preventing Tehran obtaining nuclear
fissile material to assemble a future bomb, rather than on whether Iran
sought atom weapons technology in the past, which the IAEA is
The 2011 report portrayed a concerted weapons
programme that was halted in 2003 - when Iran came under increased
Western pressure - but it also indicated that some activities may later
have resumed.
Western diplomats and nuclear experts say the IAEA
needs to complete its inquiry to establish what happened and to be able
to provide assurances that any "weaponisation" work - expertise to turn
fissile material into a functioning bomb - has ceased.
They say
clarifying this is also important in being able to quantify the time
Iran would need to dash for a nuclear weapon, if it ever decided to do
But it is unclear to what extent it will form part of any
final settlement between Iran and the powers - which unlike the IAEA can
lift crippling sanctions on the major oil producer and therefore have
more leverage in dealing with Tehran.
"Some analysts have argued
incorrectly that issues like Parchin and alleged military dimensions do
not matter. According to their reasoning, these issues are in the past
and should be overlooked," the Institute for Science and International
Security, a US think-tank, said this week.
However, Peter Jenkins,
a former British ambassador to the IAEA, said Iran now appeared to be
in full compliance with its obligations under the nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty, and had "started to resolve residual ...
questions about past nuclear-related activities and to shed light on
future intentions."
A senior US official said that clearing up the issue of possible
military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program was "in the first
instance" the IAEA's task.
"The more that Iran can do to meet
their obligations with the IAEA, the better for the nuclear negotiating
process around a comprehensive agreement," the US official said on Feb.
17. But, "We don't want to do the job that belongs to the IAEA."
Labels: Armaments, G5+1, IAEA, Iran, Negotiations, Nuclear Technology
BBC News online -- 27 February 2014
Pro-Russian demonstrators have pushed through police lines in Simferopol, says Mark Lowen
Ukrainian interim President Olexander Turchynov has warned Russia against any "military aggression" in Crimea.
He said Russia's troops from Russia's Black Sea Fleet should not move outside their naval base in Sevastopol.
The warning comes after unknown armed men seized Crimea's
regional parliament and the government headquarters of the autonomous
Russian-majority region.
Meanwhile, the Crimean parliament has said it wants to hold a referendum on greater self-rule.
Such a vote would be a challenge to the new powers in the
Ukraine capital Kiev, the BBC's Mark Lowen reports from the Crimean
regional capital Simferopol.
Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told the BBC: "We ask our
Russian partners to... stick to their obligations, we believe Russia
would never intervene into Ukrainian domestic affairs and will refrain
from any steps that would split Ukraine.
"We are committed to having Ukraine as one united country. We
will punish anyone for separatism in Ukraine with all legal and
constitutional means," he added.
Mr Yatsenyuk was confirmed as prime minister in a
parliamentary vote on Thursday afternoon. He is a key ally of former
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who was released from detention last
The warnings from Ukrainian leaders came as Russia performed a
second day of military exercises, saying its fighter jets were on
"combat alert".
"Constant air patrols are being carried out by fighter jets in the border regions," Russia's defence ministry told Interfax.
On Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin ordered a snap drill
to test the combat readiness of troops in central and western Russia,
near the border with Ukraine. Thursday's exercises appear to be part of
that drill, analysts say.
The Russian foreign ministry
expressed concern over what it termed "massive violations of human rights in Ukraine".
Amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West, Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen
said he was "concerned about developments in Crimea" and urged Russia "not to take any action that can escalate tension".
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gave a similar warning after
Nato talks in Brussels, telling Russia "not to take any steps that
could be misinterpreted, or lead to miscalculation, during a very
delicate time".
Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund says it is sending
a fact-finding team to Kiev in the coming days to discuss ways it can
help after a request for support from the new government.
A crowd of pro-Russian protesters gathered outside the parliament building in Simferopol after it was seized by armed men
Police were deployed around the building
The Russian flag has been raised over the building
On Wednesday there were clashes between pro- and anti-Russian protesters in Simferopol
Also on Thursday, former President Viktor Yanukovych issued his
first statement since being voted out of office by MPs last week,
telling Russian news agencies he had been "compelled to ask the Russian
Federation to ensure my personal security from the actions of
extremists" and that he still considered himself the legitimate
president of Ukraine.
The state-run Itar-Tass agency quoted an official source as
saying Mr Yanukovych would be granted "protection" by Russia, although
there was no official confirmation of this.
At the scene
Mark Lowen
BBC News, Simferopol
A handful of pro-Russia demonstrators have pushed through the police cordon and are now outside the Crimean parliament.
They're cheering the occupation of the building by
unidentified armed men, who entered this morning by force, hoisting a
Russian flag from the roof. The protest leader proclaimed: "We've been
waiting for this moment for 20 years. We want a united Russia."
This is the first big challenge for the new Ukrainian
government. It has a delicate balancing act to perform in a region that
straddles ethnic, political and linguistic divisions. Against the
pro-Russian majority is a sizeable ethnic Ukrainian and Tatar minority
who would firmly resist any attempt at secession.
But the demonstrators outside the parliament, waving Russian
flags, say illegitimate protesters seized power in Kiev and that they
fully intend to do the same here in Crimea.
The incident in Simferopol is another illustration of tensions in the region, says the BBC's Mark Lowen in Crimea.
One eyewitness Leonid Kazanov, who saw the unknown armed men
entering the parliament building, told local TV: "I asked one of the
guys who they were. The guy, who introduced himself only as Andrey,
said: 'We are Russia.'"
Mr Kazanov added the attackers acted quickly and efficiently, and were well armed.
Shortly after, the Russian flag was raised over both parliament buildings.
Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said the area near
the government buildings has been cordoned off to prevent "bloodshed".
He added that the seizure of the buildings was the work of
"Measures have been taken to counter extremist actions and
not allow the situation to escalate into an armed confrontation in the
centre of the city," he said in a statement on his Facebook page.
Regional Prime Minister Anatoliy Mohylyov told a local TV
station said he would take part in talks with the gunmen and told
government employees who normally worked there not to come in.
The men have not yet made any demands or issued any statements but did put up a sign reading: "Crimea is Russia".
They threw a flash grenade in response to questions from a journalist, AP news agency reported.
- Autonomous republic within Ukraine
- Transferred from Russia in 1954
- Ethnic Russians - 58.5%*
- Ethnic Ukrainians - 24.4%*
- Crimean Tatars - 12.1%*
- Source: Ukraine census 2001
Tensions have been rising in Crimea since Mr Yanukovych was ousted last week.
On Wednesday the city saw clashes erupt between Ukrainians who support the change of government and pro-Russians.
Crimea - where ethnic Russians are in a majority - was transferred from Russia to Ukraine in 1954.
Ethnic Ukrainians loyal to Kiev and Muslim Tatars - whose
animus towards Russia stretches back to Stalin's deportations during
World War II - have formed an alliance to oppose any move back towards
Russia, along with the US, UK and France, pledged to uphold
the territorial integrity of Ukraine in a memorandum signed in 1994.
Labels: Conflict, Controversy, Russia, Ukraine
Those Incorrect, Ignorant Bastards
"We say to his killers, may your hands and your act be damned. We will wait five days for official response from day of this message and if you refuse then you know we have been patient for over a year.
"A year of infringements, fake accusations, distorting our image, but we ignored this to prevent greater evil and we waived our rights....
"And by God, if you refuse the Law of God again and do not stop your infliction on the nation, the Muslim nation will take on your incorrect, ignorant ideology and banish it, even from Iraq!"
Abu Mohammed Al-Golani, Al Nusra leader
This undated file image posted on a militant website on Tuesday, January
14, 2014, shows fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
(ISIS) marching in Raqqa, Syria. (AP Photo/militant website, File) |
A rupture between the militias of Islamist jihadists, each of whom have committed atrocities in the name of Islam and in service to Allah. This is a riff on that old adage of 'honour between thieves'; in this instance honour can be seen as a truce in their abhorrence of one another. Both are dedicated to a similar goal, to destroy the lives of fellow Muslims who are not adequately dedicated to their version of acutely vicious Islamist fundamentalism.
Al-Qaeda's head of operations in Syria has warned its Iraq-based offshoot it has five days to agree to his ultimatum or be "banished". Their disagreement has morphed into a violent split with the jihadist movement spiralling into a vortex of uncontrolled rage against one another. What a splendid opportunity for each to contest the other for influence and control of Syria.
Should it turn out that they can not, will not, and do not come to some form of accommodation to restrain themselves from committing further mayhem on one another, it may just be possible that Syrian civilians may be saved from their further predations as they focus on eliminating one another. In a war of savage attrition they could quite conceivably commit dire damage on one another.
To the point where few might be left to tell the tale.
But that, of course, is just malicious thinking on the part of those who would wish these warriors of Islam in their holy war to implement a vast sharia-imposed state for an Islamic Caliphate throughout the Middle East, ill on their way to victory. The Syrian rebels, genuine Syrian Sunni protesters against the continued rabid reign of terror unleashed by Syria's tyrant Bashar al-Assad have also suffered violence from the Islamists.
But it is when they undertake to slaughter one another in a feckless inter-Islamist conflict of power that ferocious verbal aggression leads the way to the kind of bitter animus that has an envoy marked for assassination as Abu Khalid Al-Suri was. From medieval times killing the messenger was recognized as very ill mannered behaviour, condemned by all but the most aggressively oppressive tyrants.
Killed by two Islamists firing shots, one of whom blew himself into martyrdom in Aleppo on Sunday morning. The killing, according to Clint Watts of the Philadelphia-based Foreign Policy Research Institute, familiar with Al-Qaeda, represents a struggle between Al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which spread its operations from Iraq into Syria, not to miss out on any opportunities.
The purpose of killing Mr. Suri was to send an unmistakable message to Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the head of Al-Qaeda, that ISIS
"Is in Syria for the long haul and there will be no remediation", said Mr. Watts, who feels he should know. Though ISIS has been disowned as Al-Qaeda's formal representative in Syria, it remains a powerful threat both in Syria and in Iraq, where it has taken possession of several towns.
If the feverishly imagined scenario of the two opponents fighting it out to the end ever materializes, to the point where there is no looking back and their hatred for one another results in each destroying the other, this might be the point where the West could intercede. To nominate the one Islamist left standing for the Nobel Peace Prize?
Labels: Atrocities, Conflict, Islamists, Jihadists, Syria, Terrorists
Forbidding Western Taint
"Everybody is living in fear. There is no protection. We cannot predict where and when they are going to attack. People can't sleep with their eyes closed."
Nigerian local government chairman Maina Ularamu
43 killed in Nigeria in suspected Boko Haram school attack
President Goodluck Jonathan claim his military has enjoyed "some successes", while speaking of Boka Haram attacks against helpless civilians, slaughtering them at will to put the fear of Islamism into them for daring to disobey their injunction not to besmirch themselves with the corrupted ideals of a Western-oriented education.
The president had declared a state of emergency in May when towns and villages were held captive by Boko Haram. At that time the military forced them out of urban areas. And celebrated a job well done, the problem erased, the country could continue living life without concerns for their return. But members of Boko Haram regrouped in forests and mountain caves, bringing in new conscripts.
And so, fresh atrocities are surging. And those who have managed to survive the deadly assaults now claim there is no protection being offered them by the military. Soldiers who guarded a checkpoint near the Federal Government College, a northeast Nigerian school at Buni Yadi, 70 kilometres from the state capital Damaturu, somehow went astray.
And then a full-scale attack erupted. Certainly an odd coincidence.
Boko Haram terrorists set upon the school in a pre-dawn attack on Tuesday. They locked a school dormitory with male students inside, and set it ablaze. When students attempted their desperate escapes, they were shot, some had their throats slit as they escaped through windows. And many were burned alive in the blaze.
Screengrab of Abubakar Shekau, leader Boko Haram. PHOTO: AFP
Female students, according to a spokesman for the governor, were spared violence when the attackers ordered them to leave, go back home, get married; abandon Western education forbidden by Islamic values. Governor Ibrahim Gaidam is expected to launch an inquiry to determine why the school was left unprotected, according to Adamu Garba, a teacher who witnessed students being gunned down.
The eight soldiers who are responsible for the checkpoint, and another thirty, based two kilometres distant were away from their posts. They finally arrived, at noon, long after the attackers had gone, according to the community leaders, busy burying 29 male students. Several soldiers have been accused of aiding the extremists, of passing information to them.
Tens of thousands of Nigerians have died, others have had their homes, their businesses, their possessions and livelihoods lost both by the atrocities launched by Boko Haram, and the fallout of a military state of emergency through soldiers accused of human rights violations, setting villages on fire, and committing suspects to summary executions.
And, as President Goodluck Jonathan has said, the ongoing attacks by the Islamist terrorists are
"quite worrisome".

Labels: Africa, Atrocities, Islamism, Terrorism, Violence
UN Watch
BriefingLatest from the United
Nations |
Vol. 479 | February 26,
2014 |
Blind Chinese
Dissident Wins Courage Award at UN Watch's Geneva Summit for Human
Human Rights
Heroes Assemble Ahead of UN Rights Session
GENEVA, Feb. 26 –
Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese activist, received the 2014 Geneva Summit
Courage Award yesterday from an international assembly of human rights groups,
where dissidents shared harrowing testimonies of human rights abuses ahead of
Monday's gathering of foreign ministers at the United Nations Human Rights
Hundreds of dissidents, activists, diplomats and journalists
gathered from around the world yesterday for the 2014 Geneva Summit for Human Rights and
Democracy, the annual civil society forum that
works to place urgent situations on the UN agenda.
The summit was
organized by the Geneva-based human rights group UN Watch, supported by a cross-regional coalition of 20 NGO
UN Watch
chairman Alfred H. Moses presented the award to Chen, a former political
prisoner who escaped house arrest in 2012, "for inspiring the world with his
extraordinary courage in the defense of truth, justice and human
Media from around the globe have broadcast
the speakers' human rights testimonies,
Moreover, the Ottawa
Citizen has just dedicated a major editorial to the summit here.
who has been blind since childhood, taught himself law and exposed forced
abortions and sterilizations in his native Shandong Province before his
imprisonment by local authorities.
In a drama covered on front pages
worldwide, Chen escaped house arrest in China in May 2012 and sought refuge at
the U.S. embassy in Beijing before moving to the United States.
"People who live in democracy and
freedom don't realize how important they are to them, but people who are
oppressed understand that democracy and freedom are very important," he
Dissidents or members of their families from countries including
Syria, Iran and Cuba were present at Tuesday's
With the world's spotlight trained on North
Korea following a stinging UN report into the regime's mass atrocities,
prison camp guard turned human rights activist Ahn Myong Chul
explained that 90 percent of inmates don't even know the reason for their
incarceration, punished for "crimes of their grandfathers."
Also in
attendance was the aunt of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo
Lopez, arrested by security forces on February 18 after a series of
protests brought tens of thousands onto the streets of
Julieta Lopez read out a statement from her from
"Only dictatorships send dissidents to prison and if the
government puts dissidents in prison, they accept openly that Venezuela is a
dictatorship. The emperor has no clothes," she said.
Naghmeh Abedini (left), wife of jailed Iranian-American pastor Saeed
Abedini, says she believes now is a good time for the United States to
pressure Iran to release her husband, who was arrested for teaching
"At present my husband is suffering
from internal injuries that resulted from beatings, but the Iranian government
is denying him the necessary medical care needed to treat those injuries,"
Abedini told the conference.
"Freedom of
religion, including the right to change one's religion, is a God-given right of
all people, including the Iranian people. No human law should infringe upon that
"We must make sure China remains
accountable for its actions. They sit proudly on the UN Human Rights Council, on
the Security Council, and dictate how Syria should deal with its situation," said
Tenzin Dhardon Sharling, the youngest member of Tibet’s parliament in exile.
She also criticized the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, saying, “Navi Pillay ends her second term in
September and still has not visited Tibet.”
“During Mubarak’s time women were only mentioned to decorate
the regime, said Egyptian women's rights activist Dalia Ziada, who heads Cairo's Ibn Khaldun Center
for Development Studies..
"Under the Muslim Brotherhood, laws
were made for early marriage for girls and genital
Conference organizers said
that one invited speaker from Cuba, human rights activist Jorge Luis García
Pérez, known as "Antúnez," was brutally arrested after State security forces
raided his home on February 5, and barred from leaving Cuba to attend the Geneva
“I have devoted these past 25 years to work in
common cause with others for the freedom of political prisoners, who represent
hope and inspiration for their country, for their people, and for humanity as a
whole, said
Canadian parliamentarian and human rights advocate
Irwin Cotler (above), in his opening address to the
conference, offering a model on how to defend dissidents behind
“I’ve learned from these political prisoners…
we must speak on behalf of those who cannot be heard; bear witness on behalf of
those who cannot testify; act and advocate on behalf of those who have put not
only their livelihood, but their very lives on the line."
"We will come out of the shadows of darkness into
the light of freedom.”
In the final session, UN Watch executive
director Hillel Neuer, who chaired the summit, welcomed the fact that
the UN Human Rights Council was expected next month to adopt resolutions on
Syria, North Korea and Iran.
 However, Neuer regretted that the council was
planning to turn a blind eye to most of the country situations addressed at the
Despite testimony from activists and
victims about abuses by Egypt and Cambodia, and about slavery in Mauritania,
none of these countries is yet on the council's agenda, though they should be,
he said.
And despite hearing from victims of gross
violations of human rights from China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Vietnam and Venezuela—each of these countries is a recently-elected member of
the 47-nation council, said Neuer, and the regimes enjoy
Le Monde's Annick Cojean, author of the book
"Gaddafi's Harem," described
to the hundreds of Geneva Summit delegates how the Libyan dictator raped
thousands of women and girls on a systematic basis over four decades.
 Yet across the street today, the UN Human
Rights Council was addressed (photo right) by Jean Ziegler, one of its
longest-serving officials, who in 1989 created the Moammar
Qaddafi Human Rights Prize, an award he received himself at a 2002 ceremony
in Tripoli, Libya.
Ziegler, who for 11 years denied receiving the
award until video proving otherwise was released by UN Watch in September, attacked
the United States for human rights abuses, and strongly praised the Cuban
government. Cuba created Ziegler's original UN post in the year
Labels: Human Rights, United Nations, UNWatch