will hire the most qualified people based upon their skills and mutual
interests. I've had two people say that was the kiss of death. I thought
I was trying to be nice saying that if you were interested and able I'd
hire you and that's all that mattered. I don't care about the colour of
your skin. I'm interested in hiring someone who wants to work on the
project and is good at it."
"I believe this is an important stand to make. I will not be silenced any more."
think what's happened is the woke and the social justice warriors have
made a moralistic argument the way the religious right used to make
moralistic arguments. And now people are afraid to challenge them. But I
think it's okay to say I believe that equality is a morally valid
position. I believe that meritocracy is a morally valid position."
do different things. They have different abilities. They have different
interests. To me, the whole point is to treat people as individuals, so
that's what I do in my life. My way of dealing with racism, or sexism,
or any other 'ism' is to treat people as individuals.
scientists] we don't believe in EDI [equality, diversity, inclusion].
We believe in merit, fairness and equality. You should be fair in your
procedures and treat people as equals."
Patanjali Kambhampati, professor of chemistry, McGill University, Montreal
Kambhampati, a scientist at Montreal's McGill University turned down
twice for government grants related to inclusive, equity and diversity
provision 'hoops;. John Kenney, National Post
an award winning Canadian scientist Professor Kambhampati has decided
to speak out after his request for funding of two projects a year apart
were refused one after another, two years running. As a man of great
integrity and an expert in his field of scientific research accustomed
in the past to receiving federal government research grants, he was
being punished for his lack of commitment to "diversity"; doublespeak
for giving breaks to unqualified people simply on the basis of their
colour or ethnicity.
doesn't seem to matter to the funding authorities who decided to set
his requests aside as not worth evaluating when he emphasized that it
was expertise as a qualification that moved him to make his hiring
choices, not the colour of an applicant's skin. As himself a man of
colour, born in India, living in a 'white' society with ample
experiences of his own in the past as a recipient of overt racist
discrimination. It is the scientist in him, not the man of Indian
origins who responded to pointed questions on his funding application
that displeased the funding arbiters.
committed himself to hiring on merit, nothing more, nothing less. Merit
as in scientific qualifications, not the merit based on diversity and
considerations of 'inclusiveness'. When his first research funding
request was turned down on patently obvious rejection linked to the
critical hiring questions, he put it down to new criteria he had no
interest in and set it aside. When it happened for a second time, he
decided to make it a public issue.
field of scientific expertise explores super-fast laser science at its
cutting edge, a field spanning every issue from telecom to medicine. He
applied for a $450,000 grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada [NSERC]. NSERC responded that "the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion considerations in the application were deemed insufficient",
and they rejected his application. His previous application went to the
federally funded National Frontiers in Research Fund a year earlier "to
support world-leading interdisciplinary, international, high-risk,
high-reward, transformative and rapid-response Canadian research"; turned down on similar grounds.
is the same government that refuses to give summer-student employment
grants to any employee-applicant that refuses to sign a commitment to
never support groups or are themselves involved in denying abortion
rights to women. The result of which was that critical hiring in many
areas of social services for summer student jobs for the past several
years stumbled and failed when church groups, for example, could not
affirm the demand.
was at the first-stage bureaucratic level that both Professor
Kambhampati's applications were stalled. Neither proceeded to the next
step where other scientists would review the proposals for their
scientific merit and immediacy. Then it came to light that at roughly
the same time another arm of government, the Canadian Institutes of
Health Research, approved a grant to Dr.Lana Ray, professor at Lakehead
University, Thunder Bay, of $1.2 million to study cancer prevention with
the use of traditional Indigenous healing practices.
Professor Ray commented when the award was announced: "We need to stop framing prevalent risk factors of cancer as such and start thinking about them as symptoms of colonialism."
Kambhampati took up his position in Montreal in 2003 at McGill. Born in
India, the now-50-year-old had lived in the United States since age
four, working in Minnesota, Texas and California before taking up his
Canadian professorship. "In
childhood I used to get constant beatings and name calling. Two years
ago, I had eight police officers break into my house because I was
sitting on my porch while brown. That happened on Canada Day", he said in an interview.
treats everyone equally and fairly, led by his own experiences. He now
believes that woke ideology prevalent on campus has leached into
government, creating two major problems: self-censorship and a
resistance to asking meaningful questions.
"There's a lot of self-censoring. And certainly you see it among young
people in the university. So young people in the university self-censor a
lot. Now they are afraid to talk. That's no way to advance our
understanding of the world."
As a child, he said, his mentors were "old, white World War II vets" who taught him all about radio-controlled airplanes. "And that's what led me to build lasers 30 years later". As a mentor now, the Professor explained he has been of assistance to both men and women of different cultures and religions.
"I've mentored minorities, I've mentored women. I myself am a Third
World minority. And I have mentored people who have catastrophic
illnesses. And I have mentored people who are LGBTQ, and not for any
reason other than to treat people as equal."
Woke ideology, in his experience, has accelerated in the last several years.
"And now it's the prevailing culture. It's 90 percent of the normal
people against 10 percent of the vocal minority that has shamed everyone
into self-censorship", he said.
a scientist our job is to think about how nature works, ask questions,
and find answers without prejudice. We cannot do that anymore. We cannot
ask how humans work, and how science and nature work, because the woke
are interfering with us and saying, 'You can't ask those questions.
You're a racist. You're a sexist. You're a homophobe. You're a
colonialist. You're a something'. There's some way in which the woke are
trying to get people [so they're' no longer asking meaningful