"Nobody Is Left In The School Now"
"Although there is (an) increase in troop movement and military hardware deployment in the northeast, people are yet to see the kind of action on the ground that effectively nips criminal and terrorist activities in the bud."
Governor Ibrahim Gaidam, Yobe State, Nigeria
"Sometimes you need courage" in the face of such challenges as the slaughter of thousands of innocents, cautioned Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan who condemned a deadly attack that took place on Sunday night on an agricultural college, killing 50 students as they slept, in the belief that their nation's military was protecting them from any such deadly onslaughts.
Courage, then, trumps the actual presence of protection. Courage to face the reality of impending threats to life and limb. From a terrorist group which takes its name from what is forbidden: Western knowledge and education. Forbidden, that is, by their standards. Holding that what is pure must now be defiled; Islamic teaching is not to be corrupted by exposure to Western ideas.
A screengrab taken on Sept 25, 2013 from a video distributed
through an intermediary to local reporters and seen by AFP, shows a man
claiming to be the leader of Nigerian Islamist extremist group Boko
Haram Abubakar Shekau. A man claiming to be the leader of Nigerian
Islamist extremist group Boko Haram appeared in a video Wednesday
taunting world leaders after the military said he may have been killed.
Because of previous such atrocities when Boko Haram, the country's look-alike Islamist militia to Somalia's al-Shabab, attacked another such college on an earlier occasion, those agricultural schools based on Western models of farming techniques vital to the country's economy and future, shut their doors.
Provost Molima Idi Mato of Yobe State College of Agriculture bemoaned that no security forces were present to protect the college.
When only several weeks earlier the state commissioner for education had beseeched schools and colleges to re-open in reflection of their duty to educate and prepare for the future. And promised that all such schools and colleges would be guarded by soldiers and police, against the possibility of any such further attacks.
Boko Haram has stated its pride in having been responsible for the killing of 50 young people, after having attacked and killed 29 pupils and a teacher, burning some of them alive in their hostels at Mamudo outside Damaturu on July 6. This new attack will be adjudged by Boko Haram as being more successful than the last, encouraging them to continue their successful trajectory.
"They attacked our students while they were sleeping in their hostels. They opened fire at them", said Yobe State College of Agriculture Provost Idi Mato. Most of the victims were between the ages of 18 and 22. Forty-two bodies were recovered, along with 18 wounded students, taken to Damaturu Specialist Hospital. Where two of the wounded died later. Almost all killed were Muslims, reflecting the majority make-up of the college's student body.
The attackers came in all-terrain vehicles and on motorcycles, some of them in Nigerian military uniforms, according to a surviving student. The terrorists seemed to be knowledgeable of the college layout, choosing to attack the four male hostels, bypassing the one hostel that was reserved for women.
"We ran into the bush, nobody is left in the school now", said Ibrahim Mohammed.
Labels: Atrocities, Islamists, Nigeria, Terrorists
Smiley-Face Campaign
"I will tell the truth in the face of the sweet talk and the onslaught of smiles. Telling the truth today is vital for the security and peace of the world and, of course, it is vital for the security of the State of Israel."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The bearer of a tediously unpopular message, Benjamin Netanyahu once again headed to Washington, yarmulke held beseechingly in hand, to attempt to counter a charm offensive that had American and European authorities lapping up the smiles like kittens entranced by clotted-cream offerings.
In this Sept. 26,
2013 file photo, seated at the table from left, U.S. Secretary of State
John Kerry, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and European
Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton attend a meeting of the five
permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany during the 68th
session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters. (AP
Photo/Jason DeCrow, File)
What threat to world peace? Which concerns exactly are being spoken of? Couldn't be the threat of nuclear weapons finally in the hands of a fanatical theocratic regime which has distinguished itself as a sponsor of violent terror attacks in various parts of the world, surely? Not the Islamic Republic of Iran whose notoriety as the funder and trainer of Islamist militias geared to destroy a Middle East member-country of no real account in the world...?
Concern misplaced, most obviously by a country unfortunately plagued with the dread of persecution. These are not scowling, threatening faces, voices raised in high-pitched rhetoric of defiance and vengeance against those who stand in their way. Those who caution that words are well and fine, but wait for matching action as proof positive of a 360-degree turn in intention, are, well, spoil-sports.
Everyone is just fine.
A good time being had by all; tensions relieved, handshakes all around; almost -- but good-natured satisfaction overwhelmingly tickling the funny-bone. It took 34 years, some might say, but better late than never, responds President Obama, confident in his repeated overtures to reason, addressing a national interest that eschews reason for the passion of conquest.
Deeper ties are in the offing; America and Iran, two great nations identified as such by the new president of Iran, are set to become bosom pals, and European diplomats are utterly thrilled at the "very significant shift" in attitude and tone. On the part of Obama, the Nobel Laureate finally earning his medal; from Iran, reasonableness and the promise of normalcy.
And there's Israel's politicians, trying to spoil it all, to grab the limelight of attention, what a drag. The prime minister of Israel keeps repeating that tired old slogan: Rouhani's 'outreach' a mere superficiality, a visible ploy to ease international sanctions for the vital result of buying time for Iran's nuclear program to progress beyond the point of return ... an imminent juncture.
"Negotiations are on the table to discuss various aspects of Iran's enrichment program. Our right to enrich is non-negotiable" announced Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on Sunday. The United States must take steps to end the crippling economic sanctions. Or no deal. AT other times in other venues this might be described acerbically as the tail wagging the dog; no longer.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has declared nuclear weapons contrary to Islamic law. It is merely coincidental and of no account whatever and certainly not of any business of the international community that Iran has its national aspiration and the right to develop its uranium enrichment program.
And everyone -- almost -- seems deliriously happy.
Labels: European Union, Iran, Israel, Nuclear Technology, Security, United Nations, United States
Al Qaeda Quickly Constructing Main Mideast Base in Syria
Al Qaeda Quickly Constructing Main Mideast Base in Syria
Al Nusra Front, Al Qaeda's
official arm in Syria, is quickly entrenching itself in the north and
east of Syria, where the Assad regime's rule has collapsed. Jihad will
spread outwards to the region, then threaten global security -- possibly
with biological and chemical weapons.
Al Qaeda is quickly constructing its main regional Middle East base
in Syria, from where it plans to export terrorism and Islamic radicalism
to neighboring states, then to the West,
a new report released by an Israeli security research institute warned.
The jihadis later aspire, according to the report, to turn "Greater
Syria" -- an old geographic term encompassing Syria, Lebanon, Israel and
the Palestinian territories -- into an Islamic caliphate.
The exhaustive study took a year to compile, according to researchers
at the Tel Aviv-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information
Center, which released it.
The Center itself is a part of the Israeli Intelligence and Heritage
Commemoration Center, founded in the 1980s by leading members of the
Israeli intelligence community.
The report identified the Al Nusra Front as Al Qaeda's official arm
in Syria; they added that the organization is quickly entrenching itself
in the north and east of Syria, where the Assad regime's rule has

Fighters from Al Nusra Front pose for a photograph.
According to Dr. Reuven Erlich, the head of the Intelligence and
Terrorism Information Center, the Al Nusra Front is entrenching itself
in Syria at a rate several times faster than the time it took Al Qaeda
in Afghanistan to become a serious international terrorist presence.
Erlich, who served in several posts in IDF Military Intelligence,
also cautioned that Syria's location in the heart of the Middle East,
its proximity to Europe, and its border with Israel mean that
geopolitically, the jihadi threat from Syria is more central than the
one from Afghanistan or Pakistan.
He compared Al Nusra's activities in Syria today to the incubation
period of a virus, before it begins spreading and infecting other hosts.
Later, Erlich warned, the plague of jihad will spread outwards from
Syria to the region, then go on to threaten global security.
The researchers who composed the report assessed the chances of Al
Nusra realizing its goal of building a caliphate as low, due to Syria's
diverse sectarian, ethnic, and religious population, and strong
tradition of secular Arab nationalism.
Nevertheless, they said, the group is on course to become one of the
most prominent rebel entities, and will play a key role in shaping a
post-Assad Syria, while using its growing presence as a springboard to
launch international terrorist attacks.
At the moment, Al Nusra's most urgent goal is toppling President
Assad; its members are therefore not yet focusing on enforcing Shari'a
law in Syria. They show a pragmatic willingness to work with other rebel
organizations, including the main Free Syrian Army. But once the Assad
regime falls, a violent campaign by jihadis might begin to cement their
control over any new government formed by rebels in Damascus.
A second jihadi organization operates in Syria, the researchers said,
called the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, formed by Al-Qaeda
in Iraq, though Al Nusra is the only one to have received official
recognition by Al Qaeda's central leader, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, in June
this year.
"The two branches together have an estimated 6,000 to 7,000
operatives in our assessment, and the number is growing," the report
Erlich said the influence of the group is out of proportion to its
numbers, due its operational capabilities and influence on the
The Al Nusra Front is led Abu Muhammad al-Julani, who possibly hails
from the Syrian Golan, and rules over a network of fighters and local
subordinates in Syria's districts.
He is a veteran of jihadist battles against US forces in Iraq, and a
former follower of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who set up Al Qaeda in Iraq in
the previous decade.
Rank and file members of the group are a mix of Syrians and foreign
volunteers from the Arab and Muslim world, the report said, adding that
foreign volunteers number in the thousands. Additionally, between 500
and 600 European Muslim volunteers are in the organization, mainly
hailing from the UK and France. They are expected, after returning from
the battlefields, to spread jihad in their home countries, the report
The Al Nusra Front's most senior body is called the Consulting
Council of Jihad Fighters. Its leadership is made up of staff dealing
with military operations, fundraising, weapons acquisitions and
smuggling, religious affairs and public relations. Fighting units are
usually called battalions or companies.
The report mapped out the Al Nusra Front's presence in Syria, noting
that it was strongest in the north and east, where the Assad regime has
collapsed. In these areas, called "liberated zones" by the jihadis, Al
Nusra and affiliated groups provide public services, maintain health,
legal, and policing systems, and distribute food, clothing and blankets.
In some places, residents have complained about a strict code of Shari'a-based conduct being enforced.
According to the report, the group is weakest on the Mediterranean
coast, where the minority Alawite population -- of which the ruling
Assad regime is mostly composed -- is located.
Most of Al Nusra's attacks are focused on greater Damascus and on
northern and eastern Syria, in places such as Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Idlib
and Deir al-Zor. Its actions are guerrilla-terrorist campaigns against
the regime's bases, facilities and individuals.
Tactics include suicide car bombings, roadside bombs, suicide bombers
on foot, and firing on bases and airfields with light arms and mortars.
Security checkpoints are a frequent target.
"Suicide bombings are a signature brand" of Al Nusra and are
operationally effective, but have resulted in negative public relations
among other Syrian rebels, said the report.
The Al Nusra Front plans to attack Israel from the Syrian Golan,
according to an assessment that appeared in the report. It "can be
expected to establish an operative terrorist infrastructure in the Golan
Heights, a continuation of military infrastructure it is currently
constructing in Deraa," the southwestern city where the anti-Assad
uprising began in 2011.
"In our assessment, Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorist organizations
may integrate themselves into terrorist attacks from the Golan Heights
despite the fundamental ideological differences between them," it added.
Al Nusra can also be expected to link up with fellow jihadis who
follow Al Qaeda's ideology in neighboring Lebanon, the Sinai Peninsula,
and the Gaza Strip.
Pro-Western Arab states are on the target list too, the report said,
adding that Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, all of which support the
rebels, might be targeted by Al Nusra in the form of subversive, radical
Islamists entering them and setting up terrorist cells.
In northern Syria, Al Nusra and its allies have seized key national
resources such as oil and gas fields, oil pipelines, dams, power plants
and grain silos.
These sites are now operated by jihadis, who sometimes sell oil and
gas to the Assad regime for profit, enabling the organization to pay its
operatives a monthly salary, purchase more weapons, and run assistance
programs in "liberated areas."
As Al Nusra fighters raid Syrian weapons depots, the fear remains,
the report stated, that "in the absence of the considerations of
restraint that influence other terrorist organizations, such as
Hezbollah and the Palestinian terrorist organizations," they could
obtain chemical and biological weapons, and use them in terrorist
Related Topics: Syria | Yaakov LappinLabels: Islamists, Syria, Terrorists
Netanyahu can't hope to regain Israel’s voice in headlong US-Russian-Iranian nuclear diplomacy
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis September 30, 2013, 11:09 AM (IDT)
An earlier encounter
Although a face to face between prime minister
Binyamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama is obviously worthwhile
for both countries, the prime minister need not expect to deflect the
president from his pursuit of a nuclear deal with Tehran when they meet
Monday, Sept. 30. At best, he will come away with soothing assurances
that any new intelligence he presents will be seriously looked into. But
he can’t hope for real substance for two reasons:
1. Obama can no longer turn away from the path he has set himself,
because he is driven by the ambition to prove that international
problems can be solved without military force and solely by good will,
negotiations and diplomacy.
2. After convincing Russian President Vladimir Putin that he means
what he says and is not planning to repeat his “mistaken” US military
involvement in the 2011 Libyan civil war, Obama removed a major obstacle
in the way of a US-Russian deal on Syria’s chemical weapons.
It is now the turn for Washington, Moscow and Tehran to continue the
process with a parallel consensual deal on Iran’s nuclear program.
From Tehran, the US and Russia might be seen to be preparing to
impose a nuclear settlement on Iran in the same way as they did for
Syrian President Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons. However, if that is
what is contemplated, Obama and Putin will soon find Tehran is not
Damascus, and the ayatollah in Tehran is a completely different
proposition from his Syrian ally.
The wily supreme leader Ali Khamenei in fact sees his chance of turning
the situation around to the Islamic Republic’s advantage. He grasps that
the American and Russian leaders are in a hurry to reap the results of
the Obama administration’s decision to forswear a military option for
bringing Tehran round. Their headlong quest for quick results gives
Tehran the leverage for extracting previously withheld concessions on
its nuclear program, such as extreme flexibility on its enriched uranium
production and stocks.
Netanyahu may hear Obama promising to stand by his demand that Iran
stop enriching uranium and export the bulk of its stocks, or surrender
it for destruction like Syria’s chemical weapons. But he will also
discover that Obama and Putin are running ahead together at breakneck
speed after dropping Israel by the wayside. And the negotiations with
Iran behind the scenes - and continuing in Geneva on Oct. 15 with the
five Security Council powers and Germany - are more than likely to
produce a compromise unacceptable to Israel.
Iran and Russia will have to make some concessions for a deal. But so
too will the United States, and the uranium enrichment issue will loom
large in the way of an agreement unless Washington gives way on that
point. Obama has already covered much of this ground in secret contacts
with Tehran.
The tempo of the negotiations, dictated by Obama and Putin, will make
it easy to blur facts and the present minor concessions as major
Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
are already smoothing the way for the understandings to come with
messages that fit neatly into world media headlines. Sunday, Kerry
echoed President Rouhani’s [statement] of a nuclear accord achievable in months. At
the same time, mindful of the Obama-Netanyahu meeting Monday, the US
Secretary said in a TV interview, “A bad deal is worse than no deal,”
while US Ambassador Dan Shapiro assured Israelis in a radio interview
Monday morning “The US and Israel share the same goals – preventing a
nuclear-armed Iran.”
Meanwhile, last month’s buzz phrase for the Syrian accord, which called
for “a credible military option” to underpin the understanding, has been
quietly mothballed in both the Syrian and Iranian WMD context
Labels: Chemical Weapons, Hypocrisy, Iran, Israel, Nuclear Technology, Rapprochement, Russia, Syria, United States
Journalist: Saudis, Gulf States 'Shocked' By Obama-Rouhani Chat
Arabian officials have sharply criticized President Obama for
conducting phone conversation with Iranian President Rouhani.
By David Lev --
Arutz Sheva 7
First Publish: 9/30/2013, 4:18 PM

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Israelis are not the only ones concerned with the apparent warming
of relations between Iran and the United States; Saudi Arabia
has leveled sharp criticism against U.S. President Barack H. Obama for
conducting a phone conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
That conversation, which took place last Friday, will be taken the
wrong way by Iran, Saudi officials said. Saudi journalist Abdel Rahman
Rashad said that he has spoken to government officials who said that
they expect the U.S. to take a much tougher stance against Iran, lest
Tehran take advantage of what it sees like American “softness” to
continue and even expand its nuclear program.
“If the Americans do not take the necessary steps against Iran, the
states of the Middle East will have to deal with a nuclear Iran,” Rashad
wrote in an op-ed in the London-based Arabic
a-Sharq a-Awsat newspaper.
phone call between Obama and Rouhani shocked the Gulf states, Jordan, Turkey, Israel, and other countries,” he wrote.
According to the
New York Times, Obama and Rouhani "agreed
to accelerate talks aimed at defusing the dispute over Iran’s nuclear
program and afterward expressed optimism at the prospect of a
rapprochement that would transform the Middle East."
According to the Iranians, it was Obama that sought to speak to
Rouhani, but Rahman said it did not matter who sought to speak to whom.
“What is important to know is what stands behind the conversation and how deep the ties are between America and Iran.”
The Saudis are very concerned about Iran's
of nuclear weapons, fearing they will be aimed at the Sunni country by
an aggressive Shi'ite competitor. At a recent meeting of the Gulf
Cooperation Council, Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki
al-Faisal said that Iran could threaten to attack Saudi Arabia – and
thereby interfering with shipments of oil to the West – if it achieved
nuclear weapons. This, he said would increase the chance of war,
conventional or otherwise.
"Any threat to our interests or security will force us to use all available
options to defend our interests, and national and regional security," Faisal was quoted as saying by the
news channel. "The mounting escalation and persistent tensions might
end up in an adventure with unpredictable consequences or in an unwanted
military confrontation."
Iran has warned Western governments that it will close the
strategically vital Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Gulf, a
strategic choke point for much of the world's oil supplies, if they
press ahead with sanctions against its key crude exports.
"Iran must not
fuel this
conflict and must not threaten us when we commit to international
decisions," Faisal said. "It must safeguard the security of the Strait
of Hormuz and that of the world energy supply."
Labels: Iran, Rapprochement, Saudi Arabia, United States
Footage shows the aftermath of the 13 rush hour blasts, as the BBC's Rafid Jaboori reports from Baghdad
A series of car bomb blasts in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 47 people and injured many more, officials say.
The blasts targeted markets and car parks in mainly Shia Muslim districts of the city.
There has been a recent upsurge in sectarian violence, sparking fears of a return to the bloodletting of 2008.
More than 5,000 people have been killed so far this year, according to United Nations data.
Monday's blasts struck during Baghdad's morning rush hour, with reports of 13 bombs, most of them in Shia neighbourhoods.
Groups of labourers gathering ahead of the working day were among the bombers' targets.
Rafid Jaboori
BBC News, Baghdad
The upsurge of violence is taking place against the backdrop of a stumbling political process.
Two weeks ago leaders of a group of main political parties
signed an agreement aiming to stop the bloodshed. They dubbed it a Code
of Honour. But violence continued and dozens of people have been killed
There have been widespread protests in Sunni areas of Iraq
against the Shia-led government. Sunnis accuse the government of Prime
Minister Nouri Maliki of discriminating against them, something the
government vehemently denies.
After Monday's bombings, the ministry of interior's spokesman
told me that violence in Syria is spilling over to Iraq. The challenge
was huge, he said, and an unstable political process in Iraq only makes
it worse.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq, a Sunni extremist organisation, claims
responsibility for most of the attacks that target Shia areas. But no
mainstream Sunni political party approves violence against Shia.
One of the deadliest attacks was
reported from the eastern Sadr City district where seven people were
killed and 75 injured in a crowded vegetable market.
Another six were reported killed in Shuala, a mainly Shia area of north Baghdad.
The city neighbourhoods affected also included New Baghdad,
Habibiya, Sabaa al-Bour, Kazimiya, Shaab and Ur, as well as the Sunni
districts of Jamiaa and Ghazaliya, the Associated Press news agency
No-one has claimed responsibility for Monday's attacks, but
Sunni Muslim insurgents have been blamed for much of the most recent
The interior ministry accused rebels linked to al-Qaeda of
exploiting political divisions and regional conflicts to sow violence.
"Our war with terrorism goes on," interior ministry spokesman Saad Maan told AP.
The recent upsurge in violence was triggered in April by an
army raid on a Sunni Muslim anti-government protest camp near Hawija,
north of Baghdad.
Many in the country's Sunni Muslim minority complain of being
excluded from decision-making and of abuses by the security forces.
Recent raids in Baghdad on suspected al-Qaeda hideouts in mainly Sunni
districts are thought to have worsened grievances.
Major attacks this month
- 30 September: At least 42 killed in car bombs in mainly Shia areas of Baghdad
- 21 September: At least 60 killed at funeral in Sadr City, Baghdad
- 15 September: More than 40 killed in blasts across Iraq mostly targeting Shia areas
- 3 September: At least 60 killed in mainly Shia districts of Baghdad
One of the bloodiest attacks over
the past few weeks was a double bombing in a funeral marquee in Sadr
City on 21 September, which left more than 60 people dead.
Several dozen people died in a wave of attacks on Sunday, including another explosion at a funeral.
A suicide bomber attacked a Shia Muslim mosque south of the
city, causing the roof to collapse. More than 40 people are now known to
have been killed in that incident.
Irbil, the normally stable capital of Iraq's autonomous
province of Kurdistan, was hit by a series of bombings on the same day,
killing six members of the security services. Officials said that
violence could be linked to fighting between jihadists and Kurds in
Labels: Iraq, Islamism, Terrorism
By Ian Pannell
BBC News, Aleppo
"Ghostly fragments of what happened here are strewn across the playground": Ian Pannell's report contains distressing scenes
of a napalm-like attack on a school in Syria filmed by a team working
for Panorama shocked the world. Now the BBC has returned to find out
what happened to the children who suffered horrific burns.
We had travelled to Syria to film two British doctors from
the UK charity Hand in Hand for Syria providing care to parts of the
country where the medical system is barely functioning.
The British medics had stopped off at a hospital in Aleppo
Province. It was set up by the charity to provide general medical care,
but in a climate of war it is just as likely to be casualties of the
conflict who are carried through the door.
Within an hour of being there we received the first sign of what was to come.
A seven-month old baby boy arrived, his pink face was
blistered and raw. His father was also burnt and sat helplessly on a
stretcher clutching his son as the staff rushed to help.
The British doctors were hearing rumours that there were more cases on the way.
Soon, dozens of people, mostly teenagers, were being rushed
in on stretchers with napalm-like burns. Their clothes were burnt, their
bodies charred and in some cases their hair had melted.
Their faces were brutally disfigured with huge blisters
forming over their bodies. Almost in slow motion they lumbered in;
shocked and in pain. The smell of burnt flesh was overpowering.
Within minutes the hospital was overwhelmed. Dr Rola Hallam and Dr Saleyha Ahsam began treating the casualties.
The field hospital was overwhelmed by the number of casualties brought in
There were no shrapnel injuries or loss of blood typical of most aerial bombs.
We did not know for sure what the device contained but it
caused appalling burns consistent with an incendiary device, containing a
substance like napalm or thermite.
The pressure group Human Rights Watch has documented the use of similar bombs elsewhere in Syria.
All of this unravelled in a
climate of fear. It happened just days after the chemical attack in the
eastern suburbs of Damascus that killed hundreds of people and many were
terrified that the same had just happened here.
Doctors ripped open packets of saline fluid and poured the
liquid over the victims. The few beds in the emergency room quickly
filled up and many of the teenagers were writhing in agony on the floor.
Thick white cream was applied to their bodies to treat the burns, while yet more patients were brought in.
Outside in the hospital courtyard, a water tanker sprayed the
crowd so they could clean themselves - terrified that this had been a
chemical attack.
Fathers and mothers desperate for news fought to be allowed into the hospital, cursing their president, Bashar al-Assad.
Eyewitnesses described the same thing - a fighter-jet
circling overhead, apparently looking for targets. A large crowd had
gathered at the school where the incendiary bomb was dropped.
Eighteen-year-old Siham Kanbari had terrible burns to much of her body.
She had been in a maths class when the blast ripped through the window.
One of the youngest victims was 13-year-old Ahmed Darwish.
When he arrived at the hospital he was shaking
uncontrollably. The emergency ward was so full he was told to wait in
the corridor.
Casualties had to travel to Turkey for intensive care
Dr Saleyha described the scene.
"Out of all the war zones I have ever been to, today has been by far the worst," she said.
"I have never seen anything like that - the fact that they were children, teenagers, same ages as my nieces and nephews."
The hospital admitted 30 patients that day.
Most had more than 50% burns - which meant their chances of survival were less than half.
The injured needed intensive care therapy but none was available in Aleppo's field hospital.
By dusk the chaos began to subside as patients were rushed across the border to Turkey for treatment. Some died on the way.
"I thought it was never going to end," Dr Rola said. "We lost
a gentlemen on transfer to Bab-al-Hawa, he had extensive third degree
"We tried to stabilise him and refer him as soon as possible
but we weren't able to rescue him. I've never seen a burn that bad.
"I think his face is going to stay with me for quite a long time."
Children were in the school's playground when the bomb landed
Two days after the attack we went to the school.
It had been one of the few to remain open in this part of northern Syria. But when we visited the classrooms were empty.
I'm in a lot of pain. I had a fever
all last night, I'm in pain on my neck and my shoulder. Why bomb us
while we are at school? Why?”
Ahmed, 13
Victim of the attack
The smell at the scene and the
debris suggest it was an incendiary bomb. It is not a chemical weapon
but is classed as a conventional one.
More than 100 countries have banned their use against civilians but Syria has not signed the treaty.
The air at the scene was still thick with the smell of
whatever was dropped that day; it is hard to imagine or to describe the
horrors of what the pilot did.
The headmaster said he felt helpless. He was too afraid to give his name.
"The worst thing in life is for someone to die before our eyes.
"People burning in front of you. People dying. People running. But where will they run to?
"They're not safe anywhere. This is the fate of the Syrian people."
Ten children died in the attack and many more have been left struggling to survive terrible burns.
'Please let it be over'
We visited Ahmed, in a Turkish hospital, a few weeks after the
incident. Described as a hard working boy with a smiley face, he now
has 40% burns to his body.
"I'm in a lot of pain," he said. "I had a fever all last night. I'm in pain on my neck and my shoulder.
"Why bomb us while we are at school. Why?"
Siham had been in a maths class when the attack happened
When we last saw Siham, in the Aleppo hospital, she was
screaming in pain. She is now in a ward alongside Ahmed, in Turkey.
She told us the day we visited that her body still feels like it is
She was in her final year of school. Described as one of the smartest in her class she is now suffering with 70% burns.
"Please let it be over now", she said. "We need to find a way out. We've had all we can take."
As the controversy over chemical weapons dies down, the world's attention will once again move on from Syria.
But for those whose lives are being torn apart by war, the suffering continues.
Labels: Chemical Weapons, Syria
Executing Terror
"Just before the cookery event, I was with about 35 kids including two of my own. Then a grenade went off and then the shots started coming in. One hit the kid beside me. I tried to stop the bleeding, but I didn't know what I was doing... I couldn't save him. They threw quite a few grenades at us. Eventually a gentleman came running towards us with a handgun, and he told us to get up and get out. I saw someone carry my daughter away. I helped all of the kids jump over the wall."
Kamal Kaur
"They came from the basement of the mall and started firing in all directions. Within minutes the floor was littered with bodies. Whoever survived was running helter-skelter in search of cover; it was pure chaos."
Shashikant Sanghani
NBC News
Precisely noon on Saturday, when the Westgate mall in Nairobi was certain to be at its most popularly crowded is when the three-pronged invasion of armed terrorists from al-Shabab made their explosive entrance. Shoppers crowded into the mall's 80 stores; perfect timing. Three assaults on three different levels to cut off escape and push the crowds into a chaotic mass of desperate-to-escape people.
One group in black with turbans, armed with assault weapons at the main entrance. The second group entering the second floor through the rooftop parking lot. The third group down a ramp to the basement. The questioning of the panicked people; Muslims over there, all others remain where you are; reminiscent of the selection process at Nazi concentration camps; Muslims to be spared, non-Muslims slaughtered.
Security forces and the police response was agonizingly slow, but the rescue of people commenced as gunfire and explosions continued. The Kenyan forces, despite the words of confidence and having everything under control, were outmatched, outgunned. They had pistols and tear gas. The intruders had assault rifles guaranteed greater accuracy and penetration. Pistols in the hands of police, useless against the bulletproof vests worn by the jihadists.
A woman was reported to have been giving orders which the others, armed men, obeyed. A shop had been rented by the jihadists for storage of belt-fed heavy machine guns, used against Kenyan troops in the open-aisle supermarket. At the back of every store service entrances where any among the attackers who meant to escape, could.
The initial attack against civilian shoppers by AK-47s and grenades replaced by machine guns used against the military.
Saturday's attack turns into Sunday's hostages and a holding situation along with a search for people remaining in hiding, to be led to safety. Command and control were less than optimum; photos of mall patrons not being cautionary-vetted and processed until latter attack stages. Security perimeter finally established but some of the attackers thought to have left, leaving behind others meant to stay on.
On Tuesday, Kenyan government claims a fire set by the terrorists was responsible for the parking roof collapse. Eventually admitting to an incredulous public that Kenyan soldiers caused the parking garage collapse, firing rocket-propelled grenades into the structure. Firing RPGs into sustaining columns not thought to represent the best of all possible defence-and-secure methods.
AP Photo/Kenya Presidency This
photo released by the Kenya Presidency shows the collapsed upper car
park of the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013.
Labels: Atrocities, Islamism, Kenya, Terrorism
Portrait of a Leader
"What he's got left is a sort of meaner, leaner al-Shabab. He has consolidated a much-diminished al-Shabab. So on the one hand it is a weaker al-Shabab, but on the other, it is more cohesive, tightly knit, more secretive and more violent.
"Everybody is very much loyal to him. He has set up an organization that is highly disciplined, and well organized.
"He is popular amongst a certain group of people who believe in his values and the value that al-Shabab is holding"
Cedric Barnes, regional director, International Crisis Group

fighters conduct military exercises in northern Mogadishu, Somalia in
October 2010. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh, File) - See more at:
fighters conduct military exercises in northern Mogadishu, Somalia in
October 2010. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh, File) - See more at:
Under leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, heavily armed al-Shabab fighters have become more disciplined and committed to a global Islamic caliphate. Farah Abdi Warsameh/The Associated Press Files
Al-Shabaab fighters conduct military exercises in northern Mogadishu,
Somalia in October 2010. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh, File) - See
more at: http://cnsnews.com/image/al-shabab#sthash.oeftf0ut.dpuf
And those values? So odiously murderous that Osama bin Laden himself was reputed once to have chided him for his psychopathic dedication to slaughter. When Ahmed Abdi Godane, the now-secretive leader of Al-Shabab proposed linking with al-Qaeda, he was rejected by the former leader of al-Qaeda. Once Ayman al-Zawahri took the leadership role with the death of bin Laden, however, al-Shabab was welcomed into the organization.
"We will fight and the wars will not end until Islamic Sharia is implemented in all continents in the world", he vowed. His leadership led al-Shabab to specialize in suicide bombings and large scale terrorist attacks.
"Godane is completely uncompromising. He is not a pragmatist. He is not interested in negotiating. It is not even clear that al-Shabab has a vision of national leadership, or that they aspire to become leaders", explained director of Sahan Research, Matt Bryden.
The al-Shabab leader's agenda, said Mr. Bryden, is
"a very vague sort of nebulous commitment" to jihad, the caliphate, global Islamism. "The expression of that agenda is nihilistic violence." He is not often seen in public and uses audio-recorded messages to communicate with his troops. Emulating, perhaps, Osama bin Laden. He made his home in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates -- living there since 2008, with his wife and children.
He belongs to a tribe from the northern regions of Somaliland. He won a scholarship from a Saudi Arabian religious foundation to study economics in Pakistan. The perfect country to be introduced to violent jihad. And to be trained in the execution of his duties as a pious Islamist jihadist. He received additional military training in Afghanistan.
Labels: Al-Qaeda, Islamism, Somalia, Terrorism
Dread Existence
"If we were to help these prisoners in any way or be compassionate, we would be executed and our families as well, and we were given the right to kill any prisoner who attempted to escape. I remember a colleague dragging a prisoner who was working in the field and executing this prisoner.
"The best way to put it is they were the slaves, and we were the slave owners.
"They would be told they were there to pay for the crimes of some distant relative that they had never met. I saw even two-year-olds and four-year-olds sent to the prison camp, and what crime did these children commit?"
"I'm very sorry and apologize for the fact I was part of that system."
An Myeong Chul, former North Korean Prison Camp 22 guard

Tyler Anderson / National Post An
Myeong Chul and Kang Cheol-hwan, a former guard and a former prisoner
in a North Korean prison gulag, pose for a portrait in Toronto, Ontario,
September 27, 2013.
"I myself almost died three times. I remember burying with my own hands about 300 prison inmates."
"It actually depended on the prisoner themselves and how much effort they put into trying to survive -- if they made an effort to catch insects or rats or snakes to supplement whatever food they were getting."
Kang Cheol-hwan, prisoner, Yoduk camp, North Korea
Himself now a survivor of North Korea's gulag -- within which an estimated 150,000 North Koreans are being held in various camps -- Mr. An and Mr. Kang, a former gulag prisoner, now campaign internationally against human rights abuses within North Korea. They experienced those abuses and know of what they speak, as witnesses and sufferers.
Council for Human Rights in North Korea, a group they are members of, arranged a conference in Toronto at which three former prisoners spoke of their experiences. They represent North Korean defectors, people who fled the odiously repressive regime to find haven in South Korea. Most of those defectors are ex-prisoners; Mr. An is a relative rarity; a former prison guard.
Mr. An's father was a local Party official; his influence was instrumental in his son finding such a position viewed as favourable within the society. He spoke of "a lot of deaths" that he had witnessed resulting from violence, starvation, overwork, or accidents from the coal mines where the notorious Camp 22 prisoners worked. Prisoners so weak from starvation they succumbed to infectious diseases that became lethal to them.
About 90% of those prisoners, an inquisitively curious Mr. An discovered, were arrested in the middle of the night. They were given no information respecting the grounds for their imprisonment. Then came the time when his father blamed the famine wracking the country on top Communist leaders, and not the local officials who were held to be responsible by supreme leader Kim Jong-il, and his fate was sealed.
Knowing that, his father committed suicide, his mother, sister and brother were arrested and sent to the gulag, but he escaped and made his way across the border into China, and from there eventually to South Korea. Mr. Kang wrote a memoir of his years in Yoduk,
The Aquariums of Pyongyang, in which he described conditions in the camps. For example, that 10% of the 35,000 or more people imprisoned at Yoduk, died every year.
They died of malnutrition, mistreatment, overwork, or a combination of all those factors. He too now lives in South Korea having successfully escaped from the dread life of an imprisoned, abused North Korean. He was only nine years old when he was first sent to Yoduk, one among several relatives imprisoned after his grandfather had been accused of being a Japanese agent.
He described the "very harsh" conditions with forced labour from early morning to nine at night, the torture rooms, and the prevailing "massive malnutrition", that took the lives of thousands of North Koreans. Kim Jong-un has continued in his father's tradition, and enlarged upon it. Under the new leadership purges result when powerful factions jockey for power; the losers go to the gulag.
Labels: Crimes, Human Rights, North Korea, Persecution, Poverty, Societal Failures
Russia, Iran, Damascus may crank up border tensions to weaken Netanyahu’s hand in America
DEBKAfile Special Report September 29, 2013, 9:08 AM (IDT)
A chemical weapons store
Western military sources predict an upsurge of
tension this week along Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon. Moscow,
Tehran and Damascus may be planning to embarrass Binyamin Netanyahu
when he sits down with President Barack Obama at the White house Monday,
Sept. 30, and addresses the UN General Assembly the next day, Oct. 1.
They see an opportunity to push Israel further out in the cold after
the Obama administration’s brush-off in his rush to pursue relations
with Tehran. Israel is seen as hitting a weak streak as a result of
Washington’s cold shoulder and its own lack of military impetus as
Netanyahu arrives in America to present Israel’s case to the US
President and the international community.
Those sources therefore predict that Russian, Iranian and Syrian
strategists may be planning to goad Israel into an ill-judged and
badly-timed military response at this moment. They can then fit the
Netanyahu government into the frame of the neighborhood warmonger and
disrupter of the hopeful US-Russian partnership for solving the Iranian
and Syrian chemical weapons issues by diplomacy.
All that needs to be done is to place a shipment of advanced or chemical
weapons on the road from Syria to Hizballah in Lebanon to draw forth an
Israeli air strike and start a blaze in a highly explosive sector.
The world would then turn round and say that Iran’s president Hassan
Rouhani was correct when he defamed Israel in New York last week as the
sole cause of Middle East wars in the last 40 years – without
encountering a single dissenting voice in America – and the only nation
in possession of weapons of mass destruction.
sources report that, although President Obama stated last Friday, Sept.
27, that he informed America’s allies, including Israel, of his
landmark phone call to Rouhani, the truth is that he has kept Jerusalem
in the dark on the contacts he initiated on the Iranian and Syrian
issues, although Israel is most vitally affected.
The US-Russian deal for the dismantling of Syria’s chemical arsenal was
sprung on Jerusalem from Geneva on Sept. 14 without warning, as were the
Washington-Tehran exchanges and understandings on Iran’s nuclear
Saturday, Sept. 28, US Secretary John Kerry and Russian Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov repeated their Geneva duo performance by
announcing that the UN Security Council had unanimously adopted
Resolution 2118 requiring the elimination of Syria’s chemical stockpile.
All the 15 Council members present appreciated that the motion was
toothless after the US and Russia had agreed to omit penalties for
The text said: “No party in Syria should use, develop, produce,
acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer chemical weapons.” This wording
strongly recalls Security Council Resolution 1701 which was enacted
seven years ago and banned any transfer of weapons to Hizballah as the
aggressor in the Second Lebanese war against Israel.
This ban was never upheld. In fact, the flow of Iranian and Syrian arms
shipments to Hizballah increased from that day on, providing the Shiite
terrorist organization with one of the most powerful advanced rocket
arsenals in the Arab world.
Even before its enactment, Resolution 2112 was already heading for its
first prevarications Friday with two separate steps by Washington and
1. Two weeks after Kerry’s thunderous rhetoric on the size and
threat to the region of the Syrian chemical stockpile, considered the
third largest in the world, US officials including the State Department
told the media that since most of the stocks are “unweaponized” and
exist in liquid precursors, the entire arsenal could be neutralized in a
shorter period than thought, about nine months.
debkafile’s sources
point out that this factoid has been known for months. It doesn’t
address the real difficulties of locating the stocks Bashar Assad has
hidden or transferred, or the difficulty of inspectors reaching them in
areas under combat. At present, UN experts are not even free to move
around Damascus without coming under fire.
2. Lavrov reiterated Saturday that the new resolution absolutely
rules out the use of force or any application of Chapter 7 of the UN
Charter. Any possible use of force n the future under Chapter 7 would
require a new resolution, he said.
Moscow has offered to provide troops to “guard workers and
facilities.” The message is that if any foreign troops are to be allowed
in Syria, they can only be Russian.
As for the “transfer of chemical weapons,” which is barred under the new
resolution, suspicions by Western intelligence that Syrian plans to
sneak part of its arsenal to Hizballah in Lebanon, or has done so
already, apparently reached Beirut. Friday, President Michel Suleiman
hastened to declare: “Syria’s chemical weapons have not been smuggled to
Lebanon and there is no evidence of their presence in the country.
Labels: Capitulation, Chemical Weapons, Hezbollah, Hypocrisy, Iran, Israel, Russia, Syria, United States
The attack came just one week after a deadly blast at a church in the city, as Rajesh Mirchandani reports
explosion has ripped through a market in the north-western Pakistani
city of Peshawar, leaving at least 33 dead and dozens wounded, officials
Police said a bomb had exploded in the Kissa Khwani market, with shops and vehicles set alight.
The blast comes a week after a double suicide bombing that killed at least 80 people at a church in the city.
On Friday, at least 17 people were killed in the bombing of a bus carrying government employees near Peshawar.
Peshawar, the main city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has
been hit by numerous bomb and gun attacks blamed on Taliban insurgents
in recent years.
Police said they suspected the explosion was caused by a car bomb.
Pakistan's Dawn newspaper quoted the health minister as
saying that the main Peshawar police station may have been the main
However, bomb disposal chief Shafqat Malik said it appeared the blast had taken place some way from the station.
He told Agence France-Presse that a parked car had been "converted into a remote controlled bomb".
One shop owner, Nazar Ali, told Associated Press: "It was a
huge blast that was followed by fire in vehicles. Thick black smoke
covered the air and splinters spread all over. I saw people lying dead
and bleeding."
An emergency situation was declared at the Lady Reading
Hospital as it received the injured, many of them badly burned.
Officials said 76 people had been hurt.
Anxious relatives gathered outside the hospital for news.
Rising violence has hindered new Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif's overtures to end the insurgency through peace talks with the
On 21 September, Pakistan released from the jail the co-founder of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.
But the Pakistan Taliban have consistently rejected the country's constitution and demand the imposition of Sharia law.
Scores were hurt in addition to those killed in the blast
A remote-controlled car bomb was used, officials said
This was the third deadly attack in Peshawar in a week
PM Nawaz Sharif said the bombing was an attack on humanity
Mr Sharif is in New York at the UN and is to meet Indian PM Manmohan Singh later on Sunday.
Mr Sharif strongly condemned the Peshawar bombing in a
message from New York, saying: "Those involved in the killing of
innocent people are devoid of humanity and all religions."
Ahead of the talks, Mr Singh said Pakistan must stop being "the epicentre of terrorism".
Last Sunday's attack on the historic All Saints church -
thought to be the deadliest attack against Christians in Pakistan -
sparked angry protests nationwide.
Two Islamist militant groups with Taliban links said they had ordered the attack to hit back at US drone strikes.
More than 120 people were wounded.
Friday's bus bomb targeted government employees returning home in the Gulbela area, some 15km (9 miles) north-east of the city.
In addition to those killed, at least 34 people were injured.
Labels: Islamism, Pakistan, Taliban, Terrorism
Militants regularly target schools in Yobe, such as this one in Mamudo
Suspected Islamist gunmen have attacked a college in north-eastern Nigeria, killing up to 50 students.
The students were shot dead as they slept in their dormitory at the College of Agriculture in Yobe state.
North-eastern Nigeria is under a state of emergency amid an Islamist insurgency by the Boko Haram group.
Boko Haram is fighting to overthrow Nigeria's government to
create an Islamic state, and has launched a number of attacks on
Casualty figures from the latest attack vary, but a local politician told the BBC that around 50 students had been killed.
The politician said two vanloads of bodies had been taken to a hospital in Yobe's state capital, Damaturu.
Boko Haram at-a-glance
- Founded in 2002
- Official Arabic name, Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati
wal-Jihad, means "People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's
Teachings and Jihad"
- Initially focused on opposing Western education
- Nicknamed Boko Haram, a phrase in the local Hausa language meaning, "Western education is forbidden"
- Launches military operations in 2009 to create an Islamic state across Nigeria
- Founding leader Mohammed Yusuf killed in same year in police custody
- Succeeded by Abubakar Shekau, who the military wrongly claimed in 2009 had been killed
- Suspected to have split into rival factions in 2012
- Military claims in August 2013 that Mr Shekau and his
second-in-command Momodu Bama have been killed in separate attacks; no
independent confirmation
A witness quoted by Reuters news agency counted 40 bodies at the hospital, mostly those of young men believed to be students.
College provost Molima Idi Mato, speaking to Associated
Press, also said the number of dead could be as high as 50, adding that
security forces were still recovering the bodies and that about 1,000
students had fled the campus.
A Nigerian military source told AP that soldiers had collected 42 bodies.
The gunmen also set fire to classrooms, a military spokesman in Yobe state, Lazarus Eli, told Agence France-Presse.
The college is in the rural Gujba district.
In May, President Goodluck Jonathan ordered an operation
against Boko Haram, and a state of emergency was declared for the
north-east on 14 May.
Many of the Islamist militants left their bases in the
north-east and violence initially fell, but revenge attacks quickly
In June, Boko Haram carried out two attacks on schools in the region.
At least nine children were killed in a school on the
outskirts of Maiduguri, while 13 students and teachers were killed in a
school in Damaturu.
In July in the village of Mamudo in Yobe state, Islamist
militants attacked a school's dormitories with guns and explosives,
killing at least 42 people, mostly students.
Boko Haram regards schools as a symbol of Western culture. The group's name translates as "Western education is forbidden".
Boko Haram is led by Abubakar Shekau. The Nigerian military said in August that it might have killed him in a shoot-out.
However, a video released last week purportedly showed him alive.
Other previous reports of his death later proved to be unfounded.
Labels: Islamism, Nigeria, Terrorism
Syria Rejects Possibility that Assad will Step Down
President Bashar Al-Assad's future is "not up for discussion," Syrian Foreign Minister declares.
By Elad Benari --
Arutz Sheva 7
First Publish: 9/29/2013, 5:31 AM

President Bashar al-Assad
AFP photo
Syria is “comfortable” with a UN Security
Council resolution on destroying its chemical weapons and will not
discuss the future of President Bashar Al-Assad, the country’s foreign minister said Saturday, according to AFP.
The foreign minister, Walid Muallem, told
reporters the resolution voted by the 15-nation council late Friday
meant the opposition could be the target of UN sanctions.
“I am comfortable with the resolution,”
Muallem was quoted as having said at the UN headquarters where he will
give Syria’s address to the General Assembly on Monday.
“It calls for Chapter VII against the terrorists,” the foreign minister added.
Assad’s government habitually calls the opposition groups battling to overthrow him “terrorists.”
The UN resolution allows the Organization for
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to start a mission this week to
collect and destroy Syria’s arms.
It does not allow for immediate sanctions
under Chapter VII of the UN Charter in Syria, but there could be a new
vote on measures if the disarmament accord is violated.
The UN says chemical weapons were used in an
August 21 attack in Damascus that left hundreds dead. The United States
and other western nations blame government forces for the killings.
Assad’s government says opposition rebels were behind the sarin gas
Muallem said he was “worried” that opposition groups have chemical weapons.
On Wednesday,
UN chemical weapons inspectors returned to Syria to continue investigating allegations of chemical weapons use in the country’s two-and-a-half-year conflict.
At the time of the August 21 attack, the inspectors had been in
Damascus preparing to investigate three earlier cases of suspected
chemical weapons use, including one in March in the northern town of
Khan al-Assal.
American and Russia experts have voiced optimism
over the Russian-initiated plan to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons
program in order to fend off the prospect of western military intervention.
The UN is also hoping to organize a Syria
peace conference in mid-November to negotiate a transitional government.
But Muallem signaled that there could be no talk of Assad’s departure,
as the opposition and Western nations have demanded.
“There can be no discussion of the future of President Assad. It is in the constitution,” Muallem declared, according to AFP.
U.S. President Barack Obama told the UN General Assembly again this week that Assad would have to quit.
Muallem said Assad was determined to see out
his term and would stand for re-election. Assad has said there will be
an election in 2014.
Labels: Conflict, Syria, United Nations
Manmohan Singh stressed that Kashmir was "an integral part of India"
PM Manmohan Singh has said Pakistan must stop being "the epicentre of
terrorism", ahead of talks with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif.
Mr Singh also stressed that he shared Mr Sharif's hopes for better relations between the two Asian rivals.
Ahead of their meeting in New York, Mr Sharif called for a "new beginning" with Delhi.
The bilateral ties have been strained over continuing deadly clashes in the disputed region of Kashmir.
On Thursday, at least 10 people were killed when militants
stormed a police station and an army camp in Indian-administered
Delhi has also blamed Pakistan-based militants for the deadly
attacks in Mumbai in 2008, urging Islamabad to punish the perpetrators.
Indian soldiers said they shot dead three gunmen in this week's attack
"For progress to be made, it is imperative that the territory
of Pakistan and the areas under its control are not utilised for aiding
or abetting terrorism," Mr Singh said in a speech at the UN General
Assembly on Saturday.
"It is equally important that the terrorist machinery that draws its sustenance from Pakistan be shut down."
Mr Singh also said he reciprocated Mr Sharif's hopes for
better relations, but stressed that Delhi viewed Kashmir as "an integral
part of India".
Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan by the Line of Control.
India in the past has expressed concern over Mr Sharif's
perceived ties to radical Islamic groups operating in Pakistan,
correspondents say.
In his speech at the UN, Mr Sharif said he was looking for a
"purposeful dialogue" with Mr Singh during their Sunday's meeting on the
sidelines of the General Assembly.
"Our two countries have wasted massive resources in an arms
race. We could have used those resources for the economic well-being of
our people," he said.
Despite tense relations between the two countries, they may be an opening, the BBC's Nick Bryant in New York reports.
Mr Singh, 81, is not expected to contest next year's
elections, and this could be his last chance to revive the stalled peace
process, our correspondent says.
Mr Sharif swept to power in May with pledges to improve ties with India.
Labels: Conflict, Controversy, Crisis Politics, India, Pakistan
Manic Euphoria
"While there will surely be important obstacles to moving forward and success is by no means guaranteed, I believe we can reach a comprehensive solution.
"I do believe there is a basis for a resolution."
American President Barack Obama
"I want it to be the case that this trip will be a first step, and a beginning for better and constructive relations with countries of the world as well as a first step for a better relationship between the two great nations of Iran and the United States of America."
Islamic Republic of Iran President, Hassan Rouhani
There were constraints. It could not be otherwise, after all. Hostility has raged between the country of Iran since the Iranian Revolution took the country into theocratic totalitarian status, and the democracy of the United States of America which suffered the outrage of a violent attack against its diplomatic mission in Tehran. A level of hostility emanating from the Republic of Iran that has never been mitigated, toward the country it names the
"Great Satan".
A country which is demonized within Iran, with shouts of the faithful resounding from time to time on cue from the government of
"Death To America!" Iran's intransigence on its perceived threat to peace and the societies that surround it with its determination to develop nuclear weapons, despite its claims to no such aspirations, has awarded it with international sanctions against its economic interests.
Those sanctions and the assault on its reputation as a terrorist-sponsoring country that specializes in the oppression of its own people and its intentions toward domination of the region through the coercion of fear and violence, appear to have persuaded the leading Ayatollahs that it might be in their best interests to employ a change in tack.
Not to alter their ambitions or their governance, but to use a more sophisticated, genial and cosmopolitan attitude toward the outside world. A well-considered gambit.
And it has gambled wisely. For, without altering one iota of their devastatingly vile human-rights agenda, or committing to responding positively to the demands of the United Nations and the IAEA that it open its nuclear technology environment to international scrutiny, it has scored a huge success in charming the haplessly trusting West by coyly smiling rather than employing its usual harsh scowl.
It doesn't, after all, take much to disarm those whose own agenda is to be collegial, congenial and co-operative; three baseline Cs that have always offended the Islamic Republic of Iran.
And so, finally, though an initial handshake of courtesy and civility was not on the books at the United Nations, and nor was a meeting between the two presidents of the United States and Iran, a brief telephone conversation was, as Mr. Rouhani left the land of evil to return to the land of piety. A brief conversation of no moment aside from a cursory facade of courteous pretense.
Talks will continue, stated President Obama. If the talks are of the substance and ilk that he exchanged in that conversation they are less than worthless. If the verbal promissory notes that were proffered by Iran to the world are as trustworthy as its balefully malicious activities of violence and horror have been predictable in the so-recent past, little will be produced of any value to the world in the sham that is detente presented for world consumption, latterly.
The reality is that we live in an uncertain world governed in part by those would do good and those who have no such intention, squaring off against one another. The other is that the former tend to be trusting while the latter know better. And the cunning manipulation of the former by the latter appears to take the world stage with perfect aplomb.
In whose mirror image the United Nations presents itself.
Labels: Controversy, Hypocrisy, Iran, Rapprochement, United Nations, United States
The Honourable UN Member Republic of Iran
is committed to] sustained international attention and pressure that
will foster change [in Iran]. We therefore encourage you to support the
Iran human rights resolution when this item is considered by the Third
Committee of the UN General Assembly in November."
a dialogue would enable us to meet, discuss and collaborate on issues
of mutual concern, and to advance our shared interests in support of
stability and prosperity."
[Canada believes it is "in the global interest for the GCC to take on an increasing role in both regional security matters as well as global economic ones."
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird
John Baird has been meeting with his Persian Gulf counterparts with a
view to establishing more usefully close relations there, proposing a
strategic dialogue between Canada and the Gulf Co-operation Council. The
is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the
United Arab Emirates. These are all Arab states, and are majority-Sunni
Islam populated and Sunni-ruled.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is not Arab, but Aryan, Persian. And it is largely Shiite-dominated and certainly Shia ruled as a theocratic totalitarian state. Iran envisions itself with a return to a dominant Islamist
social-political role in the Middle East. And, as a Middle East power
it knows how military might is vital to achieving such an end. It is
well aware also that as a Shiite-led nation it represents a minority
whose government is loathed by its neighbours.
There is
rich social-political pasturage for Canada -- which deplores the
abysmal human rights record of Iran, and its status as a
terrorist-supporting country whose citizens are oppressed by their
government -- to graze within for nourishment of its plan to continue
outlawing the Republic and shaming it for its disgraceful record, within
the United Nations.
Human rights within Iran are
universally recognized as being basely violated under the administration
of the Iranian Revolutionary government and its viciously militant
Revolutionary Guard Corps. Violations of human rights within the country
are rampant, including the oppression of religious sects, crackdowns on
opposition parties, protesters and the media. The country is infamous
for its use of torture, arbitrary detention and execution, along with
the persecution of ethnic and religious minorities.
Government of Canada has committed itself to the presentation of an
annual resolution condemning Iran's human rights record before the
United Nations. A putative and hugely celebrated breakthrough in
relations from hostile to humbly accepting within the international
community primarily of the West has not caused Canada to hesitate in its
There may be a thaw in relations between
the United States and Iran, but those between Canada and Iran remain
frozen, for nothing has changed to make it otherwise. The Government of
Canada seeks real proof that Iran is prepared to embark on meaningful
change in its programs, attitudes, values and relations both internally
and externally. Fundamental to that would be proof that it is
reconsidering its intention to continue its nuclear program, and opening
it completely to external scrutiny.
The sham of the
new president of Iran presenting himself and his country as having
turned away completely from the confrontational style of his predecessor
appears to have charmed many within the international community, but
Canada continues to recognize the Iran it knows. And it knows that Iran
is a past master at buying time, throwing suspicion off its intentions
and managing through a process of sly promises it has no intention of
keeping, to triumph over its adversaries.
Iran and
Syria were the first countries that the Government of Canada listed as
sponsors of terrorism since the enactment of Canada's
Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act
became legal in March 2012. Nothing between then and now has occurred
to alter that status; if anything, the actions of the two countries have
given solid proof that they are rightly named as terrorism sponsors and
countries directly engaged in terror.
Labels: Controversy, Government of Canada, Iran, Middle East, Social Failures, United Nations